Sequel: Asylum
Status: Finished



Akuma’s P.O.V

I glanced in my rear-view mirror and watched Dean pull over onto the side of the road before I slowed and pulled into a dirt road that lead away from the highway and into a forest. I sighed and drove slowly, looking for another break in the trees so that I could park Sirius where he wouldn’t be found. I only had to drive a bit longer before there was a clearing big enough to drive through and to pull in. I parking once I couldn’t get any further and made sure to lock the passenger side door before cutting the engine.

I stashed the keys into the pocket of my jeans and slid out, shivering when the cold wind hit my body. I looked up at the sky and took in the dark clouds and the sound of distant thunder with a sigh before turning back the way I came and starting to walk. I glanced back at my car and considered grabbing my jacket but shrugged it off knowing that it would be a short walk back to the highway. I didn’t usually get cold easily so it didn’t bother me too much. I wrapped my arms around myself and continued walking, looking up the road in the other direction that I had drove in from, tilting my head slightly and narrowing my eyes when I saw something dash across the road. I glanced back the way I came but turned and continued up the road, moving towards the area that I had seen the shape cross. Once there I looked around and frowned when I didn’t see anything in the immediate area except for a slightly beaten down path. I turned and followed it for a bit, dropping my arms to my side and freezing when I saw a man standing with his back to me and staring into another clearing. I took a deep breath when he turned around before stumbling back, catching the glint of yellow eyes before he went up in smoke. I gave my head a quick shake and shivered again, moving forward to where the man, my father, had been standing and looking for what he had been staring at. There was nothing in the immediate area but further away between some trees there was something hanging. I ran a hand through my hair and looked around, trying to make sure that what I saw was just a hallucination. With nothing there I spun around and started walking again, swearing when I realized that I wasn’t going in the right direction. I readjusted and turned in a different direction, walking for a while and relaxing once I saw the road. I took a left and walked back towards the highway, shivering again at a freezing gust of wind and walking a bit faster, lifting my eyebrows when I noticed Dean standing at the end of the dirt road but still on the side of the highway.

“What took you so long?” He questioned, his face straight, though his body was tense as he waited for an answer, his green eyes boring into my face as he studied me.

“I thought I saw something. Went to check it out. It was nothing.” I said with a shrug and a smirk.

“Why, worried I’m going to get hurt?” I joked, though my voice was still a bit tense from what I had thought I saw. I watched him roll his eyes before I continued walking towards him, shivering again as I moved past him and towards the impala.

“We don’t know what we’re dealing with, disappearing is what happens to the victims.” He grunted, following after me but splitting off to get to the driver’s side. I returned his points with an eye roll and got into the passenger side, relaxing as I warmed up and felt the smooth leather caress my skin. He got in and started the car again, taking off down the highway to the town that his father had named.

“Well I’m fine so everything's A-Okay.” I finally answered, resting my head back onto the seat and watching as the trees grew further away from the highway and finally split off completely to wrap around a small town. The town was quaint and it looked like you’d only need to drive down one road to get in and out in under a minute. I rolled my head to the side and watched the buildings roll by and straightened up a bit as we rolled through town. “We should ask around.” I muttered, looking over at Dean and watching him as I waited for a reply.

“Yeah we should… I need gas so we can start at the gas station up there.” He answered and I nodded in response, looking ahead of us as a loud crack of thunder sounded, following by the rain and a bright flash of lightning. I held back a sigh and a groan, instantly regretting that I had left my jacket in my car.

“Perfect.” I grumbled as he pulled to a stop, watching the rain roll down the window. “I’ll go inside and ask the workers… did you get any pictures of the missing couple from last year?” I asked, reaching my hand out and waiting as he dug in his jacket pocket and pulled out two folded pieces of paper, placing them in my hand. I gave him a nod as a thank you and slid out of the car, closing the door behind me and running inside of the gas station. I shook my hair out a bit and looked around at the two older people in the immediate vicinity, looking up at the sound of walking above me. “Hello.” I said lightly, giving the woman a smile.

“Hello.” The woman replied, returning my smile with ease. I glanced to the side and smiled at the man that walked up with a straight face. “Is there any way we can help you?” The old woman continued, tilting her head as I lifted the folded papers in my hand.

