Status: i'm not that good at summerys but the story is really good.

Don't Tell Me That I'm Ordinary

chapter 1

If there was one thing I could change about myself, if I could, it would be my shyness. I hate how shy I am around other people, around my friends even. I can't control it, it just overtakes me and no matter how hard I try to be confident it never works.

"Get the door will you Kellin?"

"Yes mom" I replied as I got up from my spot on the floor. I had a week left of the summer holidays before we had to go back to the hell hole we call school. I only had one piece of homework left and with just my luck it was the speaking and listening presentation I had been dreading all year.

"Hello! I'm Mrs.Fuentes" a short tanned woman stood at my doorstep.

"And this is my son, Michael" she gestured behind her at a tall boy with a few tattoos and a lip piercing. He wore sunglasses and three length shorts and seemed to be holding something in his hands.

"We just finished moving in across the road and thought it would be a perfect time to meet the neighbours" The woman explained her being here.

I stared at them both, not knowing what to say, actually I did know what to say. 'Nice to meet you, my names Kellin'. But I kept my mouth shut out of fear that my voice would shake and make me look stupid or that I'd say something idiotic that would also make me look stupid.

"Who is it Kellin?" my mom came to the door and I breathed out a small sigh of relief because now I don't have to say anything.

"I'm Mrs.Fuentes and this is my son Micheal" The woman repeated for the second time.

I turned around and went back to the living room to get back to my late homework. I may have come of as rude but I swear I wasn't trying to be, I just didn't like the way that Mike guy was staring at me. Even though I couldn't see his eyes because his glasses were mirrored but I could feel his eyes on me.

"Kellin? Take this to kitchen and get Mrs.Fuentes and her son some drinks okay?" I turned to see that the two strangers were now inside the house.

I took the covered dish out of my moms hands and headed to the kitchen. Great, just what I need, a couple of strangers that I have to try and get to know. I made two drinks and tipped some biscuits onto a plate and put it all onto a tray to carry out to our guests.

I took a deep breath to calm myself and entered the room which was already filled with laughter. I set the tray down on the table thankful that I hadn't managed to embarrass myself.

"Thank you Kellin" my mom smiled and I nodded my head and felt myself relax a little. My moms smile can always seem to calm me a bit, she was always patient with me even though I could tell that I annoyed her sometimes with my anxiety.

The two adults carried on talking while Michael ate the biscuits like he hadn't ate for days so I quietly gathered all my books and a packet of biscuits I had and was about to slip out of the room when I was stopped.

"So how old are you Kellin?" Mrs.Fuentes smiled at me and I clutched my things tightly when everybody's eyes turned to me.

"Er... 16" I replied

"Pardon?" she smiled and felt my cheeks heat up, speak up you idiot she can't hear you.

"16" I repeated more louder this time.

"Just like Michael" she said and the boy next to her smiled, mouth full of biscuits.

"Would you like to come our barbecue? You can meet my other son, although he is slightly older I'm sure you'll all get on" she smiled and I hesitated before nodding my head. I'm pretty sure I won't go anyway, I mean a party with strangers that I have to interact with? No thanks.

I looked at my mom and she smiled and nodded giving me the sign that it was okay to leave if I wanted to, and I did want to leave so I gave Mrs.Fuentes and her son a small smile and rushed upstairs to the safety of my room.

Once the door was shut behind me I felt okay again. I no longer felt the intense butterflies inside me and I didn't have to worry about looking stupid in front of anyone. I set my things down on my desk and fell back onto my bed, placing a pair of headphones on my head and closing my eyes. Music always made me feel better.

I lay on my bed humming along to the songs that filled my ears until I felt a tap on my leg causing me to snap my eyes open and sit up quickly.

"Calm down dude, I'm not gonna murder you or anything" laughed Mike, the boy from downstairs. He was in my room, standing by the bed and looking around at all my belongings. I placed my headphones next to me and sat cross legged on the bed watching him.

What is he doing in here? Oh god! I'm going to have to talk to him aren't I? My fear was confirmed when he turned back to me and smiled.

"Do you have any video games?" he asked and I shook my head no, I'm not much of a games person.

"What were you listening to?" he sat opposite me on my bed and picked up my headphones to place on his head.

