Side Effects of Love

Chapter 35

We ended up having to run, so many fan girls had seen us. I grabbed Jon's hand and we ran (FYI I would have grabbed Spencers but he wasn't to be seen). We ran into the nearest store we saw, Hot Topic, how ironic. jon put up his hood and bought some glasses so no one or nearly no one would know it was him. I laughed at the situation, but I couldn't help but wonder why Spencer wasn't there.

"Jon!" I said.


"Do you know where Spence went?"

"Missing him already?"

"Of course!" I said, smiling cutely.

"I don't know where he went." I made a sad face.

We walked out of the store and were looking around for the rest of the 'group'. Nobody recognized Jon, I wonder if that's a good thing or a bad thing. We met up with Rosalee, Brendon, and Ryan by a guys bathroom in Sears. I pulled Rosalee aside, I needed to talk to her.

"Ok, two things," I started. "One, why do you look like you just had sex and two do you know where Spencer is?"

"Uh, why would you think I had sex? And no."

"Look at your hair! And your shirt's on backwards."

Rosalee blushed. She knew she was caught. "Well, I didn't have sex. I stopped Brendon before we could get to that."

"You sound so happy about that." I said sarcastically.

"Well I wanted to, I just didn't want to fuck in the guys bathroom at Sears today!"

"How bout tomorrow then?" Brendon laughed.

"No." she said, smiling.

I walked away, leaving them to do what they pleased. Jon was talking on his cell phone, so I went to Ryan. He was glaring at Rosalee and Brendon, I wanted to know why.

"Why are you glaring at Rosalee and Bren?"

"I'm not."

"Come on Ryan, I'm not that stupid."

"I'm NOT!"

"You still like Rosalee." I smirked and walked away.

Ryan's P.O.V.

I just stood there, comprehending everything that has happened today. First, we find out Allison isn't prgnant. Then we get attacked by fan girls who want Brandon, geez get our names right! After that I realize I still have feelings for Rosalee. Allison tries to talk to me about it but I was mean. I need to talk to Spence, where the hell is he anyways?