Side Effects of Love

Chapter 17

Allison's P.O.V

Rosalee had a productive day, she made out with Ryan, wonderful. I mean Ryan's cute and all, but Spencer, don't even get me started. I sat down in my bunk, thinking of what Rosalee had said about me making the first move. I'm way to shy to do that, maybe someday I can ask him.

I heard everybody in the game room laughing, but I didn't go join in all the fun, instead i pulled out my notebook and started writing. I was in the middle of writing a poem about being confused when I heard Rosalee talking to Spencer. I set down my pencil and notebook and listened.

"Hey Rosalee, where's Allison?" Spencer asked.

"Why do you miss her?" She teased.

"I, uh, no I was just wondering where she was." he stated, stuttering through out it.

"Stop lying to yourself, you do so miss her."

"Well maybe i do."

"So, do you like her?"

"YES!!" Ryan, Brendon, and Jon shouted.

"Uh yea." Spencer stammered.

"Knew it." Rosalee told him. "Now go find Allison and tell ehr how you feel, the out come will be good, trust me."

I quickly pulled my notebook back on my lap and started writng again. I had barely got to sentences in when Spencer came in. I looked up, "Hi, Spence." I said.

"Hi, Allison, can I talk to you?" he asked. "In private." I looked at the 'door' to the game room and nodded, everyone was there.

We headed to the 'living room' where he sat down and motioned for me to sit next to him. I sat. "So what's up Spencer?"

"Well, ilikeyouallison." he said quickly.

"Uh, what?"

"I said, I like you Allison."

"I like you to Spencer."

Before long, Spencer and I were making out on the couch. We parted when we heard Rosalee say 'I won the bet."