Sequel: Asylum
Status: Finished


Back In Action

Akuma’s P.O.V.

I stared up at the house and tapped my hands on the wheel while I calmed myself before getting out and heading up. I paused at the door to knock, pulling my hair out of its ponytail and shaking it out and around my shoulders as I waited impatiently. After about five minutes I rolled my eyes and went to knock again, only to hit air when a creepy looking, fat, old man opened the door and leered down at me, his eyes immediately falling to my chest. I wasn’t sure what was with this town and creeps but I was ready to castrate them all with my bare hands. Instead I plastered a sweet smile on my face and fluttered my eyelashes. “Hiiiii… Do you have a phone that I could borrow? Mine died and I think I just got a flat tire.” I whined with a pout, stopping myself from rolling my eyes when he looked up at my face.

“... Yeah I do. Come on in sweetheart. Don’t mind the company.” He slurred, a sick smile crossing his face and sending shivers down my spine as I walked into the house, slipping out of my sturdy boots. “It’s just in the living room at the end of the hall and to your left.” He continued and I stopped another shiver at how slimy he sounded. I glanced at him over my shoulder before giving a smile and a nod, waiting for him to pass me before following, running a hand through my hair as I moved as quietly as possible.

“So like… do you live all alone?” I asked as we walked, the silence pressing down on me as we moved. This entire house was nearly quiet and something other than the uncle seemed off. I sucked it up and turned my attention to the living room, stopping when I saw Dean… or rather his body, sitting in the middle of an old nasty looking couch, a look of anger on his face. It took him a moment to see me, but when he did his face contorted a bit more and he leaned back, the muscles in his body tensing. “So where’s that phone?” I asked when I caught the uncle standing and staring at me again. God this guy was disgusting and I was going to enjoy knocking him out.

“Just over there sweetheart.” The uncle said in a gargled purr, pointing in a direction behind me. I stared at him blankly and tilted my head a bit, my gaze turning back to the thing in Dean’s body for a moment before returning to the uncle who looked frustrated as he walked over to a corner. The moment he was beside me I smirked and grabbed his arm, stopping him before knocking him down onto his stomach and easily kicking him out by quickly hitting a few pressure points. I would have loved to knock him out with a fist to the face, but that could kill him and he wasn’t the asshole I was here to kill.

“What are you here to do?” The ghost sneered as I turned towards him. He was standing now and looked as if he was peacocking to make himself look better. I sneered and rolled my eyes at his actions. I could easily take him out, ghost or not and I was ready to do so. I took a step towards him, ready to punch him square in the jaw as hard as I could when I realized just how stupid that would be. It wasn’t just that Dean would definitely feel it after, it was that I was letting myself get too angry, and whenever I got too angry, my eyes changed. I dropped my arm down and took a deep breath, staring at him and sneering again.

“What the fuck do you think?” I snarled, tossing my hair over my shoulder and moving closer to him, clenching my hand into a fist, though this one was lighter and less prepared than the other, but it would still do its job. “I’m here to kill your sorry ass and get the real Dean back.” I continued, tilting my head as I stared up at him, now only a few centimeters away. I moved to take a step back and lifted my arm, ready to strike, only to feel a fist hit my face, causing me to stumble back with shock. I lifted my head and licked the corner of my mouth, narrowing my eyes as a warm, sweet, metallic fluid washed over my tongue. I stood up and lunged at him, making sure to keep my body calm as I moved, though my fist easily hit his face and sent his head snapping back.

I smirked at him as he faced me again and tilted my head feeling the split on my lower lip, I watched through slitted eyes as he laughed. I moved forward again, my fist ready to hit him again. Instead of my hand making a connection with his face, he caught my fist, wrapped his hand around it and shoved me towards the ground, his knee driving into my stomach causing me to choke out whatever breath I had. He grabbed me by the shoulders and tossed me back, hard, sending me flying through the air. I let out a short growl as I felt the back of my head connect with the bookcase across the room and fell sideways, smashing through what I assumed was the TV. Slivers of pain erupting across my body as I hit the floor, rolling onto my stomach so I could get up. I had just pushed myself onto my knees when I felt a hand wrap around my hair, sending pain rippling through my head as he yanked me backwards and I landed on my ass, bruising my tailbone.

“Oh what happened? You looked so confident a second ago.” The ghost snarled kicking me into the tv stand again. I glared up at him and snarled with blood in my teeth, I pulled my phone from my pocket as he tried to kick me again. I ducked to the side and his foot went through the TV, smashing the old glass screen. I pressed the speed dial button for Alice and dropped my phone, smacking his hand away as he reached for my hair again.

