Side Effects of Love

chapter 28

"Hey Rosalee, can to you?" She asked. Her voice was shaking.

"Yeah, sure." I said as I logged of the Panic! boards.

The guys have left. They have a show tonight and Allison and I didn't feel like watching them tonight. I Practically know the entire show like the back of my hand. So Allison and I are just gonna watch movies tonight.

"So, what do you need to tell me?" I asked while throwing popcorn in my mouth.

"Well, there is a possibility that I might be pregnant." She said. At first I thought she was just bored and thought it would be funny if she played a joke on me, but now I could tell by the look on her face she wasn't.

"What?!" I exclaimed.

"Please don't make me say in again." She replied, tears streaming down her face.

"God, how could you be so stupid?" I yelled. "I thought you would be smarter!"

"I-I was caught up in t-the m-moment." She tried to say.

"You know, if every time I forgot to use protection when i was 'caught in the moment', I in a lot of trouble. You know what I mean." I told her.

"I'm sorry." She cried.

"You don't have to apologize to me." I said. "There is really nothing you can do right now."

"Does Spencer know?" I asked.

"Yes, I think so." She replied.

"Okay." I said.

She decided to go to bed. It's been a long day for her. I decided to do the same. I went into the bathroom and got into my pajamas and take my makeup off. I went to bed and fell asleep, dreaming about Brendon.