Sequel: Asylum
Status: Finished


Dead or Alive

Akuma’s P.O.V.

By the time Zack returned I was already standing in the middle of the devils trap, the chair discarded off to the side lying broken tipped over, blood already flowing down my right arm. “Hello.” I purred, covering the strain in my voice with a cold demeanor. “Is my time up?” I asked, lifting my chin high and smirking at the shocked look on his face.

“What are you doing?” He demanded, taking a small step forward, his eyes following the flow of blood down my arm before turning to the shard of mirror that I held in my hand. “Put the mirror down sweetheart.” He said, his voice taking on a panicked tone as he moved towards me, moving faster.

“No.” I said calmly, biting the inside of my cheek as I dug the glass into the skin just under my elbow, pain shooting up my arm and the nerves in my arms screaming in protest as I dragged it down to my wrist, a groan of pain escaping my lips. “If I’m going to die it’s going to be on my own terms.” I spoke, my voice shaky as I looked up just in time to see him drop his things and run at me, anger warping his face, fang emerging as he moved.

“You’re not getting the pleasure of killing yourself.” He snarled as he stepped on the edge of the devils trap, reaching out to me. Seeing my chance, I let the glass fall to the floor and I shot forward, grabbing his wrist and stepping on the part of his foot that was in the tap, dragging him so his foot slid through the paint and broke the trap. I smirked at him as adrenaline suddenly pumped through my body, giving me the energy I needed to keep myself safe. I knew I could still end up dead, but in this moment all I could think about was that I could get home to Alice soon. I NEEDED to get home to Alice soon and I couldn’t give up. It didn’t matter whether I showed up dead or alive, it only mattered that I got there.

With a growl I turned and threw him against the wall, not feeling the dull pains in my arms as I moved forward, my teeth bared in a sharp snarl as the vampire tried to push himself up.


Alice’s P.O.V.

“You can’t be serious!” I snapped, throwing my hands in the air and glaring between the three men standing in front of me. They expected me to stay here while this sick fucking bloodsucker tortured and possibly killed my sister? They were fucking insane. “You have to let me go! It could be our only chance to save her!” I continued, my tone becoming more pleading as I continued. I was trying to keep the fear out of my voice and I was succeeding so far but I was worried that it wouldn’t work for much longer.

“We’re not letting you go because we don’t want you to get captured and killed as well.” Bobby said, his voice infuriatingly calm. Bobby basically saw Akuma as a daughter. I had no idea why he, of all people, was being calm and acting like we shouldn’t try to go find her. They were all playing dumb. We could lure the fucker out and get answers out of him before killing him. “He obviously wants you to be there so if you’re not he probably won’t kill Akuma. We’re not risking your life if we can save both of you.”

“Probably is the key word in that sentence Bobby! He hates us both and knowing Akuma she’s probably going to try to make him forget about me and kill her instead! I NEED to go!” I argued, my voice getting louder with each word. I was going to fucking kill them. How could they all be against me saving my sister? If it was the bloody Winchesters wanted to go they would be allowed.

“Even if he does kill her. It’s better that only one of you die instead of both.” Dean said from the left and I completely rounded on him, ignoring the other two men. Dean looked as if he regretted what he said to moment he turned to me and I would have kicked his ass if the other two weren’t here. How he thought that was a smart thing to say was beyond me and I was beyond pissed. I was feeling pretty fucking murderous.

“Do you even think before you speak Winchester?” I snarled, walking up to him and poking him in the chest. “Because it doesn’t fucking sound like it. What it sounds like is you being a huge fucking hypocrite. You cannot tell me that if you and Sam were in the same situation you would stay here and fucking stand around doing nothing. But maybe you would. Because you would still have Bobby and your dad. You know who I have when Akuma is gone? NO ONE. I will be alone!” I yelled, shoving him back and smirking when he stumbled a bit. “Both of my parents are dead and I don’t know anyone that I can trust as much as Akuma. She’s saved my life too many times to count and I’ve only ever saved her once. I OWE her this. I would rather die than have her die and be on my own. I have nothing to live for if I don’t have her.” I finished, my voice cracking as I realized that I had tears on my face. I stood glaring at Dean for a moment longer before I spun around and wiped my face off, looking between Sam and Bobby.

“She can take care of herself Alice. If you think he’s going to lead you to her then you’re wrong. He knows you’re not stupid enough to go alone and if he knows of us then he knows we wouldn’t let you, even if you tried.” Bobby said, looking somewhat hurt but sounding more angry than anything else. “I’m not letting you go on a suicide mission. So sit your ass down. Whatever happens will happen.” He continued, pointing at a chair and waiting until I had taken a seat before turning to Dean. “Go get food and alcohol. It’s going to be a long night of planning.”


Dean’s P.O.V

I took my time getting alcohol and food, making sure to get the strong stuff and the best food. When I returned I had to hold back a laugh at the sight of Alice tied to a chair in the middle of the room. “You two couldn’t handle her?” I asked, a small smirk crossing my face as the laugh escaped my lips. “A giant and a man who’s held down demon’s twice as strong as her, and you had to tie her up.” I said, setting the bags on the counter.

“It was tiring trying to hold her down… plus she’s stronger than she looks.” Sam explained with a shrug, though he looked a bit annoyed at the situation. “What did you get?”

“Burgers, fries, obviously pies, some chips. As for the adult juice….” I said in a weak attempt at a joke, cracking a small smile as I looked between everyone just in time to catch them rolling their eyes. “I got vodka, rum, wine, whisky, and beer.” I finished, pulling everything out of the bags as I spoke, grabbing a beer and a burger for myself. “Pick your poison”

“Yeah, because food is so fucking important.” Alice snapped, pulling her wrists against the restraints. She looked terrified and angry, but I could hear her stomach from here. I felt bad seeing her tied up because we wouldn’t let her leave, but mostly because she was right. If I was in her situation nothing would stop me from saving Sammy, but we needed to plan before she ran in there and got herself killed.

