Side Effects of Love

chapter 8

Rosalee’s POV

We waved goodbye to Panic! and got back into the car to drive the rest of the way to the Arena. Neither of us said a word the whole time, we still were in shock.

“…And a few more of your least favorite things!” Brendon finished singing.

“I hope you enjoyed our show, thank you and good night!” Brendon said as all the band members walked off the stage.

The concert was so good. The crowd was energetic, and everybody was singing along, and this includes Allison and me. We were kinda nervous about going backstage with Panic! At The Disco. But we got over that really fast.

“Really?” Spencer asked me.

“Yes, it’s true…but you can’t tell anybody.” I replied.

“Yeah, I was there when it happened” Allison said joining in on our conversation.

Hours went by. We must have talked to Ryan, Jon, Spencer, and Brendon forever. Before we knew it, it was 4 am.

“Shit!” I screamed. “We were supposed to be home hours ago!”

“We have to leave now.” Allison said just realizing it herself.

“It was so much fun.” Allison said to them.

“It can’t end now!” Ryan cried

“Well, here’s my number…call me if you get bored.” I said to Ryan. I don’t think he took the hint.

“I will.” He said back, smiling.

“Well, sorry to break up this little love fest, but we have to leave, Now!” Allison yelled

“Bye!” We all said to each other.

We hugged everybody as we left. But when I got to Ryan, I hugged him and he slipped something in my back pocket. It caught me off guard, so I pretended not to notice.