Sequel: Asylum
Status: Finished


Out of Control

Alice’s P.O.V

I watched as the ghost possessing Dean moved toward the old woman who sat curled around her granddaughter, the look on her face was a mixture of fear and anger as she turned to watch this Dean imposter. “FINE” I yelled, keeping my face straight as he turned to me, a sadistic smirk crossing his face. If I could at least save the young girl this situation would be a bit better. While he was distracted with the older woman I could hopefully help the girl escape. “Untie me and I’ll help you,” I muttered, turning my gaze away from the look of horror on the old woman’s face. “I’ll get the girl.” I said coldly, pushing past him and walking over to the old lady and small girl, closing my eyes and holding back tears as I tore the girl away from her grandmother. I swallowed hard as the old lady screamed, her voice cracking as she started to sob. I blocked everything out as I moved as close to the door I could get and crouched beside the girl, forcing her to meet my eyes. “You need to run.” I whispered, looking over my shoulder, turning away again as the ghost possessing Dean started in on the grandmother. “You need to go get us help. If you go I might be able to save your grandma. GO!” I rushed, helping the girl to her feet and pushing her towards the door. I stood and watched her run, preparing myself to face the ghost. The moment I turned around I felt my feet lift from the floor as I was flung through the air and into a wall knocking the air from my lungs.


Dean P.O.V.

I watched in horror as my own hand flung out and Alice hit the wall and fell to the ground before my body turned to the young girl and lunged forward, easily reaching her and throwing her back behind me. Against all hope I had, the ghost controlled me, I turned to face the older woman and made quick work of killing her. Everything this fucker had done since possessing me was terrible, it was grossly annoying, and it was just getting worse. No matter what I did I couldn’t get it out. It was pissed and more powerful than most ghosts I had run into. I groaned in anger and frustration as the thing moved my body towards Alice, stopping to pick up its next weapon, a pipe. I wanted to scream and stop myself from hurting Alice so bad, I pulled at myself and tried to claw my way back to the surface. I stared helplessly at the pipe as my unwilling hand reached for the object, when suddenly I smiled to myself. That pipe was about to break me out of this intangible jail. The moment my hand touched the pipe I felt as if I had pushed through the unbreakable surface of a cold lake and was able to finally breathe. I took a deep breath and looked around, noticing something forming in the corner. I wrapped my hand around the pipe and ran towards Alice, helping her up and shoving the keys to Akuma’s car into her hand. “Go!” I snapped, taking a step back and watching her stare at me for a moment before she nodded and left.

With a deep breath I turned to face this asshat ghost, lifting the solid Iron pipe and looked around, frowning when I noticed that he wasn’t there anymore. “Here ghosty, ghosty, ghosty.”


Sam’s P.O.V.

I frowned and lifted my head at the sound of a car pulling up, clinking and backfiring before the engine was cut. It was loud and I didn’t recognize it but Akuma was up and out of the door less than a second after it was turned off. I followed slowly and lifted my eyebrows when I saw Akuma standing and staring at the car with pure shock on her face. I took a moment to study the car that had pulled up and felt my jaw drop slightly when I noticed that it was her car, completely beat up and nearly destroyed. “What… the...fucking HELL!?” Akuma yelled, turning her gaze to Alice when she got out. “What HAPPENED?!” She demanded and I opted to stay back and out of her way, even though my body was yelling at me to go make sure Alice wasn’t hurt. She looked shocked and mildly horrified as she looked at me and then her sister.

“I don’t know. Dean gave me the keys… I think the ghost did it.” She mumbled, running a hand through her mess of hair. “It was expelled for a bit but it might have gotten back into Dean… we need to figure this out. We need to get rid of it before it kills anyone else.” She continued, her voice cracking as she spoke, a look of shame crossing her face.

“... I’m going to find that fucker. Call me if you find anything. There’s salt and gas in the Impala. I’ll burn the bones if needed. But in the meantime this ass hole is going to pay.” She snapped, pulling keys out of her coat pocket and heading towards the impala, a look of fierce determination on her face.

“Don’t hurt him Akuma. It is a ghost, not actually Dean!” Alice called after her before rolling her eyes and turning to me, catching her lip between her teeth. “We need to find out if there’s a body or if we need to look for an object.” She said, slipping past me and into the room. I stood for a moment and watched Akuma leave before turning and following Alice inside. I sat down across from her and woke my computer up, taking a few moments to bring up a webpage on the teenage boy before turning my attention to her.

