Status: i'm not that good at summerys but the story is really good.

Don't Tell Me That I'm Ordinary

chapter 3

"Kellin, Mike's here!" My mom shouted from downstairs. She wasn't going to work today so she wasn't in any rush, me on the other hand was all over the place this morning.

"Hurry up Kellin your going to be late!" she shouted and that's when I started to panic. I had so much to get ready and so little time, I felt like I was going explode.

"Mom!" I yelled for her as I tried to get air into my lungs, I was breathing but there was no air going in. I dropped to the floor and sat with my head in my knees, footsteps were coming up the stairs quickly until mom burst into my room.

"It's okay sweetie" She knelt down beside me and wrapped her arms around my shaking body. "Deep breaths" she whispered into my ear.

I closed my eyes and tried to ignore the fear that was building up inside of me. Taking slow deep breaths I started to calm down after a couple of minutes. My moms hand rubbed up and down my back, soothingly and slowly. I pulled away from her and she gave me a sad smile.

"Did you take your medication?" she asked and I nodded my head. "Maybe you should stay of school for today" she sighed and I rolled my eyes.

"I'm okay, I can go to school" I got to my feet and brushed myself off, as much as I loved her she can also smother me too much which I hate.

"Are you sure?" she asked and I nodded my head. I grabbed my bag of the floor and kissed her cheek before heading downstairs and out the door.

"What took you so long?" Asked Mike who was halfway up our driveway, I had completely forgotten about him.

"I was just about to knock on your door" he smiled at me and gave him a small smile. The last thing I need is someone who talks a lot.

"Come on, we're already late" he started walking towards the black car that I hadn't noticed until now.

Mike's brother Vic was leaning out of the window and watching me as I walked slowly towards the car. He made me so nervous and felt y palms begin to get sweaty as he smiled that cute smile of his.

"Hey Kellin" he said when I reached the car, I gave him a quick wave before entering the car and doing up my seatbelt.

"What lesson do you have first?" asked Mike

"Biology" I said quietly although I hoped not too quiet because I didn't want to say it again.

"Damn! I don't think were gonna have many lessons together" he sighed and Vic laughed, a deep sexy laugh.

"We might though, looks like we have biology together" he smiled at me through the rear view mirror and I felt myself blush. We have biology together? Oh god what if I embarrass myself in front of him? What if he thinks I'm a nerd because I'm really good at biology?

"Anyway" Mike rolled his eye "do you want to hang out again today? or are going to be with your friends?" he asked turning around to face me.

"Er... I don't know" I replied because I really didn't, I'm not sure what's going on with them right now but I'm pretty sure they're avoiding me which I'm not too bothered about because I can understand why they wouldn't want to be my friend anymore.

"We're here" Vic said parking the car in the same spot he did yesterday. We all exited the car and I saw how late we really were, there was nobody around and when I looked up at the building of the school I could see some people already in their classes.

"Shit guys, we're really late, I'll catch you at break or lunch" And with that Mike ran ahead of us into the school leaving me and Vic alone.

I was nervous, I wasn't sure how to act around him without feeling stupid. We walked in silence and I kept a fair distance between us.

"Are you okay?" The silence was broken by Vic as we entered the school and walked down the hallways.

I nodded my head to his question, no I wasn't okay, I'm walking next to a really hot guy who can just turn around at any moment and realise how much of a freak I am.

Vic stopped at a door and gave me a smile before opening it, I stood behind him and followed him inside the quiet classroom. I kept my eyes on the floor as I felt everybody's eyes on us.

"And what time do you two call this?" the teacher asked sounding annoyed.

"Sorry sir" Vic said apologised and I copied only a lot quiter.

"Take your seats" the teacher huffed and I followed Vic to the only two seats left near the back of the classroom but close to the window.

"Don't fall Kellin" I looked up at the smirking face of my ex boyfriend Oli. I know shocking, the quiet awkward kid has had a boyfriend but it didn't last.

It started during the Easter holidays last year, we we're friends for a while before he asked me to be his boyfriend and I had gladly said yes because as much as I don't like him anymore I have to admit that he is very good looking.

I looked down at his foot which was sticking out in front of me ready to make me fall and stepped over it instead, ignoring his comments and taking my seat next to Vic.

"Are you okay?" Vic whispered and I nodded my head but I wasn't okay, I looked at Oli who was on his phone and sighed.

This wasn't how I'd wanted us to be after we broke up, we only dated for a month and bit but I broke it off when I had to focus on myself getting better then after I was better I just didn't like him that way anymore.

I snapped out of my thoughts when I felt something warm brush against my arm. I stole a sideways glance at Vic, he was looking forward at the teacher totally engrossed in what he was saying. I looked down at his arm which was gently resting next to mine, the tan of his skin making my pale one look like a ghost. I could feel the warmth radiating from him, it made my heart beat faster and my my palms damp.

I moved my arm away from him and lay my hands in my lap under the table. Oh god! How the hell am I meant to concentrate with a bloody sex god next to me and someone who hated me sitting only two feet away?

"Do you want to be my partner?" Vic asked and I looked at him and simply nodded. He smiled and placed a piece of paper in between us that had questions on it.

Me and Vic answered the questions with no trouble, he did most of the work though but not because I didn't know the answers, I did, I was just reluctant to tell the to him sometimes so I just kept my mouth shut. I kept a fair distance between us the whole lesson because every time he came close to me it made me nervous and I was sure I was going to throw up at one point from the butterflies overcrowding my stomach.

"Next lesson class, we'll be going on a field trip to the aquarium to study the life of sea animals so bring money for your lunch because we are going to be there for he majority of the day" the teacher told us right before the bell went.

I checked my timetable to see what I had next and then quickly rushed out of the classroom to avoid talking to Vic and or bumping into Oli. I just hope I don't have anymore lessons with either both of them.
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sorry fpr this chapter because i couldnt be bothered proof reading but the next chapter will be better