Violent Sunsets

Violent Sunsets

I pulled into the parking lot for the concert and got out of my car into the beautiful sunshine. I pulled the edges of my jean shorts down and placed my sunglasses over my eyes. I scanned the faces entering the outdoor arena and smiled. I shook my head. Those poor souls were going to be hot as hell. A majority of the people had white face paint completely coloring their skin with various black markings around their face. All dressed, as was the style for the Violent Sunsets’ fans, in dark black some with capes. The women dressed in nun-like robes. I couldn’t help the smirk that overcame my face as I watched the masses filtering into the concert. I stuck out like a sore thumb.

I wasn’t going to let that bother me as I locked my car and turned to walk in only to come face to face with two guys dressed to the nine’s . Both of their faces completely white with various black marking and robes to match. They were eyeing me and I just smirked back.

“Can I help you?” I asked with a sarcastic edge.

“You do know, you’re at a Violent Sunsets concert, right?” The one to the left said. It was hard to tell what anyone looked like under all that face makeup. I could tell the difference between the two though because the guy on the left had big black circles painted around his eyes. The other guy on the right had various squiggles running the length of his face.

“Yeah.” I nodded. ‘’My brother had a ticket he wasn’t using and gave it to me. I’m not really that into the genre but I wasn’t going to pass up a free ticket.” I shrugged.

They both laughed. “The Violent Sunsets are only the best screamo band ever.” The guy to the right said.

“Yeah the lead singer, Derek, is like my idol,” Black Circle Guy agreed. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. Instead I started to walk towards the line to get in and told them as they followed me.

“Like I said I just don’t understand the appeal of listening to something almost unintelligible.
It’s kind of why I don’t like rap. I like stuff that’s easy to sing along too.”

“Let me guess you like all that pop shit,” Squiggle Guy said. His face formed into a look of disgust.

I laughed. “I’m more of a country girl. I’ll listen to anything which is why I’m here but I much prefer country over some screamo band.”

“But it’s the Violent Sunsets!”

“Yeah? Big deal,” I said unimpressed. I knew it would ruffle their feathers. I was enjoying it. “Everyone here’s so obsessed with it all that they go around dressing like that,” I said gesturing to the both of them. “When it’s over ninety fucking degrees out. You all are insane.”

“It’s to show our support to the band,” Squiggle Guy defended.

“And I’m sure they appreciate it.” I said sarcastically as I reached the ticket ripper.

“They do.” They followed me to a place close to the front of the stage. “I’m Gabe by the way,” Black Circle Guy said. He held his hand out.

“Sam,” I replied back shaking his hand.

“I’m Steve,” Squiggle Guy said as we shook hands as well.

“I’m sure that after you hear their music, you’re going to love them,” Gabe exclaimed.

“Doubt it,” I told him raising my glasses to the top of my head.

When the Violent Sunsets took the stage the weirdly dressed crowd roared out with excitement. Gabe and Steve joining in as I just smiled. The lead singer grabbed the mic.

“Are you guys ready?” The crowd’s cheer was deafening. “Alright, this one goes out to a special someone. I’m glad you finally came to one of our concerts.” They started playing, the lead singer belting out a loud scream over the roar of the crowd. I smirked up at the band. I got into the music. It was easy to with such an excited crowd. Gabe and Steve were really enjoying themselves.

Before long it was all over with as the Violent Sunsets waved bye to the crowd. Being so close to the front meant it took forever to get back out to my car but Steve and Gabe kept me company.

“Weren’t they awesome?” Gabe asked.

“So fucking awesome,” Steve agreed.

“They weren’t bad,” I stated.

“Not bad? I saw you were enjoying it.” Gabe teased.

“Like I said not bad.” As we were walking Gabe pulled out a towel and wet it using his water bottle. He wiped his face down, removing the black and white face makeup that had already started to run off from all the sweat.

I was finally able to discern exactly what he looked like. “Wow,” I exclaimed. “Who knew that under all that weirdness was an attractive guy.”

“Weird?” Gabe said offended as he handed the towel to Steve. “You’re so judgmental about the whole thing.”

I shrugged. “It’s just my opinion. There’s nothing wrong with that. I think you’re both crazy to dress up like that for a band but you have every right too. I’m just saying, I think it’s weird.” I smiled trying to get across that I wasn’t trying to offend them but just saying what was on my mind.