“You look really disturbed. What happened?” I asked, standing up again so I could retrieve a couple of beers from the fridge. I waited for her answer, opening a beer and setting it in front of her while watching her face, taking in that her lips had thinned into a line and her eyes had darkened.

“The ghost tried to make me help him kill the grandmother and her kid. I tried to save the kid but he got her anyways. The only reason I got out is because the idiot grabbed an iron pipe to try to, you know, finish me off. Dean gave me the keys to Akuma’s car and I don’t know if he’s still being controlled by the ghost or not. He distracted it so I could get away.” She explained with a small shrug before taking a sip of her beer. I frowned and sat back down, holding back a comment about how Dean could’ve gone with her. She looked pretty upset and I didn’t want to piss her off by bugging her about leaving my brother behind with a psychotic ghost.

“Alright. Well I’m pretty sure the boy was cremated.” I said with a sigh. “So we need to find someone who would have something the ghost would latch onto.”

“Well the mother is dead. So is the father, grandmother, cousins and others. So… maybe a girlfriend or boyfriend?” Alice wondered, typing something in on her computer and falling silent. I didn’t say anything else as I opened my beer and tilted my head back to drink before pulling a few files closer to me, leaving the internet search to Alice. It would be pointless if we both searched for the same things. We were both silent for just over an hour before Alice shut her computer. “Let’s go.”

“Did you find something?” I asked, lifting my eyebrows and closing the second file I had been reading. There was nothing about a significant other in any of the files, only friends and I was almost ready to start questioning these friends, though only one seemed somewhat close to him.

“Yeah. I hacked into the kids email and Myspace page. He had messages with a guy named Jacob, he’s the boyfriend.” Alice said, standing up and stretching. “I don’t think that we’ll need to get dressed into the fed clothing. We can probably get him to talk to us normally. Get into your plaid or something and I need to shower and change. I feel gross.”


Akuma’s P.O.V

I sighed in frustration and smacked my hand gently against the wheel of baby, not wanting to hurt her, but wanting to take out my frustration somehow. It would be easier if a demon had been possessing Dean because I could beat the crap out of them and his body would be healed and fine, but with this ghost I didn’t know what would happen. I had never heard of a ghost possessing someone before and it probably had to be really pissed. This ghost definitely showed that and if I had an excuse or a reason I would be punching him. Hard. My car was completely destroyed and I couldn’t shake off the anger filling my chest. I parked the car on the back road I was on and leaned my head back, taking a few deep breaths and letting the music wash over me. Two hours hadn’t gotten me anywhere and I had no clue who the next target would be. This family was huge and the habit of killing the spectators of the murder was going to end because Alice was the last one to see a murder and this family was ridiculously huge. They bred like fucking rabbits.

I took another deep breath and opened my eyes, looking down the road and trying to think of what I had read over in the files. It had been about two hours since I left and the longer this took the more deaths could happen. Dean would probably be pretty fucked over by the vessel that this jackass was using to kill. If it was anything like a demon possession, he would be watching and going off of the victims of possession that I had seen, they often had major problems after involuntarily killing someone and they often blamed themselves for not being able to control it. I hated Dean, but no one deserved to go through that.

With another sigh I combed my hand through my hair and pulled it back into a ponytail, running my tongue over my lips before starting to drive again. I moved to turn up the radio but stopped at the feeling of my phone vibrating in my pocket. I changed the direction of my hand and grabbed the phone, flipping it open and pressing it to my ear on the third ring. “Yes?”

“The body was cremated but we tracked down a boyfriend. He said that he gave the ghost a ring shortly before he committed suicide. The boyfriend said that the uncle has it. Can you get over there? We’re checking out more objects here that the ghost might be attached to.” Alice replied, wasting no time with small talk. I rolled my eyes, wanting to get to the ghost but knowing that the case needed to be done. Killing the fucker for good would be just as pleasing as beating it up… not that I would be really hurting the ghost. Which pissed me off more.

“Yeah alright. I’ll check the uncle’s place. Text me the address” I muttered before hanging up and slowing down a bit while I waited for the text with the address. The moment it showed up on my phone I sped up, pushing anger down as I headed to the house.
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