She'll Never Be Alone

Chapter 4:

She's beautiful.


My thoughts shocked me.I blinked furiously and shook my head.Luckily, Isabella noticed nothing.She was still turning the pages of my notebook delicately,pausing every few moments or so to look at a drawing or read something.

"Funeral of Hearts?", Isabella asked, furrowing her eyebrows.She was pointing to a page in my notebook.The title 'Funeral of hearts' was scribbled on the very top of the page."That's an interesting name.Never heard about it.Who sings it?"

"Um...", I scratched my head, blushing."I kind of...wrote it."

She averted her gaze from the page to meet my embarrassed face.She smiled , surprised.

"Wow.You actually wrote this?" , she asked.I nodded slowly, waiting for her reaction as she started reading it.

"Whoa dude this is so good!" , she suddenly exclaimed, causing me to smile.

"Really?",I asked, unsure if she really meant it.

When she nodded furiously , I smiled wider.

"You wrote this too?"

I looked at what she was pointing at.It was another page of my notebook.The title said 'Right Here In My Arms'. It was a song I wrote for my cousin.He needed a present for his girlfriend's birthday.So he asked me to write something.
And so I did.

"Yup.", I answered shortly, hoping she wouldn't ask who it was for.

She smiled and proceeded to read it.I waited impatiently, playing with a lock of my shoulder-length hair.
After a few moments...I heard a very faint whimper.
I straightened up, looking around me , trying to discover the source of the sound.After I scanned my surrounding.My eyes fell on my notebook just in time to see a drop of water fall on the white page.
I looked up at Isabella's face.

"Isa - uh , Bella...Are you crying?" , I asked her, touching her shoulder lightly with my hand.She looked up to meet my stare with a tearful face that broke my heart.

She smiled weakly and shrugged.She wiped the tears flowing from her eyes.
"What's wrong?", I asked softly.She sniffed and looked up to meet my eyes again.

"Nothing.It's just that this song kind of reminded me of my dad.He used to sing something similar to me."

I nodded slowly."What happened to him?"

"He died.In a car accident, about two years ago."

My mouth slowly took the shape of an 'O' as I took that in.I suddenly realized how heartless my question had been.

"I'm sorry."

" 'Na, 'S okay." , she smiled tearfully as I did my best effort not to just reach out and rub her back soothingly.

"Oh, I'm so sorry Ville." , she said after some moments of awkward silence."I shouldn't be telling you this, and I'm crying.You don't want to know it and here I am boring you with the story and -"

I cut her blabbering mid-sentence as I put my hand up.I proceeded to tell her that it was okay to spill her guts if she wanted to, and she just smiled and nodded in response.

The rest of the break pretty much consisted of Isabella collecting herself and us conversing about random stuff.We learned about each other's life more, and I told her a bit about Finland.Naila later joined us after the team won their first match for the season.She's a pretty hyper person, Naila is.
After the bell rang for the end of the break, and the beginning of my sixth lesson in this new school in this completely new and unfamiliar country.I sighed as we headed up the stairs.I always hated school, and I was not about to start loving it.
Our next lesson, being biology, went well. It was always something that caught my attention.I liked it.
When the ball rang, everyone suddenly stood up and started getting out pencil cases and big notebooks.Everyone started leaving class. I stared , confused and at a loss of what to do.
Isabella turned to look at me, chuckling lightly.I slightly glared at her , playfully though.

"Take your pencil case and any kind of notebook you have.", she instructed.I obeyed silently, waiting for her to explain.

Which she didn't.
We followed everyone outside and up the stairs to the upper floor.

"Well?", I hedged.

"Well what ?" , she asked me , one eyebrow up as we entered a classroom.

"What are we here for?"

She rolled her eyes and said, "Look around you."

And I did.
We were in a vast classroom.The walls were covered with drawing and paintings and there were several wooden tables which were covered in colorful splashes of paint.
I looked back to Isabella and she raised her eyebrows in amusement.

"Art room?" , I guessed. A smile brightened her face and she nodded.

Everyone started taking a seat around the wooden tables. Isabella, Naila and I joined another two boys at a table at the far end of the class.
The teacher walked in and welcomed us to our first art lesson of the year.She told us we were to draw whatever we desired, since it was our first day back to school.I was up for the idea.
So I started by drawing a grim reaper.I gave him the background of a graveyard, complete with a tree , owl and a full moon . It turned out pretty good, and I was satisfied.I could feel the eyes of the two other guys on me all the time, but I just continued to ignore them.
I set down my pencil and decided to just wait till the lesson ends.I started humming a melody to a random song I couldn't even remember the name of.
Isabella looked up from her notebook - which held an incomplete drawing of a beach sunset scene - and stared at my drawing.
Slowly, a crooked grin appeared on her face.She ripped a small piece of paper from the corner of a page and started scribbling something.She then passed the paper to me.
It read,
'Nice drawing!! I luv it!!You have a high sense of imagination =]'

'thnx', I wrote back.She scribbled again and passed it.

'well, wat are you waiting for? go show it to the teacher!!'

After I read it, I looked up at her, eyebrow raised.She gave me one of those looks that said,'Oh, just go already!'
I breathed heavily and stood up.I could feel everyone's gaze on my back.

"Um, Mrs...", I stammered as I approached the teacher.

