Status: i'm not that good at summerys but the story is really good.

Don't Tell Me That I'm Ordinary

chapter 5

Thursday. Another school day that I wasn't looking forwards to. But luckily I'd gotten my pills yesterday, mom let miss a day of school to go and get them android let them kick in first before going to school, which I wasn't exactly complaining about.

I was standing outside my art class, waiting for the bell to ring. I was early today, one because I'm usually early anyways but two, because I wanted to avoid Vic. Ever since he asked me to go out with him I couldn't stop worrying, I hardly slept last night, my mind kept drifting off to 'what if's' and 'whys'. Like what if I've mistaken this for something less than a date? Is it a date? or just two friends going to get some food together?

A small tap landed on my shoulder and I turned around but nobody was there, I frowned and then I felt another tap on my other shoulder. Turning again I came face to face with the devil himself.

"Hello Kellin" smiled Oli, he was leaning against the wall in front of me, his arms crossed over his chest. I looked him up and down quickly, taking note of how attractive he looked today. I mean I'm still allowed to find him good looking even though he is a bit of a dick sometimes.

"Oli" I replied quietly, giving him a nod and looked around to see if anybody else here, only three other people who seemed to be in a heated conversation about something. Like I said before, I was really early today.

"You weren't in school yesterday" he said

"So?" I shrugged my shoulders, Oliver was one of the very few people who I could actually interact with without being nervous all the time and I think that's mostly due to our past relationship but that doesn't mean I don't get anxious or anything when I'm around him. I still am.

"So where were you?" he asked and I frowned

"It's none of your business" I looked down at the floor avoiding his eyes, I could feel him looking at me and it was making me uncomfortable.

"Was it your anxiety?" he said in a low voice so only I could here, there were more people around now but still only a few.

I looked up at him, he knew about my anxiety, I'd told him when we broke up last year and I was surprised that he hadn't blurted it out to the whole school yet.

"Why do you care?" I asked him narrowing my eyes at him, he continued to stare at me his hazel green eyes piercing into mine. It reminded me of when we used to date, how I used to stare into them for ages until I fell asleep.

The sudden sound of the bell jolted me out of my day dream as Oli turned and walked into the classroom along with the other students. I waited for everybody to go through before following behind and taking a seat near the back of the classroom where I could see everybody clearly. Art was one I my favourite subjects but when my class is full of dicks I have to be careful about where I sit to avoid being bullied.

"Jesse! Over here!" I looked up to see Jesse walk in through the door and I smiled at the sight of him. At least I won't be alone in here, I was about to wave him over when he when he sat down next to beau instead.

Maybe he didn't see me? My shoulders visibly dropped as I looked down at my desk, I don't understand why he's ignoring me. Why all of my friends are ignoring me.

"All alonsome eh Kellin?" Oli smiled and sat down on my table opposite me, I frowned and ignored him. Why doesn't he just leave me alone?

"Kellin?" his voice came again, softly and quietly, I looked up at him but he was talking to someone. I could have sworn I'd heard him say my name, I shrugged it off not thinking too much about it.

"Okay everybody, settle down!" the deep voice of our art teacher sounded over all the noise. All chatter fell silent as everybody stopped talking to pay attention. The teacher told the us what to do, to draw anything in this room using any type of material and we all got to it.

I decided to draw front of the room, the teachers desk with him sat behind it and all the things behind him using pen. I liked art, it helped me forget about everything that goes on in my life and focus on something different instead.

"Hey, Kellin" I looked up at Oli who had called my name and he looked at me for a second before going back to his drawing. What does he want? I decided to leave it and got back to drawing.

"Kellin" Oli said again, I sighed and looked up yet again only to to be with the op of his head.

"What Oli?"

He looked up at me, bit his lip and then went back to drawing. Wait a minute, is he- is he drawing me?

"Are you drawing me?" I frowned and he nodded his head.

"Why?" I asked in confusion, I thought he didn't like me, why would he be drawing me?

"Why not?" He shrugged and carried on drawing. I felt uncomfortable now, knowing he was drawing me, studying me while I did my work wasn't going so well with my nerves. Every now and then I could see him from the corner of my eyes look at me and stare for a few moments before going back to his work.

"Kellin" Oli said again and I nervously looked up at him, I hated his eyes on me. It was like he was trying to look into my soul.

"Kellin!" I heard a voice say my name, it was quiet and barely audible but I heard it. I looked around the room seeing everyone hard at work with their drawings.

"Kellin... Kell-"

The voice came again, louder this time but I saw nobody calling me. My heart started beating quickly as I felt like I was moving, was I moving? I looked at Oli and he seemed to be moving too, moving away from me. He was slowly moving back along with everything eels and leaving darkness behind him. I was breathing heavily now as I tried to reach out to him in a panic.

"Oli!" I shouted after him but he didn't seem to hear me as he got further and further away. "Oli! Oli help me!"

I didn't know what was happening. Why was this happening? I was scared shitless as I tried to calm my erratic heartbeat. I kept shouting for Oli but he was gone by now and I was surrounded by darkness, I could still feel my body moving, getting faster and faster as I moved through the darkness. I couldn't help but scream as endless thoughts of what could be happening raced through my mind. It all happened so quickly, one minute I was in class with Oli opposite me drawing me and now I'm in an endless void that I was being pulled in.

"Nooo! Help me!" I screamed "HELP M-" I never got to finish my sentence because I had collided with something hard and cold. The impact took a lot out of me because the thing I new I was falling and I didn't know whether I stopped or not because by that time, if passed out.
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Sorry I have updated for a while hit I've been busy with school and stuff so I asked my beautiful best friend to write me a chapter. Sadly she doesn't have mibba but I'm giving all credit to her on this. It's a bit different from what I originally had planned for this but in gonna roll with it.