Status: i'm not that good at summerys but the story is really good.

Don't Tell Me That I'm Ordinary

Chapter 2

Monday, a school day, that meant a whole 6 hours of pure hell and to top it of I had to do my presentation to get my speaking and listening grade today and it was safe to say that I was completely freaking out.

I had managed to get out of hanging with Mike from across the road by faking ill all week. Although I'm pretty sure that mom knew I was faking it.

I walked into the building with my head down, hopefully nobody will notice me. There wasn't a lot of people here because I liked to get to school early just so I won't have to walk through the halls when it's crowded.

I headed to my form room which was at the other end of the school in an art room. A few people where already there, just the usual early arrivers.

"Hey Kellin" smiled Zack who was talking to some girl I didn't recognise, I smiled back at him and said a quiet hello as I passed them and sat down in my seat.

There was 15 minutes left until the bell went, signalling the start of the school day. I sighed and played awkwardly with my hands, this is what hated about getting to school early, not having anything to do. I'd left my phone at home since I didn't like bringing it to school in case something happened to it.

I looked up at the clock and saw there was only five minutes left, the room was filling up slowly and I kept my eyes peeled for Jesse. He was the only one out of our group of friends who was in the same form as me. A few more students came in and then a couple of seconds later Jesse followed, holding his black book in his hand.

"Hey Jesse" I waved at him as he walked towards me but instead of sitting down in the seat next to me like usual, he sat down next to Beau in the row in front of me after giving me a small awkward smile.

What's up with him? Why isn't he sitting next to me? I frowned and was about to tap him on the shoulder but then our form tutor came in and we all had to be quiet whilst he told us about what to expect this year and asking if we had good holidays.

I wasn't listening much, I heard the same speech each year we came back and I was too busy trying to figure out if i'd upset Jesse in any way.

"...Laura will give out your new timetables and then please wait until you hear the bell before going to your first lesson" said our form tutor, who I still didn't know the name too.

Everybody started chatting as they got given their new timetable and I just sat there not knowing what to do. Jesse was talking to Beau and I didn't want to be annoying and interrupt them so I waited until I got my timetable and just looked it over until the bell rang.

I stuffed my timetable into my pocket and picked up my bag, Jesse was already walking out of the door so I sped up to try and catch up to him.

"Jesse!" I called out to him but he carried on walking, "Jesse!" I called him again but quieter this time because I knew he'd still hear me. He turned to look at me briefly before jogging up the stairs to the second floor.

I stopped at the bottom of the stairs and watched him disappear, I felt my heart drop slightly and my shoulders slump as I pulled my backpack on over one shoulder. He's finally gotten sick of me hasn't he? He hates me, he doesn't want to be my friend anymore but why? I swallowed down all of my feelings and continued walking towards my first lesson of the day.


I had spent my break in library as usual because I could never find any my friends at break. So far my lessons have been okay, so long as I don't have to work in a group or partner up with someone because non of my friends where in any of my classes so far.

The day had gone by quickly and it was already lunch time, I hated lunch. Looking for a seat in a room filled with hungry hormonal teenagers was not a fun activity. I put away my things in my locker and headed outside to look for any of my friends, they usually hung out around here so it wasn't hard to spot them by the school gates.

"Kellin!" I hand tapped my shoulder and I turned to face Mike who had a massive smile on his face.

"H-hey" I said quietly and glancing behind me at my friends.

"You feelin better?" he asked and I frowned in confusion but then remembered how I'd faked been ill to get out of hanging around with him.

"Yeah" I nodded my head and awkwardly shifted from foot to foot. Why is he talking to me? Not that I don't want to, I'd just rather not.

"Your school is pretty good" he smiled "bigger than my old one"

"Yeah" I smiled and looked back to where my friends were but they'd gone. Where could they have gone so quickly? I was literally only just talking to Mike for 5 seconds. I sighed and turned back to Mike.

"So you wanna hang out? I don't really know anyone here and ... I don't know where to go and stuff" he shrugged his shoulders and I hesitate before nodding my head.

