Realm of the Deranged

Madness to the ear

So Deep in my mind here i am.
Evelynn is playing the Piano next to the dark dusted fireplace. I sit on a stool listening to her lightly tap the notes...”She plays so beautifully.” I thought to myself.
I hear footsteps through the Entryway as a violin quickly jumps into melody, Playing softly and majestic yet almost violently it plays as the tempo of the song hastens. My hands even start to shake as the sound growls to my ears...The peaceful sane song she played began to grow madly into melancholy and mayhem, to the point I felt an uncertain emotion of fear s my mind felt a crack, and i lost control to scream causing the music to drop, and silence to grow beyond it.
I looked up hearing a small laugh and Ix who it is coming from.

“What did I scare you darling?” He snickered at me.

“We probably did.” Evelynn laughed. “Brother you mad Twat.”

“Dot go Dawdle sister you sickened bitch” Ix snapped.” I didn't compose this damned madness.”

Evelynn laughed. “Your a pathetic excuse of a sibling....Are you alright Maya?”

I watched them quietly staring. Although hesitant I then attempted to speak.
“____ ____.”
To then have that happen.
It would seem then music was not the only thing that had dropped.

“She dropped her voice!” Ix Bursted into laughter. “The little writer lost her voice! What are you!? Xera now Darling? Is this what we call Karma?”

“Or Irony?” Evelynn added.

“OR IRONY?!” Ix adjusted. “My My My....”

I rolled my eyes...oh gods....Being the one who made him I can Tell Ix was enjoying this extremely. I know him better then anyone, for he in the end is me. And I him. But he doesn't look at it this way sadly...He hates me...And as for Evelynn, after all she's been through, her mind and emotions are broken. She laughs madly giggling like she's still burning in hell. No where else to go, nothing else to do but laugh with no self control. Laughing in her sorrow she is lost within this, the realm of the deranged, along with me and Ix. Like our own little wonderland of nightmares...But oh well...We’ve all been here before...
The only thing that saves Evelynn from her madness however, is plaing the piano. When she plays it would seem all of that that is broken fixes back into place. But right now she continues to laugh.

“Evelynn SHUT UP!” Ix yelled madly, almost as if he was drunk.

I look around. Everything beyond this fine lighted room lies dark and hollowed. You can tell right now, we all go mad. Me and my Imaginaries. Those I created within stories...and those who i can truly relate to.....Friends….

“_____ ___?” I asked to then again realize I cannot speak. Though what I truly wanted to say however was really “Why Are we here?” Ix would just snicker at me.

“Thats what you get little Bitch...” He growled putting down is violin and walking up to me as Evelynn began to laugh some more and more with madness by the second. Ix then grabbed My arm firmly and glared into my eyes.

“Come. Your getting us out of this fucking hell...”

I stood up following Ix as he dragged me more away from the fireplace. He then stopped and looked to his sister.

“Your staying here I presume?” He sighed.

Evelynn then just broke out into laughter...Screaming laughter,rolling on the floor....Ix sighed and left with me.

“Look at what the hell you turned my sister into. She cant keep sane anymore unless Ivory is around.”
I stared quietly as Ix looked dolefully around as the room where Evelynn was began to fade away as we would descend into darkness until she was lost again.

“Worst, she wont even leave this deranged mindscape.”

I quietly looked away from Ix to have him push me down to the ground with anger.

“LOOK AT ME WHEN I TALK TO YOU!” He screamed to my face.

I stared to the angered vampire as he seemed to rage even more until the point he began to hit me. I cried in silence as he began to beat me, claw me, bite me all over, shredding my blooded clothing there he was screaming loosing all his sense of sanity until he saw my tears and froze in shock. Ix began to tear up in pain over me...As i felt his tears quietly hit my bruised skin.

“” He weeped.

I began to feel my tears coming up from my eyes as well seeing him silently weep and clench his shaking fists...saying her name....Abby....How awful to remember.....
This moment in which I have no doubts, reminds him of that time...I can feel his pain again....
I cried staring into his sorrowed eyes of haunted memory. To then find enough force to sit up and hold him within my blooded arms. I’m sorry all of this happens to you Ix....
He stared to me...He can tell I'm sorry about the people who broke him...And I can tell by the look in his eyes...he's sorry to have done to me the same that has been done to Abby...He teared some more quietly whispering.

“How can I stay sane in a mad world…”

I looked down to him as i sat up more....To feel my voice slowly return.
“Remember of that you care about...” I spoke.
He stared silently. I then looked forward to the darkness and with all my might found within my lucid mind, made appear a little girl...Red lips...

His eyes widened as he sat up looked around and froze at the sight of her.

She stared as he stood up and froze.
“We can leave this place now Ix-Blood.” She spoke out to him.

Ix looked to me.
“Go.” I spoke. “Don't forget my words.”

He nodded. “Thank you…”

He walked up to Xora and held her hand. “Lets get out of here...”
Xora smiled quietly. “Follow me...” And led him out of the darkest part of his mind.
I find myself now left alone here once more....