“Back off asshole. I’m still confident that we’ll kick your sorry ass.” I hissed, pushing myself up and kicking my phone away so it wouldn’t get crushed. I could hear Alice’s panicked voice on the other end from where it sat and relaxed slightly, knowing she would get here soon. “Don’t look so shocked that I can still walk. I’m a hunter. I’ve walked away from much worse and quite recently really.” I snapped, rolling my shoulders under my leather jacket. It was constricting to fight under leather but every precaution had to be taken in making sure Dean didn’t find out what I was. And it was fucking annoying. I smirked again as I moved at him, my hands landing on his shoulders and pulling him down so his gut met my knee. I quickly slammed my elbow down between his shoulder blades and knocked him to the ground, pinning him with my foot on his back as I looked around the small room for something that could contain enough Iron in it to expel this damn thing from Dean’s body.


Alice’s P.O.V.

“Akuma?!” I called for about the millionth time since I picked up the phone less than a minute ago. It sounded like there was massive fighting going on, glass shattered in the background before a loud scraping noise took over the speaker for a moment. “Jesus Christ. Sam we need to get to that uncle’s house. NOW.” I shouted, closing my phone and heading for the door without another word. We left Sirius back there so that Bobby could pick him up and take him back to be fixed as I stormed out of the room. I glanced over my shoulder and relaxed when I noticed Sam was following me, but I climbed into the driver’s seat of some car, hot wiring the engine so that it would start. The moment Sam was in I took off down the road leaving black tire tracks behind, not caring that I was speeding. I didn’t know why Akuma was having such a problem with this damn thing, she could easily take it out, if she wanted to. What if she didn’t want to take it out? The thought clouded my mind and I grumbled to myself.

We easily reached the house in less than ten minutes, there was no way in hell that I’d risk her being in danger over a stupid speed limit. I heard a loud crash from inside the house when Sam and I got out of the car. I glanced at him quickly and raced up to the house, bursting through the door and frowning when we reached the living room. Akuma was flat on her back and the ghost on top of her, his hand wrapped around her throat, shaking her. I guess he got the best of her. I know for a fact that she was a better fighter than Dean but something must have happened. I winced just thinking about it. My gaze flickered from the ghost to Akuma, her eyes appeared to be normal, for now, but her skin was paling, which was usually a sign that she was about ready to lose it. “Akuma!” I called, stepping further into the room and wincing slightly when she went to punch Dean in the chest, causing him to stumble backwards before tripping and falling onto his back. I could tell that she barely touched him, which meant she used her powers.

“Where’s the ring!?” Sam demanded, moving out from behind me and hung over to his brother’s body, pinning him down.

“I haven’t had much time to find it.” Akuma snarled, getting up and brushing back her messy hair as she turned around, walking past a man lying on the floor and out another door. I glanced at Sam for a second and watched him mildly struggle with this ghost-Dean. I moved around them and went after my sister, following her up a set of narrow stairs and into the first room off to the right.

“Are you okay?” I questioned, standing in the doorway and crossing my arms over my chest as I watched her search the drawers on a desk, her hair hiding her face from me as she moved. She quickly turned her back to me, her breath was sharp as she knock everything from off the desk onto the floor. I waited a bit longer before rolling my eyes and turning away. “I know you would’ve liked to kick his ass but you need to be careful. Knocking him back like that was a bad idea Akuma.” I uttered, throwing my hands up when I still didn’t get a response. She was the master at ignoring anything she did wrong and I could scream myself raw and she’d stare at me like I hadn’t said a thing. I’d done it before and if she believed she was in the right, then I wouldn’t win. She was more stubborn than anyone I knew. “I’m going to check out the bedroom across the hall.”


Sam’s P.O.V

“This would be a lot easier if you’d just sit still.” I growled, shifting my weight again to continue holding my brother down. I knew it wasn’t really him but I was sure he could hear and if he could just maybe find a way to expel the ghost it would make things a lot easier for all of us. I sighed and shoved his arm back down as he tried to elbow me.

“I’m not going to let you do this. I still have people to kill.” The thing snapped back, and I had to hold back a shiver of disgust at the words coming out of my brother’s mouth. This was probably hell for him, having his body used to kill innocent humans instead of monsters like this thing. I just hoped that he wouldn’t blame himself.

