Side Effects of Love

Chapter 23

After the show (which was awesome), they guys, Rosalee, and I went out for dinner. We went to a Chinese Resturant and got seated, Me next to Spencer with Ryan on the other side of him, and then Jon across from me, Brendon across from Spencer, and Rosalee across from Ryan. Well this is going to be fun I thought.

"So Allison, how did you like the show?" Jon asked.

"I loved it! Especially the drumming." I teased.

"Aww, you didn't like the bass?" Jon pouted.

"Well, I guess the bassist did a good job."

"Are you ready to order?" the waitress asked us, turnig slightly red when she saw who she was serving.

"Uh, yeah." Brendon told her.

We all ordered dinner and the waitress left. We sat there talking for a few minutes but were interuppted by the waitress.

"I'm sorry to interuppt, but could I please have your guys' autographs?" she asked politely.

"Sure!" Ryan agreed.

Luckily, she wasn't a teenie. She elft us alone after thanking the guys for their autographs.

"She seemed nice." Jon said. His face showed that he was interested in her.

We talked amongst ourselfs for a few minutes, then the food came. We sat there silently eating until Brendon had to break the silence by talking to Rosalee.

"So Rosalee, how are you?"

"I'm good." She said, looking down. She started to grin. "Brendon, can i borrow your shoe?"

"Um, why?"

"Because I need to show it to Allison."

This time I answerd. "Rosalee, why do I need to see his shoe?"

Brendon had already given it to Rosalee. She held it up. "Look familiar?"

"Oh my god!" I started laughing. They were the same shoes he had worn that made Ryan get mad at us for talking about! "I got to take a picture and send it to Ryan!"

"Uh, I'm right here."

"Our friend Ryan." I told him icily. Rosalee was still mad at him, as was I. I took the picture with my phone and sent it to Ryan, waiting for his response.

"Thank you Brendon, my love!" Rosalee said, giggling.

"Slut." Ryan muttered, to were no one was supposed to hear, but I heard, and so did Rosalee. She was pissed.

"Is that how you feel Ryan? Well go fuck yourself!" She screamed, throwing wateer on him, before storming away.

"Rosalee! Wait!" Brendon called. He gave Ryan a dirty look and went after her.

I stood up and walked over to him, Spencer next to me. Ryan earned a slap from me. "Never say that to my best friend again, got it?" I walked off.

"Not cool, Ryan." Spencer said, following me.

Jon just sat there, looking at Ryan disgustedly. He threw a napkin at Ryan, and ran to join Spencer and I. Ryan just sat there, mad, and alone.