Why not? My friends have left me and I don't like being alone, as long as I don't do anything stupid then I'll be fine.

"Cool!" he smiled "so I heard you can leave at dinner time to go get some food, you wanna do that?" he asked

Leave school? I've only left school once to get food with my friends and I ended up losing them so I wasn't really fond of that idea.

"Please? I'll pay, I know I great place to get food!" he grabbed my arm and started pulling me along towards the school car park. I noticed a few people looking at me and Mike, well Mike mostly anyway.

"Is it okay if my brother comes with us? I mean he has to anyway he's the one driving, but as soon as I get my license I'll be out there on the road and I won't need him to drive me everywhere all the time" he was speaking so fast I wouldn't be surprised if it turned out he'd taken some sort of drug.

"Wait, your brother?" I pulled my arm away just as we reached a black car. His brother? No, no I can't be anywhere near him! it might seem weird but because I'm attracted to him I have to make as less contact with him. That way I can't embarrass myself.

"Yeah, he's a little older but he's really nice" Mike smiled, "Look there he is" he pointed behind me and when I turned my face started to heat up quickly.

He had his head down but you didn't need to see his face to know he was good looking. He was wearing black skinnies and and a red tank top that showed of his arms in the most attractive way. I turned away from him and looked down at the ground, it's okay Kellin, he's just a hot guy who's older than you and he's only going to drive you and Mike to get some food.

"Are you okay?" I looked up at Mikes worried expression and I forced myself to smile. It's not too late to back out is it? What if u come across as rude?

"Hey Vic, is it okay if Kellin tags along?" Mike stopped his brother and he looked up at him and then over to me. My heart we beating so loud I could hear it in my own ears, he just stared at me for what seemed like the longest time before he shrugged his shoulders.

"Yeah why not" he gave me a smile and I my cheeks turned red again, oh shit! I looked down at the ground to hide my scarlet cheeks.

"Come on then, I'm fucking starved!" Mike exclaimed and he jumped into the fron pass anger seat, slamming the door shut.

"Hey! Watch it or you'll be walking" Vic threatened Mike and I smiled. Vic opened the door to the backseat for me and I felt myself blush again as I got into the car. Stop blushing!

"How long until lunch finishes Kellin?" Mike asked turning around to face me as Vic got into the drivers seat.

"Erm... a-an hour and 25 minutes" I said.

"An hour and what?" Vic asked and I bit my lip hard as I felt embarrassed. Why can't I just be confident like all the other kids?

"25 minutes" Mike answered "Now let's go! I'm starving" he jumped in his seat like a little kid and Vic smiled as he started up the car and drove off.

The ride only lasted a few minutes and was filled with mikes constant chatting. I honestly don't know how someone can talk so much or how Vic puts up with it. I didn't talk at all which isn't very surprising and Vic only commented a few times to whatever subject Mike talked about.

I had tried to keep my eyes trained on my hands that rested on in my lap but I found myself looking up every so often to look at Vic. He was just so good looking, I mean I've come across attractive guys all the time but he was something else.

"Can I take your order?" a smiling blonde asked us cheerily, we were sitting a small booth in some burger shop is seen every time I went out but never actually gone into.

"A double beef burger and large fries" responded Mike who was sitting next to me, "oh and a strawberry and banana milkshake"

The girl wrote his order down and then looked at me waiting for my order, I looked away from her and down at the menu in front of me.

"Erm..." I know what I want, I know exactly what I want but I was somehow too scared to tell her (as stupid as that sounds).

"Two medium fries, BBQ sauce and one large, one medium cola" I looked at Vic in shock who had order for me, he knew exactly what I wanted, well sort of I kind of don't really like BBQ sauce but he was close.

"Is that alright?" he asked me and I quickly nodded my head. Why did he order for me? Why didn't he just leave me alone until I'd finally end up having to just point to what I wanted? Was it because he could see how painfully pathetic I was and decided to just order?

I wanted to ask him but I couldn't so I didn't. Instead I just looked down at my hands under the table and waited for the food to come.

