She'll Never Be Alone

Chapter 5:

The drive home from school was silent.It was unusual for it to be so, for I was the kind of person to go home and speak about my day at school.But oddly enough, today I just sat there staring out my window.The drive home took maximum 15 minutes.

"Hon, are you Okay?" , my mother suddenly piped up.

It took me a moment to snap back to reality and absorb her question.

I exhaled loudly." Yeah, I'm fine." True

A moment of silence.

"You seem...distant.", my mom said, giving me a sideways glance.She returned her gaze back to the street ahead.

I unintentionally smiled.I quickly arranged my expression and said, "Just tired.That's all.It's the first day of school , you know.Plus, I didn't get that much sleep yesterday." Not True

I yawned tiredly, faking it.I had actually slept like a baby last night.It was what happened today that kept me quiet and occupied.

"So...made any new friends today?", mum asked.I looked at her with wide eyes.It was exactly as if she read my mind.I decided to stick with the truth, there's no reason to lie about it anyway.

"Yup.This new guy named Ville.He's from Finland." , I answered shortly.Not wanting to get into details, and also not wanting to tell her about me crying.

The thing with my mum is, once I start being honest with her...I can't stop.It just spills out.

"Oh, so that's him." , she nearly whispered.But I heard her.I sent her a quizzical look, and she sighed.

"I saw you with him today at lunch break.", she confessed, and I breathed a relieved sigh, my head turning back to the window.Sometimes, having your mom as a teacher in your school gets annoying.

"And also, Farah came to see me..."

My head whipped back to stare at her at the mention of Farah's name.I couldn't possibly think what she wanted to tell my mom.
So I put my thoughts into words.

"What did she want?"

Mum fidgeted uncomfortably in her seat.She readjusted her hands on the steering wheel as she made a turn.

"She wanted to warn me...", she hesitated."Warn me about you hanging around with that Ville boy.

I honestly couldn't believe my eyes could go wider or my mouth more agape.

That backstabbing bitch!

"Well, that bitch had better mind her own fucking business!", I retorted angrily, still not believing.

"Watch your language young lady!", snapped mum.I couldn't help but loathe Farah at the moment.She should really mind her own damned business.She was always a bossy bitch...dear God! But hell if she thought she could control my life!

I puffed air out of my lungs angrily, thinking this whole situation through.Yes, I was bothered that she'd go talk to my mum behind my back about things that weren't supposed to be her concern, but something else was even flaming my anger more.
It annoyed the hell out of me that she had said Ville was no good company.I mean , what did she know about him anyway? She hadn't even took the chance to talk to him.

Why the hell was I defending him like that...?

My eyebrows furrowed.Indeed, why did I care so much?
I set my thoughts aside as my mum found a parking spot just right in front of our building.I opened my door crossly, bag in hand, and raced to the elevator.I waited for my mum to catch up, and we let the elevator take us up.
Letting us in using my key, I raced into my room , quickly changing my clothes.After dumping my dirty uniform in the laundry basket, I went to the kitchen and made myself two cheese sandwiches, with a glass of milk.
Wiping off the white mustache, I told my mum that I wouldn't wait for dinner, and that I was going to sleep.Usually, the first day back to school would leave me tired, and I would always go straight to be when I got home.
But not this time.
My mind was too occupied for me to sleep, but I wanted the solitude that the fact I was sleeping and needed quiet would offer dearly.
I jumped onto my comfortable bed, snuggling under my blankets.I absent-mindedly started fiddling with my hair, twirling it between my tall fingers.I stared at the opposite wall full of posters to the extent that you couldn't actually see the whiteness of it.
But I wasn't actually seeing it.Yes I was staring at it, but I couldn't see it. My mind was so boggled to allow me to see anything, except what I was thinking about.
The image of shy Ville wavered in front of my inner eye, precise and clear as if he was right there in front of me.I still wondered about why I defended him so much.It wasn't my habit to get attached to someone that quick.
Or was it...?

It took me hours for sleep to finally consume me, the fatigue overpowering me.I finally fell in a heavy, dreamless sleep.
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Sorry it's soo short DX
I wrote this story a while back i'm only editing it and that's how i divided the chapters :(
sooorry :D
Anyways hope you like it !!
Like i said before...
Comment = ** LOVE **