“Dean, come on. I know you’re in there!” I reasoned, wincing when the fucker bit down on my arm. “Really?!” I snarled, pulling my hand back and punching him, though it wasn’t nearly as hard as it should’ve been. Dean was already going to have a few bruises from fighting Akuma and I wasn’t going to add to that. I sighed and leaned back, looking up at the floor above me at the sound of multiple glass objects shattering. What the hell is going on?

“What did you say the ring looked like?” Akuma asked, standing at the bottom of the stairs, her blue eyes a few shades darker and her face filled with frustration as she stared me down.

“It’s just a simple silver band.” I replied, shifting my weight and pulling Dean’s arms behind his back.

“Well there’s about fifty of those.” She snapped before running back up the stairs, her hair bouncing behind her as she moved. I rolled my eyes as she disappeared again and looked around the room, frowning at the man on the floor when he started to groan and lift his head. I was about to say something but was cut off by something else hitting the floor with a loud thump followed by yelling.

“WHY WAS THAT NECESSARY?!” Alice screamed from upstairs, her voice cracking with frustration

“I found it, didn’t I?” I heard Akuma holler back at her sister.

“I WAS JUST ABOUT TO CHECK THERE!” I glanced at the ghost possessing Dean, our eyes meeting in silence before we returned our attention to the staircase.

“You were taking too long. Get over it and stop being competitive.” Akuma retorted we heard a sudden thumping sound. Shortly after Alice stormed down the stairs and out of the house, her fist clenched around what I assumed was the ring. I frowned as she went down the hall and out the front door but said nothing, turning my gaze back to the staircase instead. Akuma was standing there with a smirk on her face before she moved around.

“Found it. She’s burning it.” She explained, tossing her hair over her shoulder and glaring down at the back of Dean’s head. If looks could kill, his head would have exploded. I grunted as the ghost started struggling again, flailing and nearly sending me flying off of him. I managed to regain control but Akuma dropped down beside me and took control of pinning his lower body, her hands tight around his leg. His body jerked hard and the ghost was expelled from Dean. Grayish smoke formed behind us as the teenaged boy reshaped himself. I glanced back at Dean to see his face pale, his body stiffening as he glanced between the three of us. Akuma and I both watched the ghost burst into flame. His apparition failed and started to smoke, glow and burn, he let out an ear piercing scream as he went up in flames. There was a sudden awkward silence in the room as the ghost disappeared, leaving a pile of smoldering ashes on the floor.

“Hey, you okay?” I held out my hand for Dean to grab. I pulled him to his feet, he grunted and held his chest painfully. Akuma rolled her eyes and quickly exited the house.

“Gross! I’m gunna have to take like a million showers to get this ecto-shit off of me!” Dean shivered and I laughed softly. I grabbed him by the shoulder and went to hug him, but he pulled away. “Woah, woah, hey no chick flick moments.” I shrugged and followed him out of the house.

I was expecting the bickering to be held off a lot longer, but it started up the moment we were outside and Akuma held Dean’s keys out to him. “You drove baby?!” He demanded, his face twisting up with frustration as he stared down at her.

“Yeah. Multiple times, what the hell are you going to do about it?” Akuma snapped back, tossing the keys at hi instead of dropping them into his open palm. Her face had been relatively calm but it had grown dark again, her blue eyes going a few shades darker as she glanced at me and Alice before turning back to Dean.

“What made you think that was okay?!” Dean’s hand flew out and gestured to the impala.

“Are you dumb? Or were you just sleeping that entire time instead of fighting to get free?!” Akuma yelled, her voice growing louder with each word. “You STOLE and DESTROYED my car!” She continued, poking him hard in the chest and moving closer. “You were too weak to control that little boy and let him destroy my car. I can’t even drive it! So you get the joy of being my fucking Taxi.” She finished and I swore that I could feel the anger rolling off of her in waves. Dean looked visibly shaken as he took a step back from her, holding his hands in the air ahead of him as a sign of surrender.

“... Yeah, you’re right. Sorry.” He muttered, heading to the car without another word. I watched him get into the driver’s side and I immediately moved to go around to the passenger’s side but stopped when I saw the look Akuma gave me. I rolled my eyes and slid into the backseat instead, not wanting to be in the small space but it seemed like a much better option than fighting with Akuma. It didn’t take long before we were back at the hotel and all got out of the vehicle, though the entire ride was silent and awkward with the only noise coming from the radio. I immediately stretched and watched as Akuma and Alice walked into the hotel room.
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Here's another one! Hope you enjoyed!