She'll Never Be Alone

Chapter 6:

I was sitting in a green meadow, surrounded by huge sunflowers and daises.I smiled dreamily, picking up a flower and starting to pluck out the petals, petal by petal.I sighed and breathed deeply.Suddenly, something moved in the nearby shade, under a huge oak tree.I looked more closely and a figure started walking toward me.
It was really shady, I couldn't see who he or she was.The figure started getting closer, then finally, I could see him.
My eyes widened at who it was.


I woke up with a start , squealing as my damned alarm clock screeched into my ear.I fell from the bed, landing flat on my back.

"Ow..." , I whimpered, the pain shooting through my sleep-numb limbs.The alarm clock continued ringing as I struggled to get up on my feet.

"Stupid, damned alarm...", I mumbled as I managed to stand up, and forcefully turn off my alarm.

I started slowly trudging to the kitchen, groaning as pain shot through my lower back from the fall.I supported my back with my hand gripping onto my waist,and entered the kitchen.
As I was fixing myself a bowl of cereal, my mum walked into the kitchen, beaming.

"Good morning, hon." , she said brightly, pouring herself a cup of steaming coffee.I mumbled a reply, managing to pour the milk into the bowl without spilling any.I was so not a morning person.

As I moved to put the milk back in the fridge, I groaned. I had made a wrong movement, causing my lower back to hurt.

"You okay sweetie?", my mum asked, concern lacing her words.

"I'm okay mom, just fell on my ass.". I glimpsed my mum shooting me a look, and I sighed.

"My rear end mum.I fell on my rear end.", I corrected, and she gave me a satisfied smile.

I was done with my cereal, and dumping the plate in the sink, I walked to the bathroom to get myself an aspirin.
Taking a pill from the cylindrical bottle, I popped it into my mouth and topped it with a gulp of water.
Deciding I was already late as it is, I rushed into my bedroom to get dressed.

Done, I stalked out of my bedroom, messenger bag on my shoulder.The aspirin had already kicked in, so I was feeling alot better.Mum shouted for me to take the keys and wait in the car.
And so I did.
I revved the engine once I was inside, so it would warm up till my mum was here.She finally got down, and we drove to school.
We were kind of late today.We arrived just five minutes before the bell.And as I walked in, I kept an eye for a tall, lonely figure, who would be Ville.But I just Couldn't see him anywhere.
In a distant corner in the playground, I saw a large crowd of people, mostly kids from my class.Curiosity got the best of me, and I went to see what they were all circled around.

"You're no good, are you? You're just a freak.You can't even stand up for yourself, can you?", I heard Youssef, one of my class' jocks ask in an angered, loud voice.

Now I was truly concerned, and I pushed my way through the forming crowd, emerging into the middle of the human circle.
My eyes widened as I saw their object of attention.
In the middle of the circle.
On the floor, against the wall.
Youssef standing in front of him.Sending insult after insult.
Ville continued ignoring him, but I saw his jaw muscles flex.He was clearly holding himself back from hitting Youssef or from replying.

"Ha! You can't even do anything.You're a coward.You look like a girl, You dress like a girl.And you wear makeup! I bet you even fight like a girl!", snarled Youssef,spittle flying everywhere from his mouth.

I gasped as I saw Ville clench and unclench his fist.He slowly stood up, and the crowd went suddenly silent.

"So you think I fight like a girl, don't you?, Ville asked coldly, looking Youssef straight in the eye.

"Y...Yeah." , Youssef said after a moment of hesitation.The fact that Ville finally replied obviously worrying him.

"Well, then why don't I demonstrate my girlie fighting skills to this crowd?", Ville challenged, and evil look on his face.

His eyes seemed to flash red for a moment, and he quickly caught Youssef by the collar of his shirt, and slammed him against the wall.
Everyone around me gasped, and I stood there, seemingly nailed to the ground.I think everyone, including me, never imagined he'd be that strong.He just lifted the kid, like he was nothing.
I saw Ville raise his arm, his hand slowly clenching into a fist, and my eyes widened even more.When his hand was about to smash into Youssef's face, I stepped into the circle, screaming.

"No! Ville no!"