“Yeah… I’m just in the area looking for my sister and her husband.” I said, biting down on my lip and glancing at the ground before looking up at the couple again. “It’s been exactly a year since they went missing and I’ve already looked around the surrounding areas… but…” I trailed off, feeling tears well up in my eyes and my voice crack. It had never been hard for me to cry on demand, it was actually more difficult to cry when actually needed… not that I was going to complain. I released the papers as the old man took them and flipped them open, looking between them both for a moment.

“Haven’t seen them.” The old man told me with a shrug and a shake of his head. I blinked and stared at him trying to read his face as he handed the papers back to me. I sighed a bit and took the papers back, running my tongue over my bottom lip in slight frustration.

“You sure they didn’t stop for gas or something?” I questioned, keeping my voice shaky as I spoke, shoving the pictures into my back pocket and letting the tears spill over. They rolled down my face and fell from my chin with ease, though they got caught by my cleavage rather than the floor.

“Nope, don’t remember them. Did you say they were relatives of yours?” The old man asked, crossing his arms over his chest and rocking back on his heels. He looked a bit defensive, which made no sense, but I pushed it to the back of my mind in case anything came up later.

“She’s my sister… and he’s my brother in law.” I sobbed, feeling my bottom lip shake as I lifted a hand to my eye to wipe away some of the tears, sucking in a shaky breath to speak again.

“Are you sure that you haven’t seen them?” I questioned, my voice shaking harder with each word. I ignored the sound of the opening and closing door, dropping my hand to my side again.

“I’m sure that we haven’t seen them.” The old man insisted, his voice a lot harsher than it should have been given the circumstances. I lifted my face to him again, being careful to put shock all over my face as more tears streamed out, holding back a smirk at the look of shame on his face.

“Did the guy have a tattoo?” Asked a voice from my left and I turned to see a pretty blonde woman walking down the stairs and holding a few boxes. I nodded and pulled the papers out of my back pocket.

“Yes he did.” I said, handing her the papers to look at. I watched her nod and sniffled a bit, offering a small smile as she turned to the older couple. She lifted her eyebrows while looking at the man and handed the papers back to me.

“Don’t you remember them? They were just married not too long before they stopped by here for gas.” She explained, pushing a loose strand of hair behind her ear, holding the older man’s gaze for a moment before he looked away and back at me.

“Right… I remember now... they did stop for gas. But they weren’t here for more than ten minutes.” He grunted and I ducked my head again, letting more tears fall with fake fear and hurt before I lifted my head again. I turned my gaze to the old woman who had stayed silent and stony faced the entire time.

“Do you remember anything else?” Dean asked from behind me and I glanced over my shoulder, studying his face and biting down on my lip when he lifted his eyebrows at me a bit. I turned around again and took a few steps back, sniffling again when I reached his side, wrapping my arms around myself and keeping about an inch away from him.

“We told them how to get back to the interstate and then they left town.” The old man answered, shoving his hands into his pockets and looking at Dean, his gaze calculating. I glanced up at Dean and pushed some of my hair out of my face, watching him swallow. He looked like he wanted to deck the guy or at least force some proper answers out of him. I could tell the old man was lying through his teeth, but I hadn’t thought that Dean would be able to tell as well.

“Could you point us in that same direction?” I asked softly, my lip pushing out in a pout again as I spoke, making my eyes wider as I stared up at him.

“Sure.” The old guy offered, moving past us towards the door. He picked up a pamphlet and handed it to Dean, pointing at the road on the map.


Alice’s P.O.V

I felt my shoulders relax a bit as I noticed a small short building not too far from us and pulled my jacket tighter around my shoulders. I had felt off and gross since we ran into the blonde hitchhiker and the weather wasn’t helping. The wind had picked up a lot, though we hadn’t gotten any rain yet. I could smell it in the air and see the storming clouds approaching fast. I glanced up at Sam and sighed when I noticed he was still lost in thought. He’d been like that most of the walk and it was getting lonely. I bit down my bottom lip and turned away again, pulling my hair back and away from my face, though the wind blew it right back in the way. I sighed heavily and picked up my pace again, now almost jogging as small splatters of rain started to fall. I didn’t bother looking back to see if Sam was picking up speed until I reached the building, that I now realized was a bus station, and pulled open the door. He was a few steps behind me and we both stepped into the building, taking a moment to shake out our hair. I sighed when I passed the window and noticed that some of my hair had begun to curl again because of the rain.