"This is the type of stuff my brother likes." He smiled "Not really my thing but it's good"

I smiled at him and looked down at my hands, I really wanted to talk to him but I couldn't, my stupid anxiety always got in the way. Mike and I sat in what I thought was awkward silence, he kept his eyes on me I knew but I couldn't see his eyes since he still had his glasses on.

"Why don't you talk?" He tilted his head to the side and I just stared at him, why don't I talk? I do talk but just not a lot, not as much as your average person anyway.

"I-I do talk" I cringed at the way my voice shook slightly. I looked down at my hands and played with my fingers, this is so awkward, why can't he just leave? Why can't I just talk to him without being so nervous?

"I know you talk, I mean like... never mind" he shook his head and I nodded slowly.

"Do you want to come over to my house? You know, play some video games?" he asked and I wanted to say yes but at the same time I really didn't want to. The mere thought of being in his house and not knowing anyone sent my nerves going so I said no.

"Okay cool, maybe another time then eh?" He smiled

"Micheal!" I heard my moms voice shout from downstairs and Mike jumped of my bed and opened the door.

"I'm coming!" he shouted back and he smiled at me and waved before heading downstairs, I stayed on my bed feeling a little confused. He was actually nice to me, my friends aren't even nice half the time because I annoy them but he actually seemed to like me. Weird.

"Kellin!" I heard my mom shout after a while and I quickly got off my bed and hurried downstairs.

"Michael asked if you wanted to go over tomorrow and I said you would, is that okay?" she asked and I thought for a moment, I mean he was nice to me so I guess it's okay but what if he only said that because he felt sorry for me? Or he felt like he had to just so he didn't look bad?

"I guess" I replied shrugging my shoulders.

"Good" she smiled "you never know, maybe you two might become close friends"

She walked out of the room and into the kitchen, leaving me with my thoughts. Close friends? I've never had a close friend before, I mean I have friends that are close but they're not that close if you know what I mean. Throughout the whole summer holidays they've junky called me a few times and I've only met up with them twice.

"Can you take this to the bin outside please?" my mom asked holding a black plastic bag that was filled with left over food and dirt. I sighed and took it out of her hands, slipping in my toms quickly before heading outside.

It was slightly warm outside but I still didn't want to be out here. I walked slowly towards the black bins that we kept near the pavement just outside our house and dumped the bag in there. I was just about to head back inside when a black car pulled up on the house opposite us. Loud music was playing from the car, music that I liked and Mike hated. It must be his brother.

I thought about going inside before he could exist his car so I wouldn't have talk to him if he decided to chat but I was rooted to the spot when the door opened and a sex god appeared.

I could feel every thud of my heart beating in my chest, he was around average height maybe a little shorter, his tanned skin glowed healthily in the light and perfectly toned arms made me want to touch them. I literally couldn't move as I watched him standing by his car and looking down at his phone, his long brown hair slightly hiding his face but I'd caught a glimpse of it when he got out of his car.

That's Mikes brother? Well there's definitely no chance of me going over to his house if he's going to be there, I can barely talk to Mike never mind his hot brother. My breath caught in my throat suddenly as lifted his head and looked right at me. His deep brown eyes were focused on my green ones, my face turned red and I wished, for the hundredth time this week, that I wasn't so pale. I turned on my heel and walked quickly back to the house, I hope he doesn't think I was just staring at him even though I was but I don't want to come across as weird.

"Are you okay honey? You look a bit off" my mom said coming out of the kitchen, I was working in getting my breathing back to normal but I nodded and smiled at her.

"I'm going to go and finish my homework" I said and headed to the stairs.

"Dinner at 8!" I heard her shout after me, closing the door to my room I went over to my window and looked out. He was still standing there, leaning against his car and looking down at the screen of his phone in his hands. He was really good looking and I couldn't look away from him as he walked towards the white door of his house, stopping momentarily to pick something he'd dropped on the floor.

He turned his head, looking over his shoulder and then his eyes moved to my window. I gasped and jumped back, fuck! If he doesn't think your weird now, then there must be something wrong with him. I peeked through my window again but this time he was no longer there. Great! I've scared him away although even if I hadn't, I doubt he'd like me anyway.