Status: i'm not that good at summerys but the story is really good.

Don't Tell Me That I'm Ordinary

Chapter 4

Lunch was almost over and I was siting at the back of the school by myself behind a big tree that blocked me from anyone's view if they decided to walk around the back of the school. I had spent the day alone, avoiding Mike and Vic and my friends although I think their avoiding me for some reason. I was having one of those days where I just wanted to be alone and just felt down and bad about myself.

I opened my bag and took out my medication which I was prescribed to take twice a day. Holding the small pink circle in my palm I looked down at and sighed, I hated taking them they make me feel abnormal like some sort of pathetic freak who needs pills to live an almost normal life.

"Hey" I jumped from hearing the voice behind me and in the process dropped the little pink pill.

"Shit!" I gasped and quickly scanned the grass for the flash of pink as Vic sat down opposite me.

"Sorry I didn't mean to scare you" he smiled and I smiled back a nervous smile before looking down at the grass again searching for the pill.

Crap! That was my last one and I need to take one right now before I start having side effects. Fucking fantastic, I was getting more tomorrow before school but I couldn't wait that long. My weekly supply has run out and I've just lost the last one and now Vic is here talking to me. Not a good combination.

"How come your sitting here by yourself?" he asked opening his bag and pulling out a lunch box.

"N-no reason" I said hating how my voice cracked.

"Mike made some new friends and went off with them so I thought I'd come and find you" he smiled, I frowned a little at the fact that Vic hadn't made any friends yet. That's probably why he's still talking to me, he hasn't got anybody else to hang with so he comes to me instead until he finds someone better.

"Are you okay?" he asked looking concerned. I nodded my head and forced myself to smile. No I'm not okay! I have no more pills and a hot guy is talking to me! Wow, way to sound like a drug addict.

"So how has your day been?" he asked taking a bite out of his wrap. My heat beat faster with every second he was here, why can't I just be normal and not have to be nervous and anxious about everything and everybody.

"Okay" I shrugged my shoulders, I didn't want to talk a lot in case I annoyed him and anyway, who'd want to hear about my crappy day?

"So Mike tells me we have the same music taste, what do you like?" He tilted his head to the side and and I almost lost myself in his gorgeous eyes. Vic smiled and I looked away blushing realising that I'd been staring.

"Sorry" I mumbled under my breath, I felt stupid, why was a staring at him? I felt a finger under my chin lift my head up so I was looking at Vic again.

"It's okay, I don't mind" he said and I heard myself swallow. I let out a shaky breath as he dropped his hand, my palms were beginning to sweat and I couldn't handle him touching me.

"Are you okay?" He asked and I nodded taking slow breaths to calm my heart. "So music? What do you listen to?"

"D-different... things" I stuttered out and looking at him through my lashes.

"Like what?" he asked laying down on the grass and propping himself up on one elbow, making himself comfortable.

"Er... J-just cool ... things" I replied, Vic looked at me waiting for me to say more. Is he actually listening? Does he really care about what music I like? Apparently so because he raised his eyebrows for me to continue.

"Erm... U2 is pretty coo-"

"Hold up!" Vic interrupted holding his hand up to silence me, I felt my heart rate quicken again and I pulled down the sleeves of my jumper with shaky hands.

"U2? Are you kidding me? really? really Kellin?" He asked, he seemed kind of pissed off and it made me nervous.

"Oh no no no, can you hear? Do you have ears? Because if so then why would you torture yourself like that?"

A small smile came into my lips from watching him react this way, not many people like the band U2 but I think their great. It's funny to watch people's reactions when I tell them that I listen to them.

"Please tell me your joking" Vic said resting a hand on my knee, I shook my head and smiled.

"Nope" I looked down at his hand that was still on my knee until he removed it.

"Okay" he took a breath "okay, I think I can look past that" he said giving me a smile, his perfect teeth making him look more hot than he actually is.

"Right, anyway moving on, err what's your favourite thing to do at the weekened?" he asked and I closed my eyes momentarily but only because I was trying to calm my heart and make myself less scared and nervous.

"Anything" I replied quietly and opening my eyes, "I-I like doing ... anything"

"Do you like to eat?" he asked me and I frowned at his random question before shrugging my shoulders and then nodding my head. Everybody needs to eat to survive.

"So do I!" he exclaimed "Maybe we can go and eat together sometime" he smiled and I literally felt my heart stop. If I wasn't so nervous I'd probably had laughed at how cheesy that sounded but I didn't laugh, I just stared at him.

Did he just ask me out on a date? No, no he can't have, I mean he's not even gay ... is he? And anyway who would like someone as pathetic as me? he's probably just asking to be nice, as a friend. Yeah that's it, he feels sorry for me.

"Erm... N-no that's fine, I-I mean thanks but ... no" I grabbed my bag as my face flushed red, my hands where shaking and I felt a tad dizzy as I quickly got to my feet.

"Why not?" Vic stood up too and stood in front of me. "come on it will be fun, you said you liked eating and coincidentally so do I" he gave me a lopsided smile and I seriously considered saying yes but before I could say anything the bell rang.

"Shit! I have gym" Vic picked up his bag from the floor and started walking away backwards so he was facing me.

"I'll pick you up on Saturday then?" he asked as he got further and further away, I shook my head no but he just smiled. "Be ready by 2!" he shouted before turning and walking away towards the front of the school.

What the hell just happened? I thought as I walked to my last lesson of the day, I had English and I wasn't so much dreading it since I heard that half of the class is on a school trip so the presentations have to be moved to next week instead.

I entered the school and took a slow breath as I waked through the halls, as much as I wanted to dwell on the thought of Vic I just couldn't. I was getting a headache, one of the many annoying side affects of not taking my medication. I walked up the steps to the second floor and to the door of my English class. I have no idea who is going to be here with me since I missed my first lesson, I opened the door and was met with a loud classroom. There was people sitting on tables and things flying across the room as I closed the door behind me.

I guess the teacher isn't here. I spotted an empty seat by the window near the back of the room and decided that I would sit there. Dodging a pencil that was flying through the air I made my way carefully to the empty seat and sat down. I didn't know anyone here which I guess was kind of good thing but then again not the whole clas was here since there was trip. I looked down at my desk and sighed, my headache was getting worse and I knew it wouldnt get better until I take my medication. Fuck it! I picked up my bag and lung it over my shouler as I made my way out of the room, I was just walking out of the door when I bumped Into someone.

"Where you going Quinn?" I looked up and met the hazel green eyes that belonged to none other than Oliver Sykes. Great. I steeped out of his way and he smiled, looking me up and down before walking into the room. He made me nervous and now he's in my English class, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, It won't be that bad I told myself. I took a step out of the room and felt something hit my head, laughter erupted behind me as a piece of paper landed at my feet. You know what scratch that, it is going to bad, It's going to be hell but I can't be dealing with this right now.

I didn't bother looking behind me as I walked away, hearing that annoying british accent shout after me. One of these days , I swear I'm going to wipe away that smug smile he always has on his face.