
"Mama? Might I keep her?"

"Oliver, come here darling. I want you to meet baby Marie." Queen Diana smiled, and the small black haired boy walked over. He was quite petite and dressed well; he was a prince after all. His bright blue six year old eyes peered over the bassinet edge, and he smiled at the sleeping baby. He placed his small hand on her even smaller fist, and she stirred.

Awaking with a coo, she looked up at Oliver and smiled toothlessly. Oliver flashed her an already brilliant smile and turned to his mother.

"Mama? Might I keep her?" He asked softly, staring at her. His mother laughed lightly, and placed a hand on his head.

"You may indeed, Oliver. When you both become older, you shall marry her." She replied. Oliver turned his gaze onto her and smiled as well.

"It will be your job to look after her. If she gets upset, you'll need to comfort her. She is going to be your responsibility." Queen Diana continued. Oliver smiled sweetly at the baby, who lifted her fist, and stretched her fingers out toward him. He took one and cooed at her. Then, his face went solemn and he nodded.

"Very well." He said firmly. He then leaned over and placed a soft kiss on Marie's face, turned on his heel, and walked away.

Queen Diana laughed once more at her son, and glanced back down at the baby, then left as well.


"Marie? What are you doing in there? Are you right dressed yet? Tha' Prince Oliver and his ma are a'gonna be here any darned second. You best be dressed girl!" The maid, Louise, called. When she got no answer, she sighed.

"Sir? Master Jacoby sir? Tha girl's done run off again, sir." She called down the stairs. Antonio Jacoby's head appeared in the doorway and he cursed. Louise curtsied at him, and walked back to Marie's door. She took the Skeleton Key from inside her skirts, and unlocked the door.

Sure enough, Marie's large French Bay windows were open and swaying. Louise reached out and shut them, before returning to the stairs.

"She went to tha East sir." She informed him. Mr. Jacoby nodded, and the butler walked in the room.

"Sire, the Sykes' are here." He drawled. Mrs. Jacoby flew down the stairs, and grinned graciously, but the grin soon disappeared at her husband's tense back, and Louise's shameful face.

"She left again, didn't she?" She asked, pursing her lips. All three of them nodded.
"Very well, I shall let Diana know."


"Diana!" Susan exclaimed. The Queen stood graciously, and held out her arms.

"Susan, how nice to see you dear." They embraced, and Diana pulled back and turned toward the hunched young man in the chair.

"Oliver, this is Lady Jacoby. Susan, you remember Oliver." Oliver stood and bowed graciously, kissing Mrs. Jacoby's hand.

"He's such a handsome young man, Diana, and so well behaved. I am sorry not to be able to say the same about my own daughter, who at the moment has run off. She's not to keen on this idea." Both of the woman laughed gently, and Oliver's interest perked. Maybe this Marie would be a nice change from obeying Mistress' and boring English girls. Besides, he'd heard interesting things about Italian girls. The three walked outside to sit at the tea table with Mr. Jacoby.

"Oliver, my boy. How are you?" He asked after a firm handshake.

"Good, sir. And yourself?" He smiled back.

"Well enough, other than my daughter. She'll be the death of me yet." He sighed, shaking his head. Oliver smirked.

"Maybe I can help you get her in line, sir." The man laughed, and turned at a rustle in the bushes, and the sound of horse hooves.

"Here she comes now boy. Care for a head start?" He replied. All four them turned to look.

From the bushes came a young girl, cheeks flushed, dark hair flying widely around her cheeks. She had her skirts bunched up, and was grasping them out of the way of her legs. Her bare feet slapped the ground as she ran, and she kept glancing behind her. A few moments later, a brown horse came galloping with a servant upon it's back.

For once in his lifetime, Oliver wasn't looking at her bust line, comparing her waist, or wondering how easily she bruised. He was watching her face, the dark sinister twinkle in her eyes, and the dimpled smile on her face. Her tinkling laughter could be heard from where they were sitting, as she tried to outrun the horse, ducking between weeping willows.

The horse caught up with her quickly, and she stopped running, and then turned abruptly, dashing toward them. Oliver's eyes were wide, and he could hear the adults chuckling. The beauty quickly slid into the chair next to him, pouting.

"Am I late?" She smirked.

It was then that Oliver noticed how young she looked. Then, he recalled his mother mentioning their age difference… six years. The girl was only fifteen! Barely above the consenting age! He was twenty one, and she was a minor. The girl glanced over at him, raising an eyebrow at his wide staring eyes. She scoffed as she turned to her mother, innocently puckering her lips and barely openening them, discreatly cocking her head lightly to the side, and widening her large black eyelashes around dark eyes.

"What's going on, Mother?" She asked quietly. Oliver's mother chuckled, as his soon-to-be mother-in-law glared at the girl.

"Marie, you know what. This is your fiancé, Prince Oliver Sykes." Madame Jacoby replied. A snarl graced over Marie's face, before she composed herself and placed a hand on her breast.

"But, I'm just a girl, Mommy." She whined, glancing over at Oliver.

"Marie, Che sufficiente, lei sa meglio. Abbiamo detto questo, ora in silenzio." Sir Jacoby snapped. Marie pouted and slid down in her chair.

"Questo è ridicolo." She mumbled, rolling her eyes, then closing them in irritation.

Oliver continued to stare, but snapped to when his mother grasped his arm.

"We will have your coming out party next weekend. Until then, you two shall live together to get to know one another." Queen Diane explained, and Oliver nodded.

"Coming out party?" Marie asked, giggling. Oliver stared at her, only the comment clicking with him. She had dimples. Once she regained control, she continued.
"So, you said we'll liver together until the party? Can I mover out afterwards?"

"Marie." Madame Jacoby warned. The girl sighed and slunk down in her chair.

"Oliver, why don't you go with Marie to make sure everything is packed?" Susan suggested, in a it-will-be-done tone.

Marie and Oliver locked eyes before she glaced at her father. He nodded. she sighed and stood, beckoning at Oliver. He immediately stood and followed her.
♠ ♠ ♠
"Marie, That's enough, you know better. We have said this, now silent." Sir Jacoby snapped. Marie pouted and slid down in her chair.

"This is ridiculous." She mumbled, rolling her eyes, then closing them in irritation.

So far so good?