“So what were you thinking about?” I asked, turning my attention to Sam and lifting my eyebrows. It had been about two hours now and I wasn’t putting up with his silence anymore. Akuma didn’t talk a lot so I was used to quiet, but not for this long. She could be a chatterbox at times and it was really nice. I was never good with silence.

“What?” Sam asked, looking down at me like he just came back to reality. I didn’t say anything in response, opting to roll my eyes at him instead. I pulled my hair back into a ponytail and walked up to the lady at the counter, giving her a sweet smile as I put my wallet on the counter.

“Hi! Is it possible to get two bus tickets for tonight?” I asked, tilting my head slightly and studying her face. I sighed as she frowned and started to shake her head, feeling frustration build in my chest. I was starting to regret turning down Akuma’s offer, but it was too late to take it back now. I watched the old lady stare at me before rolled her eyes. She looked like she was tired and wanted to go home and it pissed me off. She wasn’t the only one who didn’t want to be stuck in this shit hole. I wanted to get changed into something more comfortable than jeans and this stupid bra and tank top. A nice pair of sweats and a baggy shirt over a sports bra was sounding a lot like heaven right now. I gave the old lady another smile, though this one was very forced and probably made me look as pissed as I felt.

“No sorry sweetheart. The next bus isn’t until tomorrow.” She finally answered verbally, doing a small shrug as she handed me a schedule for tomorrow. I grabbed it and shoved it into my pocket along with my wallet and turned around, heading back to Sam, rolling my shoulders and shivering. I stood in front of him for a moment before dropping my bag on the ground and plopping down in the chair beside him, crossing my arms over my chest and scanning the area for a bathroom. A unisex one caught my eye in the corner and I made a mental note of going to change later. I had no idea how my sister managed to wear fancy bras and thongs all the time while hunting. She usually only wore sports bras when she was in cargo pants and working out. Sometimes she went out on hunts like that. She rarely got cold and her body was flawless if you ignored the one scar she actually had. I couldn’t help but feel jealous a lot of the time. I had always been shyer than her and lacked her confidence.

“We’re going to have to stay the night here. The next bus isn’t tomorrow.” I complained after a few more moments of silence. Sam immediately looked over at me and quirked his lips up in a small smirk, causing me to raise my eyebrows in response. He started chuckling and lifted a hand, rubbing it over his face and grinning wide at me while I tilted my head and furrowed my brows in confusion.

“Whatever works… Sweetheart.” Sam teased, his grin growing wider as he laughed harder. It was probably in response to my face and I punched him lightly in the arm. Akuma sometimes had the same reaction when I made my fake angry face. She always told me I looked like an angry fairy, and by the look in Sam’s eye he was thinking something along the same lines. I rolled my eyes at him and leaned back in my chair, watching him calm himself down before he leaned back in his chair and cracked his knuckles, looking down at me as he spoke. “Remind me again why we didn’t take your sister’s car?” He continued and I rolled my eyes, sticking my tongue out at him in response. He knew why. I’d already told him that we didn’t take it because we didn’t know how long we would be gone and because Akuma just got her car back after it had been stolen and destroyed. There was no way she wouldn’t be totally worried about her car… though she might also be over worried about me.

“You know why smartass… And don’t call me sweetheart.” I shot back, punching him in the arm again, though this time was a bit harder, as he started to chuckle again. I rolled my eyes at him and looked around the bus station, my eyes narrowing when they landed on a familiar blonde haired woman. I hoped that Sam hadn’t seen her yet and I immediately turned my attention back to him so that he wouldn’t follow my gaze and see her. He would probably want to talk to her and that was the last thing I wanted right now. “So you never did answer my question Sammy.” I continued, looking over at him and smirking when a slightly grumpy look crossed his face. He wasn’t the only one who could use stupid nicknames.

“And what would that be sweetie?” Sam asked in a mocking voice, his face showing me that he was holding back a laugh at the situation. I grinned again and let out a small giggle as I rolled my eyes at him. This entire situation was kind of stupid and flirty but I still felt my face go pink again as I turned my gaze back towards the bathroom, the thought of getting changed crossing my mind again at the sight of it.

