Sequel: Asylum
Status: Finished


Who Made Who

Alice’s P.O.V

I sighed and rubbed my eyes, as we pulled back up to the house of the most recent murder. The last house had been a bust other than high readings of EMF again. “You head inside, I’m going to call Akuma to keep those two updated on what to look for.” I instructed Dean as I got out of the car to stretch, pulling my phone out of my pocket and looking around, a shiver running down my spine as a few whispers started up in the back of mind. With a sigh of frustration I tuned them out and turned to Dean just in time to catch his nod. “Be careful.” I called as he walked up to the house. Once he was inside I turned my attention to my phone and hit speed dial for my sister’s number, pressing the phone to my ear.

“Hey little red, what’s up?” Akuma asked, answering after the third ring as per usual.

“.. Little red?” I asked with a frown as I leaned against the impala, pinching the bridge of my nose.

“Never mind… Sam figured it out.” She said, sounding completely unnerved as she spoke.

“Sam… WHAT?” I demanded, opening my away and tugging my hair out of its bun, relaxing a bit once the tension was relieved, though panic was still rising in my chest. If Sam figured out what Akuma was we needed to get the fuck out of here before Sam told Dean and they both tried to kill her. “How do you sound so calm?!”

“Because he knows I’m not evil and he’s not going to tell his brother. Calm down.” She replied with a tone that gave me full belief she was rolling her eyes at me. “How’s the investigation going? Did you find anything?”

“... How about you start with THAT next time. I don’t appreciate heart attacks Akuma.” I growled, not bothering to answer her question as I ran a hand through my hair, wishing she was here so that I could punch her for scaring me like that. God she was acting like a bitch... but maybe I was irritable because these fucking voices constantly echoing in my head.

“Sorry. Jesus Christ calm down little red you’re acting like a brat.” Akuma shot back, sounding just as irritated. “I was scared too but its fine. I’m not dead and I won’t be so get over it. Now tell me how the case is going. Do I need Sam to pick up files while he’s on his walk?”

“... Maybe. We think it’s a ghost, look for all deaths in the family over the last year. Specifically for anything that could lead to a vengeful spirit.” I instructed, straightening up at the sound of a crash in the house. “I have to go check on Dean. Something just crashed. He might be getting attacked.” I said before hanging up and running into the house.


Akuma’s P.O.V.

I sighed as Alice hung up and dropped my phone on the table, turning my attention back to the Winchesters journal that lay untouched on the other side of the table, flipping through it and resting my cheek in my hand and glancing at the door. I shifted my weight and hesitated for a moment before I grabbed my phone and dialed Sam’s number, pressing the phone to my ear and letting my eyes graze over a page on demons as it rang.

“Hello?” Was the reply and I shifted my weight again, looking up and dragging Alice’s computer closer to me.

“Hey. So they think it’s a ghost. Can you pick up those files from the police station while you’re out? I want to cross reference them with the articles on the internet so we can see if there’s any potential for a vengeful spirit.” I said, my tone bored as I leaned back in the chair. I wish I had volunteered to go out. Even if I was stuck with Dean, Sam probably wouldn’t have figured anything out and I wouldn’t be stuck in this stupid hotel doing fuck all. I wanted to be on this case to get out. Maybe I could dig up a grave or something.

“Yeah I can. I’m by the cop shop anyways.” Sam replied and I lifted my eyebrows at how fast the younger Winchester moved. “I’ll be back in like half an hour.”

“Alright. See you soon.” I said before hanging up and stretching out my legs, booting up the web browser and starting to search for any violent or irregular deaths in the family. The most recent one was from a year and a half ago, a young boy had killed himself and there wasn’t a note to explain why, though the article mentioned that there was suspicion of it being due to the failure to prove that his uncle had raped him six months before the suicide date. I leaned back with a frown and stood up, feeling disgust and anger rising in my chest as I grabbed the closest item to me, a bible, and threw it at the wall with a short growl.


Dean’s P.O.V
I jumped back with a swear, stumbling as my gun falling to the ground as a tall grandfather clock hit the ground in front of me, glass shattering in every direction. I looked to where the clock had been standing and, in that moment, I took a step back, noticing what looked like a young teenage boy standing in its place. His face was pale gray, eyes lined with dark circles, a long, ridged open wound had been torn into his neck and dark red blood had bled down the front of his shirt. “... Can I help you?” I grunted, taking a step back towards my gun. The boy just stood there staring at me for a moment before he tilted his head and grinned wide as if he’d had an idea. With a frown I crouched down and grabbed my gun, never letting my eyes leave him until I heard the front door slam open and Alice call my name. “I’m in here!” I called back, turning back towards where the boy had been standing and frowning when I noticed he was gone.

“What happened?” Alice asked stepping into the living room behind me and looking around. Her hair was out of its bun and going wild around her face as she turned back to me, looking panicked. “Is that what crashed?” She demanded, moving towards the grandfather clock, glass crunching under her heels.

“Yeah… It’s definitely a ghost… He’s a teenage boy. We gotta check out the rest of the house. Here.” I said, walking to the fireplace and grabbing one of the few iron fire pokers by the fire and handing her one. “Go check out upstairs… You can handle being alone right?” I asked, instantly regretting the question when I as the look she gave me.

“I’m short but I’m not a child Dean.” She sassed and I rolled my eyes, turning and heading towards the kitchen, listening to her head up the stairs as I moved. I spun at the sound of something hitting the floor and smashing.

“Uh, hi, can I help you?” I asked, turning to face the boy again and lifting the iron poker, my eyes narrowing as I watched him. He stood silently while watching me before smiling and lifting his arm, sending the poker flying from my hand. “Can you not speak or something?”

