Status: Startin' out guys.

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Chapter 1

“Hello, my lovely, lovely subbies. And if you are not a subbie, you are still lovely. Back to the topic: I have made some bad decisions in my life. Very bad. Some have been, like, eating stale bubble gum bad. But most are hurting people bad. I have hurt a lot of people in the last 6 months. I have been hurt a lot in the past 6 months,” I paused for air, “So I am making this video, to explain how I have hurt people. Now, if you don't go to my school, you have no idea what the hell I am saying, so listen. Yes, you are thinking ‘But you joined YouTube 6 months ago’. Exactly. Okay, so I am going to get on with the story. I guess you could call it that. A story. But whatever it is I am going to get on with it. Starting now….

“I’m just saying, she is a major bitch. I don't ever want to see you talking to her.” Hannah explained. I barely listened tuning her out to “Lollipop” by MIKA. I glared out the window to see abandoned stores, broken down gas stations and rusty cars race by me. It almost felt like the car wasn't moving, but the world around us was. It was a peaceful feeling, until we get to the familiar mini mart, which constantly reminds me that we are about 3 minutes away from school. I always either snort or sigh when I see it. It is like a signal for ‘Hey, get ready to spend 7 hours today learning, only to forget it when you get home,’. I absolutely hate it.
Hannah snatches the earphones out of my ear.
“Did you hear me? I said stay away from Sara Waters.” She warned.
“It’s not like I talk to her anyway. She is absolutely ridiculous and annoying.”
“This is why I like you.”
Hannah can “like” me all she wants. I will never like her. She is snobby, and the only reason she hates Sara Waters is because in 3rd grade, Sara sat in Hannah’s seat. Who holds a grudge for eight years?!
The only reason I hang out with Hannah is because her mom and my mom are, like, yoga buddies. And they have been since the sixth grade. Which automatically means Hannah has been invited to every single one of my birthday parties since then.
About 5 minutes after that little 'warning' we were in the parking lot of hell. I groaned and grabbed my High Sierra backpack which I have had for four years. And Gia, the spoiled thing she is, pulled out a brand new Gucci backpack, made in Puerto Rico.
"Hey, girl." William greeted me, placing his arms around my shoulder. Now, here we meet William. William has been my boyfriend since ninth grade. And frankly, I should have dumped him a long time ago. But, he is why I started my adventure. And this is when I started my adventure.