Side Effects of Love

chapter 13

Rosalee’s POV

As we walked in to the tour bus, I was amazed on haw big it was. It did not look so big on the outside. I could get used to living here all summer. Me and Allison set our stuff down by a folding table thing.

“So what do you think?” Spencer asked.

“It’s very roomy.” I replied.

I then looked around noticing there were no beds or anything to sleep on. I mean, I don’t mind sleeping on the floor, but I would prefer not to.

“Uhhh…just one question.” I said. “Where are we supposed to sleep?”

“Yeah, I was wondering the same thing.” Allison said.

“Oh, here” Brendon said as he pulled beds from the wall.

“There is an extra one by me and by Spence.” Ryan said. “Which one do you want?” He asked me.

“I guess I’ll take the one by you.” I said trying not to smile

“Great.” He said smiling.

“Geez Ryan, why don’t you let her settle in before you make a move on her.” Jon said teasing.

“Shut up!” Ryan yelled at Jon. This made me smile.

“Yeah, well, I’m gonna go put my stuff away.” Allison said.

“Oh, me too.” I said.

“Well, if you need anything, just ask.” Spencer said as he left the area.

“This is definitely gonna be the best summer of my life.” I said a little louder than I thought.

“What?” Allison asked.

“Nothing.” I replied back smiling even bigger now.