“I asked what you were daydreaming about for almost the entire two hour walk.” I explained, pulling my arms inside of my jacket and rubbing them to warm up. It was strange how cold the entire station was and I was starting to wish more and more that we had taken Sirius. I sighed slightly and let my gaze wander back to the hitchhiking woman, shivering hard when she made eye contact with me. Something about her just seemed… off. I didn’t know how to explain it, but she made me feel almost sick. She was strange and seemed dangerous and I would really rather not be around her. I frowned and looked over at Sam when I felt him shaking my shoulder, a frown on his face as he pulled me out of my thoughts. I hadn’t realized I had lost myself so much.

“Welcome back to reality Alice. Are you cold? You were shaking pretty badly.” Sam said, frowning a bit as he pulled his hand away. I gaze a quick nod and glanced to my side, my body tensing once I noticed the woman heading our way. Sam followed my gaze and he offered her a smile, but turned his attention back to me, clearly waiting for a verbal answer.

“Yeah I’m fine Erik.” I muttered, knowing that the woman was close enough to hear us now. The voices in my head had strangely been quiet so far but they picked up again and there was one ringing clear above the rest that was telling me to give her fake names and not to trust her. The second part made sense to me and I probably wouldn’t have trusted her anyways, but this was the first time I had ever been able to clearly hear a voice above the rest. The voice was strong and smooth, and it seemed to warm and calm me. I still felt a bit sick when the woman stopped a few feet away from us, but the voice issued one more warning and a reassurance before joining the rest of the whispers and I felt less sick than before.


Dean’s P.O.V

I tapped my hands on the steering wheel as I drove, looking over at Akuma and frowning a bit when I noticed she was flipping through my dad’s journal, but said nothing. I turned my gaze back to the road and looked towards the edge of the trees, trying to see anything that could cause alarm. It continued on like this for a while, driving straight with nothing coming up until I heard a loud beeping go off. I swore and swerved a bit, before turning my attention to Akuma who looked a bit panicked. “Can you grab the EMF from my bag?” I asked and she nodded, setting the journal on the seat and leaning into the back seat, pulling out the device as I pulled over onto the side of the road.

“Here.” She said, handing it to me and pulling away immediately, her gaze lingering on it for a moment before she looked outside and frowned. “This is right by where I hid my car.” She muttered, getting out of baby and starting to walk into the Orchid. I dropped the EMF before I got out after her, adjusting my jacket on my shoulders against the rain and tilting my head as she shivered before ducking into the trees. I followed after her, moving fast to catch up before falling into step beside her.

“What’s the rush?” I asked, shoving my hands into my jacket pockets as we walked. She stayed silent, not really paying attention to me as we came to a clearing. I sighed as she stopped and shivered again. The rain was dying off but the air was still chilly and I could see the goosebumps rising on her arms. “Are you cold?” I questioned, shifting so I was facing her and watching as she looked up at me, a small frown crossing her face. “Do you want my jacket?”

“N... No. I’m fine but thank you.” Akuma said, turning away from me and walking further into the clearing, wrapping her arms around her. I rolled my eyes and shrugged off my jacket, walking up to her and draping it over her shoulders. “...Thanks.”

I nodded in response and looked up at a scarecrow as we came to a stop. “So what are we looking at?” I asked with a frown, looking over the thing and lifting my eyebrows at the mask and clothing. “... Dude you fugly.” I muttered, more to myself but I caught Akuma’s small laugh and glanced at her again. Her gaze was concentrated on the arm for a moment and I followed it, tilting my head. She grabbed a ladder and placed it in front of the thing, climbing up and moving the cloth of its sleeve out of the way.

“Can I see the picture of that guy?” She asked and I handed it over, watching as she straightened again. My eyes drifted across her legs and ass for a moment before she stepped down, handing the pictures back to me, a deep frown on her face. “It has this guy’s tattoo.”

“You mean like...his skin?” I shuddered, feeling a shiver of disgust run down my spine as I moved closer to the thing, looking up at what she had seen.

“Yeah.” Akuma stuffed the paper into her pocket and glanced around, looking as if she was hoping to see something that might explain why this creepy ass scarecrow would have the skin of the victim.


