Sequel: Asylum
Status: Finished


Old Friends

Akuma’s P.O.V

I twisted in my sheets and dug my hand into my pillow, holding back a sob of pain as my eyes flew open, a sharp pain filling my chest as I sucked in a slow breath, wondering why I was shaking. Blinking my eyes a few more times cleared my vision and I saw Alice standing above me with a worried expression on her face and a phone in her free hand. “What is it?” I grumbled, letting my head hit the pillow again and rubbing my eye childishly.

“Someone called on your social cell.” Alice replied, holding the phone out to me. I could tell she was holding back questions but I wasn’t about to offer an explanation. I rarely talked about my nightmares and this one was one I didn’t want to talk about to anyone. With a sigh I rolled onto my back and sat up, taking my phone from her and pressing it to my ear, ignoring the curious looks the boys were giving me. “I don't care who you are and I am not sorry for sleeping with your significant other of any status because I can guarantee that I'm the best they've ever had.” I basically growled, rolling my eyes at Dean’s snort of amusement. I didn’t want to be stuck here in the same hotel room as the boys but Sam insisted Dean needed a few days, so it was day two of not hunting and sitting around doing virtually nothing.

“Well hello to you too sweetheart.” Came the smooth reply from the other end, the British accent unmistakable as he spoke. I didn’t know whether to be happy, angry, or just not speak. We had a deal that I would call him every month or so to let him know I was alive but things over the last couple of months had been busy, especially after running into the Winchesters. I hadn’t actually heard from my uncle in over five years because we had agreed it was better, but still. Actually talking to him just heightened my emotions and after my nightmare I wasn’t really feeling the family drama.

“... Hey.” I said quietly, clearing my throat as I spoke and climbed out of the bed, going to get a glass of water. I had a nap after getting back from some random places and was really starting to wish I hadn’t. “What’s up?”

“You haven’t called or texted in over three months.” My uncle snapped on the other end of the phone and I moved it a bit away from my ear, turning my gaze to the ground as I listened. “The only news I’ve been getting is through demons that gossip about the latest trouble happening up here. A pretty popular topic was when you got yourself kidnapped by vampires, might I add. The only way I know that you’re alive is because your father would find away to keep you alive even if you were an inch away from death.”

“Do you REALLY want to get on the topic of not calling Uncle?” I snapped, pressing the phone to my ear again. I wasn’t in the mood to take him ragging on me for being busy. I hadn’t known if he was alive for years, so if I scared him for a few months he could get the fuck over it. I set the glass in my hand down before I broke it and turned away from the boys, leaning my hip on the counter. “You won’t even pick up the phone!” I hissed, letting my tone drop low as Alice came closer again, looking more worried than when she had woken me up.

“If I remember correctly, we agreed it was better that I didn’t call you because you don’t want to be found by your father.” He snapped again before clearing his throat and letting out a heavy sigh. “Look. Your father has been on me, trying to find out where in the bloody hell you are and I think he’s been using other demons to track you down. I just needed to know that you were safe and not in the hands of unreliable demons.” He continued, his voice calm once again. He was good at going from completely pissed to calm in under a second, especially when it came to me. I had always had him wrapped around my finger. He wasn’t my biological uncle but that didn’t matter at all. “I didn’t call to fight… Just try to remember to call more.”

“Sorry… I’ll try.” I muttered, chewing on my lip for a moment before picking up the glass of water and taking a large gulp, relaxing as the cold water soothed my sore throat. “Is he really still bugging you?” I asked, finishing off the glass and lifting my head again.

“Of course he is.” He sighed and I heard a loud thump in the background. “Are you still working with the Winchesters?” He asked, his tone getting a bit cautious as he spoke. I rolled my eyes and pushed off of the counter, ignoring everyone as I moved and sat down on the bed again.

“Yeah. You’re little friends really can’t keep their mouths shut can they?” I asked with a small laugh, rubbing my forehead and staring at the wall. I was still pretty tired and felt like I hadn’t slept in days, but I would rather go out and hunt for two days straight than sleep again.

