Side Effects of Love

Chapter 33

I was nervous as hell, we were out the store, they were making me get the test now. So many thoughts were running through my head, but I couldn't focus on them. We were in line, by we, I mean Rosalee, Spencer, and I, the rest of the guys decided to stay on the bus. When we got to the front of the line, the cashier looked at us and sneered.

"Kids these days." she muttered.

"Did I ask for your input?" I said rudely.

She gave me my purchase and we left, I was growing even more nervous by the minute. When we got back on the bus, Rosalee pushed me in the bathroom, knowing I'd want to prcrastinate. I sighed and took the test. I waited ten long, horrible minutes before I got the result. I wasn't pregnant. I ran out of the bathroom grinning.

"I'm not pregnant!" I shouted.

"Oh thank god!" Spencer sighed.

Everybody was happy since I wasn't pregnant. We headed for the mall, now, we're going there becuase the guys owe us, and to celebrate. Maybe this day won't be so bad after all.