Side Effects of Love

Chapter 24

Spencer, Jon, and I got to the tour bus and saw no one. I told the guys to stay there, I went to find her. She was lying on her bunk, Brendon sat by her, singing, trying to cheer her up. Brendon looked up and saw me, I nodded my head at her and looked at him curiously. He looked at her and stood up. As he passed me, he told me to cheer her up, that he hated to see her upset.

"Hey." I said, sitting on *ugh* Ryan's bed.


"Want me to beat him up? I mean you know I'm soo gangster!" I said.

Rosalee laughed a little. "Sure. Go ahead."

"Come on Rosalee! You know your not one, why does it bug you so much?"

"Ryan flippin Ross just called me a slut, AFTER he tried to have sex with me. Let's think now."

"Hmm. He needs to get his priorities straight! But listen, move on, he's not worth your time if he's going to act like that. And I think Brendon lurves you!" I teased.

"Well I think I lurve him to," she thought a moment. "Well maybe not. I think it's jsut lust."

"I think so too. But guess what?"


"Brendon hates seeing you sad! He told me when I came in."

"Oh so that's what he said."

We laughed and then sat there quietly for a minute. My phone started to ring, I had a text message from our friend Ry.

"Hey! Ryan messaged back!"

"What did he say?"

"Uh," I quickly read the message and laughed. "He said 'What the Fuck is with the shoe?'"

"Sounds like him!" she laughed. "Going to write him back?"


"And you say?"

"Brendon's shoe that Rosalee and I were obsessing over before we came on tour."

"Oh he's going to love you for that!"

"When does he not?"

"Come on, I want to see the guys!" Rosalee said. "Well, not all of them."

We walked out of the bunks and into the living room where we saw Brendon, Jon, and Spencer, still no Ryan. Rosalee walked over and sat next to Brendon, me by Spence, poor Jon, all on his lonseome. Spencer and JOn were engrossed in a video game, Final Fantasy I think.

"Feeling better Rosalee?" Brendon asked.

"Yeah, a little." she said, lying her head on his shoulder. "I'm tired."

"Don't say that!" I cried. "Now I'm going to get tired!"

We all laughed. We went to bed soon after Spencer and Jon's game was over. There was still no sign of Ryan.