Sam’s P.O.V.

I looked away from Alice with a small frown on my face, following the way her gaze turned when she called me Erik. The blonde girl from the highway was standing in front of us and I lifted my eyebrows, offering her a friendly smile. “Hey… creepy van guy ditch you?” I asked, resting my arms on the armrests connected to the chairs and stretching out my legs a bit.

“Nah… He was all hands so I had to cut him loose.” The woman said with a small smirk as she rested her hands on her hips and stared down at us. I felt Alice shift beside me and lean away, leaving the space beside me to feel cold and empty. I glanced at her quickly and caught her pulling some clothes out of her bag before I looked back at the woman and lifting my eyebrows further at her response. “... Anyways, the next bus doesn’t get here until tomorrow.” She continued, shifting her weight as she studied us.

“Yeah the lady just told us… She doesn’t look too pleased that people keep asking.” I responded, looking over to my left as Alice stood up. She looked extremely tense and uncomfortable and cast a quick glance in my direction before turning and heading to the bathroom that was in the corner of the station. Her once straight hair had begun to curl again and started to bounce as she walked. “I’m… Erik by the way. The redhead is Lily. Do you trust me enough to tell me your name?” I questioned, smirking a bit as I looked back at the blonde. She had lifted her eyebrows and shifted so that her arms were crossed over her chest as she looked down at me, her eyes studying my face.

“Meg… it’s nice to meet you Erik.” She said with a smile, holding her hand out to me. I reached out and gave her hand a firm shake. Her skin was cool against mine and her hand was tiny, like the rest of her, and easily enveloped by mine. I returned her smile with ease and gestured at the seat to my right.

“Want to sit?” I asked, watching as she nodded before taking the seat and stretching out her legs, turning so she was facing me. She rested her elbow on the arm of the chair and placed her chin on top of her fist. “So where are you headed?” I asked, shifting so I was facing her head on as I spoke. She looked as if she was trying to observe everything I was doing while remaining calm, though she was clearly doing a bad job of it. I caught her eye and lifted my eyebrows at her before she cracked another smile and rolled her shoulders back.

“I’m headed to Cali.” She finally responded, her eyes flicking past my shoulder before returning to my face, her eyes starting to search again. I frowned slightly and glanced over my shoulder to check if Alice was out of the bathroom yet. She caught my eye as she emerged before heading to the vending machine. She had changed into a pretty old and worn out baggy t-shirt that, as well as a pair of loose sweats that looked too long for her. I shifted in my seat, feeling a bit envious of how comfortable she looked before I returned my attention to Meg, finally registering what she had said. “Where are you two headed?”
“We’re actually heading to California as well.” I replied with an easy shrug. “So I guess that we’ll be on the same bus.” I continued with a laugh. Running my hand over my face, finally feeling the fatigue from the long journey.

“Yeah I guess so.” Meg answered, her eyes flicking past my shoulder again. I twisted to follow her gaze and noticed Alice walking up with a pile of snacks and a few water bottles in hand. She dropped some snacks and a bottle of water into my lap before sitting in the seat she had vacated a while ago. I frowned as I watched her lean back in the seat and crack open her water, taking a long drink before capping it and opening a bag of chips. Her movements were still stiff and tense, her lips were thinned into a straight line, making her look cranky. I debated asking her if she was okay but the look on her face told me that it would be a bad idea. Instead I shifted so I could easily turn my head to see either of the women without much of a hassle, though Alice tensed more when I did so. I sighed and ran a hand through my hair, stifling a yawn and wondering what was wrong with Alice and if there was anywhere more comfortable than these old, broken chairs to sleep for the night.


Akuma’s P.O.V.

I stayed wrapped up in Dean’s jacket long after we had gotten back into the Impala with the heat blasting. I hadn’t been able to warm up since I saw the apparition of my father, though this was helping a bit. The jacket was a bit too big for Dean and about three sizes too big for me, making it easy to curl up inside of it with my feet tucked under me. The weather wasn’t helping and my hair was still heavy and wet from walking through that forest thing we had found the creepy flesh wearing scarecrow in. I frowned at the thought of it and reached over, grabbing the journal that belonged to Dean’s father off of the dash, flipping it open to the page that I had left off on, letting my eyes scan. This page was about demons and was filled with diagrams and scrawling handwriting, like the rest of the book. “Do you think they just hung that guy’s corpse up there?” I finally asked after a few more minutes of silence, turning my gaze to him and smirking at the horrified look that formed on his face.

