Side Effects of Love

Chapter 43

I think I needed to have a talk with Rosalee, about this 'having sex when the guys and I want to come back' issue. While Brendon grabbed his food from Jon, i pulled Rosalee aside. She complained a little, but obeyed.

"Yes?" She asked, trying to fix her hair. "I know my shirt isn't on backwards this time."

I smirked. "Good for you. Now, how dare you have sex with Brendon when we want to come back to bus!"

"Come back to bus?"

"Yes, come back to bus, it's not home, it's bus."

"Well, what can you say, I was quote 'caught up in the moment' unquote."


"Can I go now? I'm hungry!"


Rosalee got up and left, I followed. I went over and sat on the couch, well more like layed on Jon, couch, and Spencer. I had my feet on Jon, middle on couch, and head on Spencer, they looked at me like I was crazy.

"Allison, what are you doing?" Ryan asked, looking at me.

"I'm tired, but I don't want to miss out on the fun, and seeing as how Jon, is here I have to lie on him, I'm sure Spencer doesn't mind."

"No I don't."

Spencer and I started kissing passionately in front of everybody. They all started saying 'ew' but Spencer and I couldn't stop now, we were in the moment. I heard Rosalee say that they better leave, and then the bus door open and close, good thing we're in New York, until tomorrow afternoon. We headed to the bunks, still kissing fiercely. I started taking off Spencer's shirt and he took off mine, and was fumbling on getting my bra off. We then unclothed the rest of each other, but I stopped him first.

"What the fuck, Allison?"

I didn't reply, I just simply handed him a condom. As soon as it was on we got to work. He thrust inside of me, the pain was unbearable, but I could handle it better this time. He ran his hands down my thighs, making me moan. I did the same to him. Oh, this was so much more enjoyable this time. I started biting his neck and he thrust harder.

"Oh, vampire." he moaned.


WE continued until we were so tired. We just lay there for the next few minutes, breathless.

"That was so damn good fun." I said.


We got changed and ended up falling asleep, in Spencers bunk. My last thought was 'thank god we used a condom this time'.