Side Effects of Love

Chapter 30

When we got back, I saw Ryan and Jon sitting on the couch, Spencer was no where to be seen. When they saw me, they got up and hugged me, giving me strict orders never to run off again. I asked where Spencer was and they said his bunk; he had been there ever since Brendon called and said they found me. I walked back there and saw Spencer lying on his bunk, it looked as if he had been crying. He looked up and saw me.

"Look, Allison," He started to say, but I cut him off.

"Don't say it's your fault, cause it's not. Well it partially is, but it's not." I told him. "If I am pregnant, I'm keeping it. If I'm not, well, I think I'd like that choice better, I'd rather nto be pregnant at eighteen."

Spencer laughed a little. "You know, you might want to get tested."

"I know. I will get a test when we stop again."

I pulled Spencer out of the bunk and marched him to the living room, declaring now that I was here and felt better, he needed to have some fun with the guys, Rosalee, and I. We got out there and the first thing that happened was Brendon attacking us.

"Hey, are you happy now?"

"Yes." Spencer said.

"No." I said, winking at Spence.

"LIAR!" Jon shouted.

"Hey, you know what they say," I said mischieviously, glancing at Rosalee who joined me in saying it. "Lying is the most fun a girl can have without taking her clothes off."

It was fun watching the guys groan at the mention of their song. A little while later, we were watching a movie, and I was IMing Ryan. Rosalee was making out with Brendon; Ryan and Jon were in the back playing video games; and Spencer was sleeping. I had nothing better to do.

ello_allison: hey ry
cheesewhiz: yo allison
ello_allison: wats up?
cheesewhiz: not much, u?

I thought. Should I tell Ryan I might be pregnant? I might as well, he'd find out anyways.

ello_allison: weell
cheesewhiz: wat did u do?
ello_allison: ihadsexwithspencerandimightbepregnant
ello_allison: no..we were caught up in the moment, ry dont make this out to be a big deal, please.
cheesewhiz: it IS a big deal though Allison. u might be pregnant at 18!
ello_allison: i know :(
cheesewhiz: i hope ur not allison
ello_allison: me 2..anyways, i'm going to bed, im tired, night ryan
cheesewhiz: night allison

ello_allison has logged out.

After talking to Ry, I felt bad again, but I just leaned on Spnecer and fell asleep. Hopefully tomorrow would be a better day.