“Oh God, I…I hope not.” He grumbled, pulling into the town again and running a hand over his mouth as he rounded a corner and looked around. The look on his face told me that he was concentrating on not thinking about my theory of what happened with the scarecrow. It was a pretty fucked up theory, but it did make sense, though that still left the question of where all of the other bodies were and what they did to preserve the male’s skin.

“Well, I don’t even know where to start. I have no idea what this thing could be. Alice is way better at researching this kind of stuff than I am.” I sighed, wishing that she hadn't gone with same. It was now going to be over a month since I had actually seen my sister and now we needed her help and couldn't get it. The entire situation was frustrating and I was getting pretty annoyed.

“Got me beat. Maybe we should go back to the gas station, the girl seemed to know something about our missing couple. And those older folks seemed pretty shady.” Dean offered, glancing over at me and giving a small shrug. I thought about it for a moment, chewing on my bottom lip as I thought it over, giving a small nod after a bit. It was the best idea we had and maybe she could offer some more insight on it. “Maybe you could even put on another show.” He said as he pulled into the gas station again, his tone light and joking as he spoke. “Where'd you learn to cry on demand like that?”

“I got in a lot of trouble with the cops when I was younger. I learned how to cry on demand pretty fast before I gave up and started seducing them instead. Either or it works pretty well for me.” I explained with a smirk and a shrug at the look he gave me. “I don't have a record for a reason. It's especially easy to get away with stuff down here. Your cops tend to be horny assholes.” I finished smirking again at the nod of agreement he gave me before he cut the engine and got out of Baby, going around and smiling at the woman we had seen before. I rolled my eyes at the way his entire posture changed, showing that he was ready to flirt.

It was easy to hear through the window as the woman straightened and offered him a small smile. “You're back” she answered, pushing some hair behind her ear and moving a bit closer to Dean, looking up at him with doe eyes. The flirting was gross and annoying and he could easily get to the bottom of this without flirting, though he was probably planning on getting laid by the end of this. I studied the woman and caught her name on the nametag attached to her shirt. It read Emily and I looked back up at her face.

I rolled my eyes and watched as Dean shrugged with a short reply of “we never left.” I shifted so my legs were stretched out and continued to watch, studying Emily’s face and what I could of Dean’s, trying to see if I could read them. I couldn’t read their thoughts unless they were strong and if they spent a lot of time thinking about them, and at times it was a bit annoying. It would make hunts, as well as my life, easier if I could just read them… not that I would unless it was absolutely necessary.

“Are you two still looking for her sister?” Emily asked and I watched her gesture towards me and Dean turn his head to quickly glance at me. I met his gaze for a moment before looking away and turning so that I could lean my back against the door, staring out the other window instead as I listened in on their conversation. I considered rolling down the window slightly to ‘listen’ that way, but I’d rather listen now and pretend that I hadn’t heard anything. Dean could ‘catch me up’ later.

I leaned to my side to grab the journal that Dean said belonged to his father and flipped it open again, my eyes gazing over the page I had been on before. It was a page on werewolves and I knew most of what was in here, but there was a few interesting tips. I stretched again, this time cracking my lower back and then leaned my head back, turning my attention back to the two outside of the car, just in time to hear Dean ask Emily to fill up the car with gas. The drive we had gone on was decently long, though could still be considered short, but the thing that sucked up all of the gas was Dean leaving Baby running while we were wandering through what I had realized was an orchard. Not to mention the half hour we had wasted standing in the middle of the orchard talking about the freaky scarecrow that was there, so gas was a priority. “So did you grow up here?” Dean questioned and I glanced over my shoulder to see Emily’s face crunch up in a mixture of hurt and acceptance.

“No… I came here when I was thirteen. I lost my parents in a car accident and my aunt and uncle took me in.” Emily explained, her gaze moving from Dean to the gas nozzle. I turned away again and pushed a few strands of hair away from my face, wishing that Dean would hurry this up. There was probably another couple in town that were going to disappear, unless that couple was us, and we needed to figure out what was going on and stop it before it was too late. This man needed to stop flirting and look more closely at the case.