“Never have, never will. Just be careful working with those two. They’re the type to shoot first and ask questions later.” My uncle warned. I could hear his worry in his voice through the thick accent. “And if they find out exactly who and what you are it won’t just be a shot.”

“Yeah, I know.” I replied with another sigh. “Look. I have to go. Everyone is sitting around and I think we’re leaving soon. I’ll call you at the usual time.” I said, running a hand through my tangled mess of hair, waiting for his reply. He was silent for a while but there was finally a sigh.

“Alright. Be careful, and don’t get yourself kidnapped again.” He said, his voice taking on a hint of worry at the last half of the sentence. I probably should’ve called after I woke up from the surgery, but the only thought in my mind was getting out of the damned hospital.

“I won’t.” I replied before hanging up and standing, looking over at Alice and shrugging at the look on her face. “Old family friend.” I muttered, glancing at the boys and relaxing a bit when I noticed that they weren’t paying that much attention. “I’m going to have a shower.” I muttered.


Dean’s POV

I frowned and watched Akuma slip into the bathroom, her body tense as she moved. I shrugged it off and turned my attention back to Sam. “I think we should get going today.” I said with a small stretch, running a hand through my already messy hair as I spoke. I was starting to get annoyed with being basically locked up in a room again, especially since all four of us were stuck in this one. The only reason I’d agreed to stay was because I had felt totally creeped out and weird after the whole ghost thing and Sam was a bit pushy about it. “We can bring the girl’s to Bobby’s and then we can try to find a hunt.”

“You’re feeling up to it?” Sam asked, leading me to roll my eyes. It seemed Sam was always worried and sometimes it made sense, but most of the time it was just annoying and could end up getting in the way of hunts.

“Yeah I am. Plus I think that we’re all going a bit crazy in here. Not to mention the fact that the hunt is over and we need to get out of here before any real feds show up.” I reasoned as I, moved to gather my things. I wasn’t going to argue with Sam but we were going to leave and get out of here, staying around this long after a hunt was dangerous. Staying any longer could potentially be a death wish, or just land us in prison which was very unwanted.

“I agree. I’m going stir crazy.” Alice piped up, walking over to the table and taking the seat I just vacated. “And Akuma wants to go fix up her car, it’s bugging her not having him here.” She muttered softly, curling her legs under her and looking across the table at Sam with puppy dog eyes. I rolled my eyes and turned around, gathering my things into a bag. I zoned out of the conversation, and concentrated on moving my thing and organizing them so things like cologne wouldn’t break. I straightened up after a few minutes and cracked my neck before looking back at Sam and Alice.

“So are we all in agreement?” I asked, shoving my hands into my pockets and looking between them with slightly raised eyebrows.

“Yeah we are.” Sam replied with a small sigh, looking as if he had tried to argue but lost. Alice grinned and I offered a smile to my brother before sitting down on the last free chair at the table, stretching my legs out again as we waited for Akuma. It took a while for the water to shut off and when it did Akuma emerged from the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her hair and one around her body with a scowl on her face as she walked to her bag and grabbed clothes before disappearing back into the bathroom. I rolled my eyes at her consistent bad mood and stood up with my keys. “I’m going to go check out of this place.” I said, heading out of the room and down to the office. The creep who was here when we were checking in was behind the counter again and he looked disappointed when I walked in alone. Probably because there weren’t any girls for him to stare at.

“Are you guys staying longer?” He asked, his voice sounding almost as slimy as he looked.

“No. I’m actually here to check us out.” I growled, dropping the key to the hotel room on the counter before turning around and heading back to the room and stepping inside to grab my duffle bag. Sam and Alice already had their bags sitting by the door and Alice was in the process of getting Akuma’s together. “I’m going to dump these in the car, if that’s alright with you. I’ll meet you guys out there.” I muttered, grabbing my bag along with Sam and Alice’s. I wasn’t waiting for long before Sam joined me, but we had to wait longer for the girls, which was typical. It was annoying but I held my tongue for once as they came out of the hotel and slid into the back seat together.