“Calm down Alice. If he really wants you there he’ll hold off until you arrive. We’re giving us time to think things through as well as giving her more time to live.” Bobby said, his voice calming as he untied her and shoved a burger into her hands. He still looked a bit hurt at her comment about not having anyone but Akuma, but he was an understanding man. He probably knew that it was a comment made out of fear. “You just need to eat and help us work through a plan. It’s better than getting everyone killed, especially because we don’t know if the man is the only vampire left or if there’s more of them.

“Have some alcohol too.” I said, grabbing a cup and pouring a mixture of rum and coke into it. I didn’t know what she liked but she had mentioned earlier that she was sick of beer. Alice looked at us all like she wanted to run, but after another moment she slumped back in the chair, opening the burger before taking the drink from my hand.

“Can I at least call him back and ask if we can meet a bit later because I’m having trouble getting away from you three?” She asked, taking a bite of the burger and glanced between all of us as she chewed and swallowed. “It’ll give us some extra time. Please.”

“... Yeah.” I said, handing her my phone and leaning against the counter. I took another bite from my own burger and watching as she dialed the number, savouring the taste of the burger for as long as I could.


Akuma’s P.O.V

I could barely feel a thing as I kicked the vampire back into the wall. I felt like I was watching my body kick the crap out of him from the side, but there was times where I knew I was doing it. I could tell that we were speaking but I couldn’t hear a word that was being said, just like I couldn’t control anything that I said, if I really was saying anything.

The fight felt like it was dragging on for hours but in reality it was probably only about 10 minutes before I had him pinned and was at his throat with a large shard of metal I had found on the ground not too long ago. I wasn’t exactly sure how or where I had found it, but all that mattered was that it tore through the blood suckers neck easily, leaving it to roll away across the floor.

I took a few moments to sit on the ground and pull myself together, finally realizing that there had been a phone ringing. I looked around for it but my vision was so blurry seeing anything was nearly impossible. After another moment I gave up and pushed myself up, groaning at the pain that shot through my arms. Feeling was coming back to my body now that the adrenaline was wearing off and if I didn’t get out of here soon I’d end up dead. I closed my eyes for a moment before opening them, turning until I found the door and running towards it, grabbing my jacket on the way. Why the vampire had kept it I didn’t know, and I didn’t really care. I needed to get to safety.

I only spent a few minutes running before I saw a stretch of road ahead. After a few more minutes I was there, standing in the middle of the road and watching a car come towards me. I wasn’t sure if it had stopped or hit me but I felt myself hit the ground and I felt nothing.


Alice’s P.O.V.

I felt the pit of fear in my stomach grow bigger as the phone went to voicemail for about the tenth time since I had started calling. “No one’s picking up.” I muttered, running a hand through my hair and squeezing my eyes shut. This wasn’t good. This was hell. My sister could be dead and I had just been sitting around because three men thought I couldn’t take care of myself. If my sister showed up dead I would kill them all. “You should have let me go! I didn’t go and now she could be dead!” I snapped, standing up and knocking over the glass of vodka that had been placed on the table for me after I had finished my last drink. I reached out and grabbed Akuma’s necklace before the liquid could reach it. I had wanted to wear it but it didn’t feel right. It felt like I would be accepting she could be dead, and I wasn’t going to do that. “YOU SHOULD HAVE LET ME GO!”

“Alice calm down.” Sam said quietly, moving over to me and moving me to the couch and away from the mess the vodka had made on the pictures and papers that had been spread across the table. “It’s only been five minutes, he should still be waiting for you. Everything is going to be okay.” He reassured, handing me a blanket and sitting on the opposite of the couch, though he continued to face me.

I was silent for a while as I wrapped the blanket around my shoulders and thought through the situation. Sam was right, he wouldn’t have even left the bar yet, but there was a feeling of overwhelming panic in my chest that I hadn’t felt since my dad died, and it wasn’t going away. Even if the vampire hadn’t killed her yet, something was wrong.


Luke’s P.O.V.

I slammed on my breaks, letting out a string of silent swears as I jolted to a stop. There was someone standing in the middle of the road. I couldn’t see who they were from the glare of headlights from a car coming in the opposite direction so I got out of my car, swearing yet again when they fell to the ground. I rushed forward and stopped a bit away, my stomach turning at the sight. It was a woman that was probably in her early to mid-twenties and looked like she had just made it back from hell. Her skin was white as a ghosts and she was covered in blood. I didn’t bother trying to check for a pulse before I pulled out my phone, fumbling as I tried to figure out how to work it in my state of shock. I examined the woman more closely as the phone rang. Her clothes were ripped, bloody, and dusty, and she had deep gashes down both arms.

“911, what’s your emergency?”

“A woman just collapsed in front of my car on the highway… Sh- She looks… she has a lot of injuries. She’s…. She’s bleeding a lot.” I gasped, trying to suck in a deep breath, panic taking over as the extent of the situation hurt me. From what I could see of her face she looked like the girl who had gone missing earlier in the week.

“Sir I need you to remain calm. Do you know where you are?”

“I’m… We’re on the o-old highway. B-by the abandoned fa-factory.” I stuttered, running a hand through my hair and looking around, noticing that someone had come up from behind me, probably to see why I was stopped. “Please send someone fast. I think she stopped breathing.”
♠ ♠ ♠
So it wasn't fully a suicide attempt but I thought I would add the warning.

There won't be anymore of that kind of stuff in this.

Title inspired by Bon Jovi's Wanted Dead or Alive

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