Side Effects of Love

chapter 6

Rosalee’s POV

Surprisingly, it wasn’t a long night…at least not for me. I went home and watched American Idol, and then went to bed. I fell asleep really fast. But now, I have to get ready for the concert. My mom let me stay home from school today, after all, I am a straight A student. I decided to call Allison.

“Good morning sleepy head!” I said as soon as she answered the phone.

“Good morning.” She replied.

“Can you believe we are going to see Panic! today?!” She asked.

“No, but come over…we have to get ready.” I told her. “Bye”

I hung up the phone before she could reply.

So, after spending all day getting ready, we finally looked good enough to leave my house and go to the concert.

“Let’s go!” I said as I grabbed my car keys.

We left the house and started driving, but as we were almost there, Allison realized we were almost out of gas, so we stopped at the gas station closest to the Arena. I noticed that there was a really big bus there.

“Let’s go inside to pay for the gas.” I said.

As we walked inside, I heard a familiar voice, but I did not pay any attention to it at first, until Allison pointed out who it was.

“Oh my god, it is Panic! At The Disco.” She said quietly to me.

This caught me off guard, and I took a step backwards and then slipped on a piece of paper and screamed. Ryan Ross walked towards me.

“Are you okay?” He asked holding his hand up to me.

“Never been better.” I replied taking his hand as he pulled me up.