The ride to Bobby’s took a couple of hours but it was peaceful and a mostly comfortable silence for the ride with most of the sound coming from the radio. At one point Alice had fallen asleep and Akuma had closed her eyes to rest, but it was easy to tell she was still awake by the time we pulled up to the house. I cut the engine with a sigh and got out so I could stretch and say hi to Bobby. Sam and I wouldn’t staying very long, we were mostly grabbing food and saying hi before we left. Akuma and Alice wanted to stay to work on Akuma’s car naturally, though Alice said she might call to go on a hunt if it was taking too long for the car to be fixed.

“Dean Can I talk to you?” Akuma asked from behind me and I turned around with raised eyebrows at the question.

“Yeah sure, what’s up?” I replied, glancing over at Sam who has disappeared into the house and Alice walking after him, rubbing her eyes as she yawned.

“Can you take Alice with you? Bobby said that Sirius is going to take a while to fix and she won’t be doing anything but sitting around here.” Akuma explained, running a hand through her hair as her gaze met mine. She looked upset about something though I wasn’t about to ask her what it was. “It’s not fair to keep her cooped up here doing nothing.”

“Have you talked to her about it yet?” I asked, shoving my hands into my pockets.

“Not yet, but she’ll go if I ask. And if you’re willing to take her.” She muttered, lifting her chin a bit more.

“... Yeah. If she wants to come then she can. We’re leaving soon though.” I replied with a short shrug, not waiting for an answer before I headed into the house.


Akuma’s P.O.V.

I watched Dean walk into the house and sighed, waiting a moment before following. The nightmare I had had wasn’t that different from any of the others I’d had my entire life but I couldn’t shake off the weird feeling it gave me and it was putting me off. I was hoping hanging out with Bobby and fixing Sirius would help, but sometimes it’s hard to tell. Once inside I walked over to Alice and tapped on her shoulder, gesturing for her to follow me into the living room. Once we were both there I turned to face her, shoving my hands into the pockets of my jacket. “I want you to go with the boys on their next hunt. It looks like Sirius is going to take a while to fix and you don’t need to be stuck here doing nothing.”

“I don’t mind waiting here with you Akuma.” Alice replied, lifting her eyebrows slightly and crossing her arms over her chest something she always did when I suggested something that she didn’t particularly like. “I can always find something to do.”

“You should go with the boys Alice.” I argued, shifting my weight and standing my ground. I knew she would get bored anyways, so I didn’t understand why she was arguing.

Alice had just opened her mouth to argue again but was cut off by Bobby walking into the room and speaking instead. “Go with the boys Alice. There’s no use in your skills bein’ wasted while you sit cooped up here.”

“... Are you sure you’ll be okay?” Alice asked me, her bright green eyes clouded with worry as she held my gaze.

“Yeah. Bobby’s dealt with my nightmares before and this’ll give me time away from Dean so when we all meet up again it makes sense that the stitches are gone.” I muttered, keeping my voice low so that only Alice could hear. “Go with them. I’ll be fine.” I said, my tone reassuring as I gave her a smile. “And I already talked to Dean. He said he’s good with taking you.”

“.... Alright.” Alice resigned with a sigh, which was a clear sign that she didn’t want to stay anyways and was only going to for me. “But you’ll call if you need anything? And when you’re done?” She demanded, her green eyes narrowing.

“Yes of course.” I said, letting my body relax as she nodded. “Don’t let yourself get hurt or killed or I’ll have to kill you.” I warned, a smirk crossing my face as she rolled her eyes at me before moving forward and giving me a quick hug.

“I’ll be safe. I’ll call when we get to the next town or something.” She muttered as she moved away.

“Good. Now let’s eat so you can get on the road.” I answered, moving past her and Bobby and into the kitchen.