Ville's hand stopped just centimeters shy of Youssef's face.His head whipped to look at me, and I send him a pleading look.He hesitated for a minute, then he slowly loosened his grip on Youssef's collar, and the latter fell to the floor with a thud.
I leaned down and grabbed Ville's abandoned back, grabbed his arm and pulled him out of that damned circle.I could feel everyone's gaze on me.

"Never, I repeat, never mess with Youssef.He has the ability to make your life a living hell hole.Not necessarily here at school, but anywhere else.", I said, more like scolded.

"He pissed me off! Didn't you hear what he said?!", Ville snapped back at me.

"I did, but it's still no excuse.Besides, You shouldn't start getting in trouble on your second day of school.", I shot back, matter-of-factly."I thought you were a more mature person that that." I chuckled darkly.

"Yeah, well, you got that one wrong.", he laughed, scratching the back of his head with his free arm.

I stopped and handed him his bag back.At that moment, the bell rang and we headed for class.

Fast Forward 3 hours and 45 minutes :
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Lessons went by slowly.But finally, the bell rang for our lunch break.Ville and I got whatever food we had, and just like yesterday, he brought along his sketchbook and pencil.
This time, Naila joined us from the very beginning, having no match to win today.She conversed with Ville about life outside of Egypt, since she did a lot of it herself.I just kept going through Ville's sketchbook.I've grown a liking to almost all his drawing.He was an awesome artists.And his lyrics were mesmerizing too.He had this certain way with words, making them plant themselves into your brain.
Throughout the break, I could feel his eyes on me.My skin tingled as he gazed at me intently, his gaze only broken when he turns to answer something Naila asked him.
Why is he staring at me?

The bell rang for our next lesson.The three of us got up, and started climbing the stairs to class.

"Yay! Tomorrow is Friday.",I sang happily, relieved."Naila, club?

"Yeah, I guess so...still gotta check with my -rents.", she said, kind of disappointed.

"So Ville, did your parents buy you a membership at any local club?", I asked eagerly, wanting to know if he would make it to the club today.

He scratched the back of his head."Yeah...I think dad mentioned something about this club called Sporting.He also gave me a card."

"Great! So you're coming today?"

"I don't know.I have to check with my parents first." he said, as we finally arrived to class.

The three of us took our seats, Ville in the far right corner of the room, me in front of him, and Naila on my left.Just like yesterday.
I tore a small piece of paper from my notebook, and scribbled my home phone number and my mobile phone number.I passed it back to Ville.

"Call me if you're going.", I smiled, answering the questioning look he had on his face.He nodded solemnly as the teacher entered.

Again, the lessons went by excruciatingly and boringly slow.Finally , the bell rang, declaring the end of the day.

Naila and I walked Ville to the gate where the buses waited.

"So, guess I'll see you guys later today.That's if my parents agree on me coming to this club thing.", he said, sighing heavily.

"Yeah.See you then, hopefully." , I smiled back.

"Bye.", he said, turning around.

"Bye.", Naila and I echoed in unison.And turning around , we walked to the front gate to wait for our ride home.

"Nice guy, Ville.", Naila commented.

"Yeah.", I agreed, not really listening to her.I was kind of day-dreaming about what Ville would would look like when he shows up at the club today.

"Dude, he's totally into you!" , Naila said excitedly, as if she just remembered something extremely important.

"No he's not!", I argued.I mean, come on! Why would Ville leave all the pretty girls in school and pick me?

"He couldn't keep his eyes off of you the whole time!", she said, assuring me.

"Na, he must've been just looking.",I said hesitantly, shrugging it off as we arrived at the front gate.

"Whatever, I got to go.See you tonight.Bye"


I waved her off, and followed mum outside to our car, thinking about what Naila just told me.
Could it be possible?
Oh come on! Be reasonable.She must be saying that just to cheer you up and give your self-esteem a little boost.
Yeah, that was probably just it.

The drive home was silent.I was mostly thinking about what I should wear. Just in case Ville showed up, I wanted to look good.
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter sixxx :D
Bella's POV :D
hope you like :D
Sorry for the 'long-time-no-update"
This chapter is for Lorain :D
cuz she made me write it :P:P
Wuvs ya :D
Anyways :D
and banners would be awesome!
