Side Effects of Love

Chapter 21

I was still in Brendon's room, crying a little bit. I watched as jon walked in.

"Where's Allisom and Spencer?"

"I don't know, but I hope they're having better luck than me." I said.

"What's wrong with you?"

"I don't want to talk about it."

With that, Jon left the room, leaving me alone in my sorrow.

Allison's P.O.V

Since the bus had stopped at it's latest venue, Spencer and I decided to go for a walk. It was a beautiful day, cloudy and kinda dark, but warm and drizzly. We had left a little after noon, to make sure we had time for our plans before Panic! had to do their set. We were in California, a great state for a walk, and their venue was near a park, just about twenty minutes away.

"Spence, hurry up!" I said.

"But Allison, if I slow down, we won't be able to spend more time together!" He replied.

"True! Let's walk slowly, like turtles." I said childishly. He laughed.

We walked hand-in-hand to the park, stopping (a lot) to kiss. Oh man, I loved him. We got to the park where we went to the swings. I started to sing Swing, Swing and Spencer laughed.


"Don't sing! Spare us."

"You're mean I hate you!" I said, turning away from him.

"Aww, come on Allison, you know you love me!" He walked in front of me and tryed to kiss me. I turned away again. "I'm sorry Allison."

"You know I'm kidding Spencer! I mean how could I not love you?"

WE started making out in the park, luckily there was no one there except for a pigeon lady. We broke apart, but got back to work a few minutes later. A few (productive) hours later, we walked back to the bus.

We climbed in and were bombarded by Brendon and Jon. "WHERE WERE YOU?"

"Uh, the park." I told them.

"Oh." Brendon said.

"Hey, where's Rosalee?"

"Yeah, and Ryan. Oh my god, there not?" Spencer asked.

"Go talk to her Allison," Brendon told me. "They didn't. She's in my bunk."


I walked into the bunk room, and opened the curtain to Brendon's bunk, Rosalee was there, crying.

"Ok, spill." I told her.

SHe looked at me and sighed. "Ryan wanted me to have sex with me, and i didn't want to have sex with him yet, so he tried-tried..."she broke off.

"It's ok, he's worthless, stay away from him."

"That's not it!"

"There's more?"

"I love Brendon."