A Happy New Year

it you! it always has been

-Mikes pov-
“beep beep, beep beep” ehhhh I grumbled as I rolled over to turn off the irritating as fuck alarm. It was signalling for me to get up for the last day of year 11.
I was cheerful about finishing year 11 because I hated my teacher’s guts and I got into a lot of fights because my older brother got harassed a lot mainly about being gay but because he was small and an “easy’” target, I’m surprised that he hasn't bashed any of them up, yeah he’s small but his flawlessly toned body and solid arms could probably handle it. One day I will tell him about the feelings I have for him… one day.

-Vic’s pov-
As I got into the shower I started to think about the walk to school. Was it going to be awkward and soundless as usual or would we actually talk? We could talk about how it was our last day and if mike was going to plot an evil scam or maybe I could tell him I love him? Not just in a brotherly way.

We walked to school and I went straight to my locker spinning my dial and stopping at the numbers 00-36-12. Click. As I opened the door a few of my heavy text books fell on me, the corner of one of the books hitting right in between two of my ribs “ouch, fuck that’s going to leave a bruise” I screeched in pain.

As I gathered my books for my next two classes I wished that I had taken the opportunity to tell mike how I felt not knowing if he liked me back was upsetting but even more upsetting was the fact that mum and dad are leaving town tomorrow meaning that we would be all by ourselves on new year’s eve. If only I said something!

(The next day)
-Mikes pov-
I woke up to a kiss on the forehead from my loving mother she came to say goodbye to me. Dad was packing the car ready for their trip to go visit relatives for the New Year.

Waving them off as they left I thought about what I could do, I could take the dog for a walk I could cook myself some lunch or, which I hate to say, I could do my homework and get it over and done with? Yeah I may as well I didn't really have anything else to do so I walked up stairs going to my room quietly so I wouldn't wake up Vic. I grabbed my school stuff and headed down to start working on it. I got through 7 maths questions before realizing I needed a ruler. Great now I have to look for one.

I walked up stairs and heard the shower running, well at least I could borrow Vic’s, I opened his door walking across his room which was a complete and udder mess; clothes all over the floor and random sheets of paper. I finally got to his desk. As I opened his desk draw I rummaged around, nope no ruler hmm maybe this draw I pulled it out and saw it ahh yes! Score I picked it up. As I picked it up a book flipped open revealing what looked like a journal.

journal entry --28th-12-2013--
I can’t be like this anymore!! It’s wrong I know but it feels so right. He’s the only one who makes me truly happy he stands up for me when I’m having problems at school. I’m going to tell him. I’ll tell him on the way to school on the last day.--

The rest of it was just random shit about how he couldn't wait to hang out with friends on the holidays.

I heard the shower turn off, shit! If I don’t hurry up Vic will find out that I snooped thought his journal. I quickly chucked it back into the draw and ran out.

-vics pov-
As I got out of the shower I dried myself down with the towel and wrapped it around my waist. I went over to my draws in search of some boxers, but I didn’t find any.

I walked down the corridor making sure that I wouldn’t wake mike up and I went down stairs as I walked through the kitchen on my way to get to the lounge I stopped in my tracks only to see mike who was looking me up and down. “Oh umm sorry I thought you were asleep, I’ll just go and get what I need” I said as a sudden rush of red went over my cheeks , “um yeah “ he said back turning a dark shade of red.
I quickly walked passed him and went and grabbed some boxers off the drying rack and walked back to my room.

-Mike’s pov-
Just a finished question 10 of my maths homework Vic walked into the kitchen in only a towel. ONLY A TOWEL!!! It was hanging perfectly off his hips low enough to see his v-lines. “Oh um sorry I thought you were asleep, I’ll just go and get what I need” he said as his face turned red, “um yeah” I said as I looked at him up and down.

Oh. My. God. His body was amazing! I felt myself go a little hard I pushed my hand down on it hoping he didn’t see it. As he walked into the lounge room I slightly tilted me head around to look at his ass, he had a nice one.

As I continued to do my work all I could think about was Vic and how hot he looked. I thought to myself about how he liked me, Vic my own brother liked me back!! I really wanted to tell him I just didn’t know how!

Later that night
-Vis’s pov-
“Aye mikey you want pizza for dinner?” I shouted out to him as my stomach grumbled “yeah sure” he called back. I grabbed the phone and rang the pizza place ordering what I wanted with a request at the end. It was New Year’s Eve and we were spending it at home how boring!

“ding dong” went the doorbell I ran to the door and paid the pizza guy I opened the boxes up checking that he gave me the right ones and called out to mike to hurry up and get down here to eat.

“Oi mike open up the pizzas so they don’t go soggy would ya” I said as I grabbed the plates “OMG Vic” he screamed like a fan girl meeting her favorite band for the first time I replied with “go on read it out loud “Mike Fuentes I love you” he said smiling “are you serious?” he asked me “yes I am mikey I love you I really do” I said as he ran over and crashed his lips against mine.

We stood there for what seemed like hours one of his hands behind my head the other slowly making its way up my top, my hands around his waist. Our tongues danced away, we only pulled away for breathe.

After dinner we sat on the couch I was wrapped in his arms and we were watching a movie. I fell asleep until mike woke me up for the countdown till midnight “10..9...8…7…6..5…4…3…2…” he never got to one he had already crashed his soft lips against mine we moved as one with our tongues dancing around I pulled back and said “I love you mike, Happy New Year babe’ and kissed him hard and passionately.
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okay so a huge thank-you if you read this :") haha
if you would like a one shot please ask!! hahah it might take 2 weeks at the most as i have other chpatered stuff to update\

rec/com/sub please :D