"Yes, dear?", she said , not taking her gaze off her book.After a moment she looked up and her smile widened."Ah.You're the new comer, aren't you?"

I nodded in response.

"Come on then, show me what you've drawn.", she demanded, and I handed her the notebook.

As she looked at the drawing, I glanced back at the table and Naila and Isabella both gave me a thumbs-up.

"It's very...interesting dear.Unique, may be the right word." , the teacher said suddenly, kind of startling me."What was your name again?"

"Ville. Ville Valo"

"Ville,this is a very nice drawing, kind of dark , but neatly drawn.You're quite talented." , she said approvingly.I could hear muffled laughs from the table that held the group from this morning, the one with the boy from the bus.I blushed faintly.

"The table in the middle! Behave yourselves!", the teacher bellowed.It made them shut up, but I could bet they were still making fun of me, just in more hushed voices.
I glanced at our table and saw Isabella throw them a nasty look.Clearly, she didn't like their attitude.
I took the notebook back and headed for the table.
As I sat down, Isabella nudged my arm and passed me a paper which read,

'Don't pay attention to what they say or think,they're just a bunch of jealous losers.
Wait till you see what they drew.It's pathetic, I tell you.
You should be proud you were called unique.Besides, I draw stuff like this all the time.
Mind you, I'm also always made fun of .But whatever.
Just chill.'

I looked up from the note and smiled at her.

The rest of the lesson went by smoothly and quickly and it was soon time to go home.We headed back to the class to pack our bags.

Isabella and I went down together.She walked me to the gates the buses use -since she was to go home by car-.She stayed with me , waiting for the bus.

"You sure your friends don't mind you leaving them to hang out with m --"

"Nope" , she assured me mid-sentence, smiling."I doubt they even notice I'm gone.", she sighed."Naila already doesn't mind having you around.And the rest aren't really my friends."

"Thanks." , I said suddenly

"For what?", she asked, curious.

"For showing me around today, and helping me and stuff." , I smiled sincerely and she grinned back.

After a few moments of awkward silence, she said ,

" comes the bus." , she pointed to an approaching white vehicle."I guess I'll see you tomorrow?"

I nodded silently and waved good-bye.
She chuckled lightly , waved, and then headed towards the main entrance of the school.

I mounted the white bus.It was crowded with students of all ages.Everyone stared at me as I climbed in.Whispers were carried by the air and floated to me.I could hear bits and pieces of conversations as I passed by and headed to the back.

Again, I lay my head back on the head rest for the rest of the way, keeping my eyes open this time.
After about 10 minutes, the bus came to a halt in front of the fancy-ass building I lived in now.I was the first person to get off the bus, and it was a relief.

I raced to the elevator and punched in the floor number.
The elevator halted lazily, and I got out.Hurriedly, I knocked the door, wanting to just get inside.A delicious smell sifted from the crack between the door and the door frame and I hungrily took in the delicious aroma.

Mom's cooking.Yum!
Wait, What?
We had no kitchen!
No kitchen utensils, that is.
How could she be cooking?

At that moment, my mom answered the door.

"Oh hey hon!", she said, giving me half a hug."How was your first day?"

"Splendid." , I said, distracted.I wanted to solve the cooking-without-stove mystery.

I raced to the kitchen, to come to an astonished halt at the door.

There was furniture.
Cupboards, fridge, a stove,all kinds of stuff.
I turned to face my mom.

"When did you guys get all that stuff?", I asked, genuinely curious.

"Today!", mom said excitedly."I just decided I can't live without a kitchen, so your dad and I went furniture shopping"

I smiled at her excited expression.I heard a funny noise, and soon discovered it's source was my stomach.

"When is dinner?" , I asked hungrily.

"In just five minutes dear.Go change your clothes and wake up your father."

I obeyed silently, musing on the delicious-smelling food.I changed my clothes quickly, slipping into a worn out T-shirt and a pair of sweatpants.I was pretty much planning to head straight to bed after lunch.
I hurried out of my room and into my parents' to wake up my dad.

"Dad?" , I nudged him softly as he slept."Dad, get up! Lunch's ready."

"Okay okay I'm up!", he mumbled sleepily, not making an effort to lift his head even an inch.I chuckled lightly.My father always had problems with waking up.

Then again, who didn't?

I walked back to the kitchen and fetched my plates and headed back to my bedroom.
Sitting on the lonely chair in my room, I finished my lunch quickly , satiating my hunger.I took the dishes back to the kitchen and dumped them in the sink.I washed my hands, mouth and brushed my teeth.All the before-bed procedures.

I told mom I was going to bed because I didn't have enough sleep yesterday , and because I had no homework.
And she seemed to buy it.

I headed straight to bed, pondering on the day that's just about to end.

To be honest, my second day in Egypt wasn't that bad.It had gone very well, in fact.Egypt wasn't as half as bad.But it was much too early to tell if it would stay that way, or become my personal hell on earth.
I thought back to school.To Isabella... Naila... our class.
In the midst of all of these thoughts, I fell into a deep sleep...dreaming about her
♠ ♠ ♠
Ville's POV again!!!
Hope you like the fourth Chapter :D:D
And if you think the story's going a bit slow...tell me...maybe i can speed it up a bit ^_^
Comments are LOOOVE !!!