“Ah... well they’re nice people.” Dean muttered as I turned my attention to the journal again, flipping the page as I reached the end of the information on werewolves. This page had some information on it about ghosts and it might have some stuff that could’ve helped us with the last case but half way down the next page was information on demons and that caught my attention pretty quick. I flipped the page over and frowned when I noticed there was only a total of two and a half pages on demons. There still might be something that I didn’t know about my more dominant half in this journal, even if I did wish that there was more information on them. I turned my attention to the pages, not really interested in listening to idle small talk between Dean and this Emily woman, letting my mind absorb the small amount of information. Most of the second page was taken up by a diagram of a devils trap, but there was some information on how salt affected them along with holy water. I already knew about both of those but there was something about a colt, though it seemed to be mentioned as a name rather than anything else.

I sighed and turned to look out the window again, noticing that the gas nozzle was hung up and Dean was now standing closer to Emily, though I could still see her on the other side of Dean. I zoned back in on the conversation just in time to catch the last bit of what she was saying. “...The towns around us are losing their homes and farms but it’s almost like we’re blessed here.” She finished and I groaned as she gave a small shrug and smile. She looked worried that Dean might think she was crazy and the look on her face was accompanied by a strong lash of emotion that showed itself in the colour of a light purple... which was weird. Worry was usually accompanied by a light shade of blue.

She relaxed as Dean leaned forward slightly, a sign that he was interested and didn’t think that she was insane. “Hey... have you been out to that Orchard? With the creepy scarecrow... have you seen that?” He questioned and I shifted uncomfortably in my seat, trying to see his face as he spoke. It didn’t work very well and I rolled my eyes, turning my attention to the woman and watching as she lifted her eyebrows and let out a soft sigh. She nodded immediately after and looked away for a moment before turning her gaze back to Dean, her eyes were wide.

“Yeah I have… It really creeps me out.” She answered, giving a small shiver as she spoke. I lifted my eyebrows and offered a small smile when she turned her gaze to me, looking a bit shocked that I was there. She’d been pretty concentrated on Dean so I wasn’t shocked that she didn’t realize I was sitting in the car the entire time. She returned the smile and turned back to Dean.

Dean nodded in agreement and gave a short, small chuckle before running his hand over his mouth. His eyes falling on me for a moment before he continued. “Who does it belong to?”

“I don’t know, it’s always been there.” Emily replied after a long pause, chewing on her lip as she spoke. She looked confused as to why Dean was asking these questions, a theory backed up by the question that surged across her mind. This woman was bad at hiding things, even if I couldn’t read her mind at times I would have been able to read everything off of her face. Dean nodded in response and turned so I could finally see his face, though it was only from the side. He frowned deeply at whatever he was looking at. I turned and followed his gaze and tilted my head at the sight of a truck sitting not too far away.

“Is that your aunt and uncles?” Dean questioned, gesturing at the truck and turning back to Emily and tilting his head a bit. I shifted so I was sitting with my bare feet curled under me and watched her look at the truck and shake her head no before turning to Dean again. I rolled my eyes and sighed, resting my hand on the handle of the car and debating getting out to at least join the conversation if anything.

“No... That’s some customers; they had some car troubles.” She explained, giving another shrug and meeting my eyes for the second time. She looked confused as she held my gaze, probably over why I was staring at them… or maybe over the fact that I wasn’t crying anymore. I could cry if I wanted but I really didn’t want to put the effort in. Dean and I shared a glance, knowing what they next question will be.

“It’s not a couple, is it? A guy and a girl?” Dean questioned and I groaned at how blunt he was with it. Emily turned her gaze back to Dean, now looking creeped out and a bit concerned at all of his questions. I chewed on my lip and wrapped my hand around the handle, ready to get out if she said anything negative, but relaxed when she just nodded. I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose, a dull throbbing forming in the back of my head. This hunt had just started but it felt like it had been weeks and I just wanted to be with my sister.
♠ ♠ ♠
Disclaimer: I don't own the Winchesters or Bobby or the show.

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas :) Updates should become more regular