Status: Comment, Sub and Rec, I will say it again no silent readers I would love some feedback.

A Love Like War

Chapter One: Love like war

"What do you mean by you are breaking up with me?" I can not contain the tears, it just came.

"Listen Dana, I... Its not you its me." Brady sighs shaking his head.

"Don't give me that sinister crap Brady, tell me why?" I moan, my heart stopped feeling I can not breathe, is this the end of a 3 year relationship?

"I am sorry." He mummers walking out of my room, the earth pull me down to the ground, is it really over? What did I do? Was it me? Maybe I can fix it. But what should I fix when I don't know what was broken?

"Oh dear.." I whisper watching the blood drip to the floor, my nose bleeding my hands shaking.

My door flings open seeing my older sister, her hand to her mouth a single tear escaping her eye.

"Dana." She breathes running up to me pulling me into a huge hug. "I am so sorry, I heard."

"He did not give me a reason." I look up into her piercing blue eyes, her blonde hair falling down her shoulders, she is amazing, beautiful in every sense of the word.

She sighs pulling me into her. "He was never worth it."

"Diana, please tell me what to do?" I beg between my sobbing.

Diana bit down on her bottom lip and smiled. "Nothing Dana, love is like war, trust me it is."

I let out a soft giggle shaking my head. "Did you just quote All time low's song love like war?"

"See I made you laugh." She giggles hugging me tight. "Now let's get off this cold harden floor, clean you up and do something fun." I nodded in agreement pulling myself up with Diana helping me.

Three years just to throw away, I loved him so much, we had so many things in common, not to mention the fun we had. I should thank him he got me hook to rock and metal, there I fell in love with All time low, should I throw that away as well?? The music he made me listen to? The laughs we had. The warped tour tickets? He took that as well along with my heart., and that's when I notice something was wrong, how I can I live without Brady? The way he smiled, they way he's long blonde hair fall down his face when he played his guitar singing Oh Calamity to me,. His grey eyes making me weep. Should I just throw it away! All of it? If so where do I begin and where would I end up?

~the next day~

"Morning kids." My aunt Ronnie says coming in the kitchen: black blouse, woman's trousers and red heels, she is always ready to shoot first never ask questions. Aunt Veronica is my father's younger sister, after my mom passed away 3 years ago she took us in, My dad is with the FBI, meaning we never actually see him. It breaks me and Diana's heart but we know its for the best.

"Hi." I whisper brushing my dirty black hair back.

"Oh sweety you look worse than me, what time did you go to bed?" She asks pouring coffee in her red travel mug.

"Brady broke up with her." Diana mumbles sitting next to me with in her unicorn pajama's.

"He was never worth your time anyway." Ronnie smiles, kissing my cheek walking out the kitchen.

"Wanna go to warped tour today?"

I raise my brow and scoff. "Oh yeah we just slip in."

Diana rolled her eyes and jump off the bar stool. "Just get dressed okay, we are leaving in 15."

"Really Diana! Fifteen minutes?" I yell running after her as she stroll up stairs walking to her room.

"We don't have tickets." I point out leaning on the door-jam eyeing my sister going through her closet.

She peek her head out and smiled. "Just get dressed Dana." I sigh and walked back to my room.

Twenty five and Diana is still like a teenager, I am nineteen and I act like a grown-up in this family.

I decided on my blue tank top and red shorts. I shrug on my leather jacket and jumped in my combat boots. Curling my hair I realize I still looked like crap, my eyes red, 'I am a cry baby' I thought to myself and shook it off.

"Come on!" Diana yell pushing me out of my room downstairs, she is wearing a black buttercup dress and combat boots with her hair in pig tails.

"You are going to the so called warped tour like that?" I ask trying not to laugh.

She scoff. "Oh please. Shall we go?"

I sigh and nod.
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