Side Effects of Love

chapter 20

“Come with me.” Ryan said as he took me in to his “bedroom” thing.

“So…what’s the surprise?” I asked.

“Well, we haven’t been able to go on a real date, so today before the show tonight; I want to spend the whole day with you.” He said flashing his gorgeous smile.

“And you had to drag me into this room thing to tell me this?” I asked teasing.

“That and this.” He said pushing me down.

He kinda caught me off guard. I didn’t expect this to happen right now and so soon. Actually, I don’t think I am ready to have sex with Ryan. He started kissing me hard. That I didn’t mind, but I did mind when he started to pull off my shirt. And now started to pull off my (well his), jeans.

“Ryan, I don’t wanna-” I said, but I was interrupted.

“Shhhh, you’ll ruin the moment.” He replied.

He kept going. He kept kissing me, but kept going lower, my neck, my chest, my stomach, with me still trying to push him off, but unfortunately, he is stronger than me. I had to end this before he gets any futher.

“Ryan stop!!!” I screamed.

I finally get enough strength to push him off. I run out of the room, him following me, of course. I get out to the living room area and then realize I am in nothing but my bra and underwear. Then Brendon walks in the room.

“Woah, Rosalee, is there something you should tell us? He said laughing.

"Shut up!" I scream.

I lose it and I start to cry. I wish I have never agreed to comming on tour with them. I thought. Then Ryan catches up to me. Joy.

“Rosalee, come on, don’t be that way.” He said. “You know you want me.”

“Fuck you.” I said. “Leave me alone.”

He yells something to me and walks back to his "bedroom".

I walk over to Brendon’s “bedroom” and sit down, still crying. Brendon follows me giving Ryan a “what the hell did you do?” look. He sits down next to me.

“What did he do?” he asked with a concerned look on his face.

“I don’t wanna talk about it, but Ryan’s an asshole." I said

There was a long silence.

"Ummm, you might want this." Brendon said handing me his hoodie.

"Thank you." I said feeling alot better now.

"Well when you wanna talk, I am here for you." He said as he walked away.

Today I realized that I love Brendon Boyd Urie.