Side Effects of Love

Chapter 41

Rosalee was driving us around, she's lucky she had Brendon's credit card or I would've drived. We went to so many places, so many expensive places! It felt so good to spend so much money. Of course as soon as I saw *my* store I made Rosalee stop so we could go in. After all I went into stores I didn't for her, so I mad her go in here.

I ended up getting such cute clothes! Like the shoes with the broken hearts for $65 and the band tee's that I've wanted for like ever. As soon as we were done in the store we left, but Rosalee and I cracked up. The cashier was totally hitting on me, with these lame pick-up lines, but I declined telling him I had a boyfriend, I don't think he believed me because I laughed at him.

When we returned the guys had asked what we got them, and how much we spent. The look on Brendon's face was priceless when we told him we spent newarly $16,000, he should've know better than to give two girls a credit card and said we could spend as much as we wanted. Everybody but Rosalee and Jon went out to eat, Rosalee decided to give Brendon a "gift" for spending so much money.

"Spencer, don't you just love my shirt?" I asked him, pointing to my shirt that I had on.

"Yes, I can definately say I do."

It was a black shirt that said Spencer Smith Belongs To ME! We ended up going to McDonalds to eat, cause we were lazy and didn't want to spend a lot of money, hmm, I wonder why. While waiting for the food, we entertained ourselves by throwing straws at each other, but I couldn't help but notice Jon looked a little sad.

Ryan and Spencer got up to get the food, so I decided to use this time to talk to Jon. "Jon, are you ok? You seem sad."

"Yeah, I'm fine, I just need to find someone you know?"


By this time Spencer and Ryan were back, so I dropped the subject. When we were done, we decided to drive around a bit, we didn't want to come back before Rosalee and Bden's fun was over, that would traumatize us for life!