The smiled didn’t seem to help as Steve looked at me funny after having wiped his face clean as well. They actually looked halfway decent without all the crap covering their features.

“So totally gloss over the fact that I just called you attractive.” I shrugged.

Gabe smiled back and I was relieved that my mouth hadn’t gotten me in too much trouble.
“Well I think it’s weird that you came to a Violent Sunsets concert when you don’t even like them and dressed the way you are.”

“And that’s your opinion,” I chirped. “I’m really glad I met you two. I think it made the concert more fun. I thought I was going to be bored out of my skull.”

“Yeah it was fun,” Steve said. The crowd had dispersed some and we were some of the last people left in the arena.

“I’m glad we met too. Listen, can I give you my number and maybe we can hang out some time?” Gabe asked nervously. I would have never have guessed that this would have happened especially because I’d done nothing but rip on their favorite band all night.

I smiled at him. “Sure I’d like that.”

“Awesome.” Gabe quickly told me his number and I put it in my phone.

“Are you sure about this? After all my opinions?” I questioned sending him a text so he’d have my number as well.

“I enjoyed hearing your crazy opinions. It was refreshing.” He smiled.

“Nice going man,” Steve said pushing Gabe’s shoulder. Then he turned to me. “I for one could have done without your opinions an you calling us weird. But it was nice to hang with you.”

“Hey,” someone called from behind us just before we were about to leave the arena. I turned at the voice and smiled as I was pulled into a hug. I laughed and hugged him back.

“Hey, Derek.”

“Hey little sis, so what did you think?” he asked.

“It wasn’t so bad.” Gabe and Steve stood with their mouths hung open. “Way better in concert than it ever was in our garage.”

“You…You’re Derek! The lead singer of the Violent Sunsets!” Gabe finally exclaimed overcoming his shock. Derek turned to look at the two guys questioningly.

“Yeah…” he said puzzled. “Nice to meet you.” He turned to shake hands with both of them. I laughed at the star struck look in both of their eyes. “So who are these two?”

“I met them at the concert. They were dressed all weird and you know me I just had to put my two cents in.”

Derek laughed. “And they’re still here talking to you?”

I smiled. “What can I say? I’m pretty charming.”

“Dude,” Steve said as a thought came to him and he turned to Gabe. “You just gave your number to Derek’s little sister!” Gabe stared wide eyed looking from Steve to me to Derek and back to me.

I couldn’t stop the laughter that poured out of my mouth. This was just too good to be true. “You’re so lucky you gave it to me before, you knew Derek was my brother or I might have just thought you were doing it to get to Derek.”

“No! I like you,” he said it quietly looking at Derek wearily like Derek was going to attack him because he said he liked me.

“You’re so lucky to have Derek as your brother. That’s got to be so cool,” Steve said excitedly breaking the awkward tension Gabe was feeling.

“Not really,” I said nonchalantly.

Derek pouted out his lower lip. “You don’t love me?”

“You know what I mean. I love you,” I said seriously before turning to the guys, “but I hated having to listen to him and his friends practice out in our garage.” I shook my head. “You can only take so much screamo before you’re ready to fucking explode. I thought they were completely crazy and now they have these adoring fans that are crazy enough to dress up and see them. I never thought that would happen.”

“I’m really glad you came tonight,” Derek told me. “I wasn’t sure I’d ever get you to come to one of my concerts.”

“What can I say? I figured I should just get it over with.” Derek laughed and pulled me into another hug.

“I’ll see you tomorrow, okay? I should get back to the band.”

“Okay. I’ll see you later.” Derek rushed back away saying bye to the two gaping boys.

“I can’t believe your brother is Derek!” Steve exclaimed.

“I can’t believe you don’t like the Violent Sunsets and your brother is the lead singer,” Gabe said.

“Like I said, I grew up having to listen to them. It’s gets old real fast. But I know they’re really good and I’m proud of them.”

“Wow, this has got to be the most amazing concert of all. I met Derek and a girl who happens to be his sister,” Gabe said astonished.

Steve clapped him on the back. “Aren’t you so glad, I got us the tickets? This night was epic.”

“Well my car’s right over there. I’ll call you, Gabe. Bye, guys.” I waved as I turned to head to my car.

“Bye, Sam.” They both exclaimed.
♠ ♠ ♠
I had a dream similar to this last night and just had to write about it.