“I can speak. I don’t think you deserve to listen though.” The boy said, his tone hollow as he moved towards me, a dangerous look forming in his dark brown eyes. “I have an idea. How about you stand still.” He finished, rushing at me. I took a step back and reached for my gun, only just grabbing the handle of the gun before everything went cold and black.


Ghost!Dean’s P.O.V

I stretched out the arms of the new body and cracked my neck, turning and walking back to the living room, turning my attention to the reflective surface of the window. My once brown eyes were now green, stubble scratched at my jawline. I rather liked this look, I could even pass for a male model.

“Dean?” A soft voice called from behind me and I turned around slowly to look at the owner of the voice, tilting my head and examining the small red headed woman. Her expression was worried as she moved towards me, the iron poker held in a firm grip. “Is everything okay? I thought I heard something smash.”

“... Everything is fine.” I said with a smile. “I just knocked down a dish… I couldn’t find the ghost. I believe that everything is clear.” I replied, watching her closely. She was very worried about this man… they must be an item.

“Alright.” The redhead said, seeming to relax as she ran a hand through her hair. “Let’s go then. It’s late and I want to get back to the hotel. I’m tired.” She muttered, heading for the front door. I turned and studied myself for a moment longer before I walked after her, pulling a set of keys out of my pocket and frowning. I never had the opportunity to learn how to drive.

“... You drive.” I told the woman once we reached the car, holding the keys out to her and watching her lift her eyebrow high and rest her hands on her hips.

“What? We, uh, we took your car not mine. You really want me to drive your baby?” She choked out, her expression looking just as shocked as I felt.

“I hit my head when the clock fell.” I rushed, moving closer to her and pressing the key into her hand before stepping away. “I’d rather someone competent drive it than I.”

“... If you’re sure…” She agreed, wrapping her hand around the keys and walking to the driver side of the car, sliding into the car and I laughed at the sight of her sitting behind the wheel and having to stretch to look over. I slid into the passenger seat and stretched out, getting comfortable as the woman headed to the hotel, parking a bit away from the rest of the cars. We both remained silent as we walked to the room. I let my eyes roam over her as she stopped at room 409 and knocked twice, staying silent for a few beats before knocking once more. The door opened immediately, and the small redhead grinned at an attractive and very tall brunette man.

“Hey Sammy.” The girl said, pushing past him and into the room. “Please tell me you found something Akuma.” she questioned, kicking off her heels and digging through a bag as she spoke.

“Who names their kid demon?” I asked, tilting my head a bit and frowning as they all turned and faced me with varying looks on their face. “... What?”

“Nothing. I’m just surprised that you know Japanese.” The black haired woman, named Akuma, said with a shrug. “Because neither one of my parents did.” She continued, standing up from where she had been sitting and stretching, a suspicious look crossing her eyes as she glared at me. She must hate this man, which only further confirmed my thoughts that this human belonged with the small red head.

“Well I guess that I’m smarter than you give me credit for.” I said, walking towards the middle of the room and watching Sammy role his eyes and walk over to the fridge, pulling two beers out and holding one out to me.

“Well you’re still a dumbass.” Akuma hissed, a laugh following shortly behind as she tossed her long hair over her shoulder, her eyes flashing as she stared at me before turning away and grabbing the beer from Sammy’s hand. “I’ll take that if you’re not going to.”

“Dude, don’t you want one?” The other man questioned, a confused frown crossing his face as he stared at me.

“Uhh, no thanks.” I uttered quietly, giving my... Dean’s… head a shake.

“Well, I’ll take one too.” The redhead spoke up.

“Alright, here you go Alice.” I watched as their hands brushed briefly. I thought she was my girlfriend I thought, moving so I was standing behind Alice, crossing my arms over my chest.

“Keep your hands to yourself Sammy.” I snapped, narrowing my eyes as I glared at him. I watched his face go through a range of emotions before he laughed.

“What?” Sammy shifted his weight as he glanced to Alice and then back to me, his eyebrows pinching together.

“I told you to keep your hands to yourself and off of my girl.” I flicked my tongue, making my point. I glared at the taller man and grinned, turning to look at Akuma when she made a choking noise.

“You’re WHAT?” Alice demanded, turning to face me. I glanced down at her in confusion before looking back up just in time to see Sammy’s fist connect with my face. I spun in the air and caught myself before I hit the ground. I quickly wiped up what felt like blood but looked pure black, and stood up, turning to glare at them all and heading out of the room, slamming into the black haired bitch on my way out, smirking as I easily grabbed the keys from her pocket before she hit the floor.


Sam’s P.O.V

I shook my hand out as I watched my brother walk out of the room and slam the door behind him, my body tense with anger. “Something’s wrong with him.” I growled, still feeling the tingle of pain travelling up my arm.

“Yeah. He’s mental!” Akuma snapped, pushing herself up and heading for the door at the sound of an engine starting. I frowned a bit and watched her go, turning to look at Alice as she shook the keys to the impala. “He stole my fucking car!” Her breath hitched and she stumbled sideways grabbing her chest. Her breath picked up speed before virtually stopping as she slowly sat down, putting her head between her knees with her arms over her head.

“...Akuma?” Alice asked softly, wrapping her hand around the keys to the impala again and moving forward a bit. “Are you okay?” She asked, relaxing a bit when Akuma gave a thumbs up, though her skin was paler than usual. “Something is definitely wrong with him. He let me drive the impala.”

“He what?!” I demanded, holding my hand out for the keys, wrapping my hand around them when she dropped them. “Well maybe he’s having an early midlife crises. Right now we need to focus on the hunt.” I said, running my free hand through my hair.

Alice nodded in agreement. “Let me shower and then we can get cracking on this. But someone needs to track Dean down.”
♠ ♠ ♠
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