"So classes do you have?" Asked Mike, "I wanna see if we're gonna be in any together"

I picked up my bag from the floor and opened it to look for my timetable, giving it to Mike who had hi out on the table and was now looking back and forth between them.

"How old are you Kellin?" Vic's deep smooth voice filled my ears and I unconsciously dug my nails into my clasped hands.

"16" I replied but I don't think he heard because he looked down at my lips so he could read what I was saying instead.

"Cool, I'm only two years older than you" he smiled and the butterflies in my stomach fluttered.

"Yeah you are" Mike smiled and winked Vic who frowned at him. They stared at each other for a few seconds as if communicating without words until Mike rolled his eyes and went back to studying my timetable.

Vic opened his mouth to talk again but was interrupted by the waiter who placed three plates down in front of us.

"Double beef burger, large fries with a strawberry and banana milkshake and two medium fries, BBQ sauce and two cola's" she smiled as set everything down carefully.

"Anything else I can help you with?" she smiled, her eyes lingering on Vic a few seconds longer.

"Nope, we're good" Mike started shoving fries into his mouth and I picked up one and ate it slowly.

"Okay,enjoy your meal" she smiled again and walked off to tend to other costumors.

"Hey Kellin, I thought maybe we could give you a ride home" Mike smiled "we have the same last lesson together" he explained

"Okay" I replied, I guess a ride home would be okay.

"You don't talk much do you?" Vic said and I felt myself blush at his comment.

"I-I do ... talk" I hated the way my voice shook slightly but I hated it especially when people pointed out how much I didn't talk. It's not that I choose not to, it's just the fact that I can't.

"I know, I just meant that for someone who looks the way you do, your a bit quiet" Vic smiled

"W-What do you mean?" I frowned, I was starting to get a bit defensive, does he mean that in a bad way? Do I look like a chatty person?

"He means-"

"I mean" Vic interrupted Mike giving him a glare to tell him to shut up. "I mean you look, you know..." he shrugged his shoulders and carried on eating.

I ate a few fries thinking about what he'd said, what does he mean by someone who looks the way that I do? I touched my hair, running my fingers through it to make sure it was okay.

"Dude don't listen to him" Mike sighed ""just because he's studying phycology he thinks he's Mr expert at ready people"

I gave Mike a confused look because I was honestly lost, what does that have to do with anything?

"Vic wants to be a phycology for kids and he was trying to get you to talk by telling you your quiet and shit" he explained.

"It worked though right?" he smiled an I couldn't help but feel a little bit used. I'm not a fucking experiment! I looked down at my plate of food, I'd suddenly lost my appetite, why am I such a freak? I hate being so cautious and shy of everything.

"You wanna go back to school?" Vic asked "We only have 35 minutes left"

We all carried out food to the car and Vic and Mike ate on the drive back to school but I wasn't hungry anymore. Why did I come here with them both? oh yeah, my friends ditched me but I could have just stayed by myself instead of gone with them. I looked at the little mirror at the front of the car and saw a pair of brown eyes looking back at me, I looked away quickly and down at the food in my lap.

"We're here" Vic announced as he parked the car in schools car park, I didn't waste any time in getting out I the car, hurting the door and quickly walking away. They might think I rude but at that moment I just didn't care, I had to get away from them both or I could have an anxiety attack.

"Kellin!" I heard Mike shout but ignored him and headed inside the school building and towards the toilets. luckily there was nobody there, I dumped my bag on the floor and splashed my face with cold water. I was breathing heavily now trying to get air into my lungs, I don't know why this happened but it does sometimes, especially if I think too much about things like Vic.

The bell rang signalling the end of lunch, I pulled out my timetable from my bag and mentally groaned when I saw I had English. That meant I had to present my presentation again, I felt my hands begin to sweat and at the thought and I decided to just skip the lesson. I didn't want to stand in front if everyone and have them laugh at how pathetic I was so I picked up my bag and just decided to go home. Mom would be at work so the house will be empty, I can just sneak out through the window when she gets back and pretend I've just gotten home from school I mean this isn't the first time I've skipped school.