Side Effects of Love

Chapter 3

Allison's P.O.V

Whoo! Half-day at school!

Argh, I hate the fact that we moved, I have to take the bus, bunch of idioctic people on it! Well, there is Julia, but she's never on the bus. I hopped on the 131 while pulling out my iPod, automatically switching it to Time to Dance by Panic! At The Disco.

I sat there on the bus staring out into space while singing quietly to the music. Iwatched people walk on by talking with each other, oh well I'll call Rosalee later to talk. I sighed and switched my music again, I wanted to listen to Build God, Then We'll Talk. I turned down the music and listend to what the perps were saying. 'Stupid emo!' won't they ever shut up?

Finally, the tortue of a bus ride home was over. I walked to my house and slammed the door. "HOME!" i yelled, while rushing to my room. I threw my backpack down and got out my notebook to start writing. before i knew it, is was 5:54pm and my mom came in with the phone.

"It's Rosalee." she said, handing it to me.

"Ello!" i said cheerfully.

"So anyways, my mom is acting all weird today!! She say she has a surprise but she can't tell me yet!! And she keeps smiling!! It's WEIRD!!"

"Rosalee..breathe in...breathe out!!" i said. "My mom has only said 'It's Rosalee' to me today, now THAT'S Weird!"

"i wonder what's up..Maybe they're planning something!" sshe said.

"Yeah, but Mitch is still plotting your death isn't he?"


"shure he isn't, think what you want to think!"

"He's not!"

"Anyways, did you talk to Shaylah today?" I asked. "She looked sad."

"No, she wouldn't say anything to me."

"Oh for the love of Pete Wentz, hold on!" I said. Someone was knoecking on my door. "Come in!"

"Allison, tell Rosalee, to tell her mom to come over, we have news for you!"

"Hey Rosa-" I said, but was so rudely interuppted,

"Yea, I heard, bye."
