Status: Done

Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day

Marilyn's POV

"Happy Valentine's Day, Brian!" Twiggy smiles as I walk downstairs. He's in the kitchen, cooking something that smells delicious. I rub my eyes and give a groggy smile back.

I fall on the couch. I didn't sleep too well last night. I nestle my head in the soft pillow.

"Come eat! I made pancakes!" Twiggy walks over to me and gently shakes me. I sit up and follow him to the kitchen table. I grin at what he made: heart-shaped pancakes. He pours maple syrup on both of our plates and takes a big bite. I take a smaller bite, and they are really good. Last time he made breakfast, it was all burned to a crisp.

We eat in quiet. After all of the dirty dishes are in the sink, I fall back on the couch. Twiggy flops himself on top of me and strokes my cheek.

"So, what are we doing today?" I ask.

"Nothing. I bought chocolate and wine." He shrugs.

"Is there anything you want to do? I mean, it is Valentine's Day."

"No. All I want is right here." Twiggy kisses my nose.

I lean up and press my lips against his. He smiles and kisses back. I close my eyes, I need to sleep, but I don't want to. Today is the day you are supposed to be ridiculously romantic towards your lover.

"Babe, maybe we could have Ginger and John come over?" If I do fall asleep, they could keep Twiggy company. If not, we haven't talked to them in a few weeks.

He nods and slowly gets off me. I miss his warmth already. Watching him skip semi-gracefully to the phone warms my heart. Seeing him happy always makes my insides tingle.

I close my eyes when I hear his voice. I don't really process what he's saying. I really need to sleep before tonight because I want tonight to be perfect.

Twiggy comes back over and kneels on the floor next to me. I open my bloodshot eyes and look at him. He kisses my forehead and rubs my shoulder.

"If you want to sleep for a little bit, that's fine. As long as I have you tonight, it's okay." Twiggy pulls a blanket over me and smooths it out.

"Just make sure Ginger and John don't draw on my face with marker or anything." I let out a tired laugh.

"Yea, I will. Now, get some sleep. You're miserable when you're sleepy." He leans down to give me one more kiss.

There's a knock on the door and he runs to get it. I assume it's John and Ginger. I shut my eyes. I allow myself to give into much needed sleep.


Twiggy's POV

"Hey, Twiggs. Where's Manson?" Ginger asks as I let he and John inside.

"He's tired. He's trying to fall asleep on the couch. We can go up in my bedroom and talk if you want." I suggest. My bedroom is were I slept before Marilyn and I were together. It's never really used.

"Yea, I guess." John shrugs.

I lead them to the semi-clean room. I flop on the bed and my bandmates sit really close together.

"So, um, why are we here?" John asks.

"I need to ask you two something."

"And what would that be?" Ginger raises an eyebrow.

"I don't really know what to do for Manson tonight. I really want it to be special. Normally it's him doing all this romantic stuff, not me."

"I'm sure anything you do will be enough for him. He loves you and will appreciate anything you would do for him." John shrugs. When did he become doctor love?

Marilyn's POV

I open my eyes and yawn. I sit up and stretch my arms. I hear Twiggy upstairs talking to Ginger and John.

I slowly stand up and run quietly down the hall to our bedroom. On my way, I pass the kitchen. I grab the bottle of wine and the box of chocolates Twiggy brought along with a vase filled with black, white, and red roses and finish my journey to our room.

I need to work fast and quietly because this needs to be a surprise. The light blue sheets are changed to a velvety red. The lights are replaced with dim and sweet smelling candles. Curtains are pulled tightly over the windows, making the only light source the candles. It's almost perfect.

I grab the chocolates and rest them against the pillow along with the wine. I place the vase of roses on the bedside table before I sneak back out of the room to grab two glasses. John and Ginger are still keeping my lover occupied. Good.

I snatch what I need from the kitchen before dashing back to the bedroom quietly. I set them near the roses before I go back to the couch and lay down where I was before. I pull the blanket back up to my nose and smile.

A few minutes later, I hear the three of them come back downstairs. I snap my eyes shut and pretend to still be fast asleep.

Twiggy's POV

I quietly lead my friends back downstairs. We had spent the last 2 or so hours just talking. I opened the front door and said goodbye.

"Thanks for coming over." I smile.

"Thanks for having us. Tell Marilyn we say hello." John smiles and grabs Ginger's hand. They leave and I shut the door.

I make my way to Manson, who is still asleep. I gently shake him. His dark brown eyes look into mine and he sits up.

"Did you have fun with Ginger and John?" He asks with a yawn and a stretch.

"Yea. Did you have a nice nap?" I kiss his forehead.

"Yes I did." He stands up and grabs my hand. "I got a surprise for you."

Marilyn leads me to our room and I'm confused. He opens the door and I understand.

The sheets are now a beautiful shade of red, the only light is coming from the candles all around the room. It's beautiful!

He heads toward a vase filled with black, red, and white roses, picking up a red one. He places it in his mouth and tries to look sexy. To me, he just looks really silly and I start giggling.

"What's so funny?" His words are muffled by the stem of the rose.

Marilyn's POV

Twiggy walks over to me and pulls the flower from my mouth, placing it back in the vase. His delicate arms wrap around my neck and he kisses me.

"Happy Valentine's Day, sweetie." I sigh happily and rest my head on top of his.

I sit down on the bed and pull him down next to me. Twiggy pulls his legs up on the bed and crawls to the center. I follow him with the box of chocolates. He lays down with his head propped against his arm and I lay on my back next to him.

"When the hell did you do this?" Twiggy asks.

"I woke up before you came downstairs. It was something I just threw together." I shrug and feed him a chocolate. He smiles up at me.

Twiggy's POV

I love Marilyn so much. He's so romantic towards me. He feeds me another chocolate. I take one from the heart shaped box and press it to his lips, and he accepts it.

I drop my arm so I'm laying on my side, facing him. Marilyn smiles at me and kisses my forehead.

"I love you, Brian, more than anything." I mumble before I push myself onto his chest. I look into his deep brown eyes as he looks back into mine. His perfect, angelic face isn't hidden under make-up.

"I love you, too." Marilyn says. He slips his hands under my shirt and runs his fingers lightly up and down my back.

I giggle because it tickles a little bit and rest my head on his chest. Marilyn presses a kiss to the top of my head before tugging my old shirt over my head. I shiver and let him continue with whatever he wants to do to me.

"Mm, you're cold. Let me warm you up." He flips us over and our night goes on.