Sequel: Asylum
Status: Finished


Off The Deep End

Dean’s P.O.V

I sighed as we walked into the small cafe that the black truck was parked outside of and looked around, taking in how quaint the place looked. The tables were all fit for two to four people and looked quite cheap, knowing that in this run down town, they probably were. My eyes followed a soft laugh to a couple sitting at one of the tables in the middle of the cafe and I felt my teeth grind slightly when I noticed that the shady guy from before was chatting them up. I glanced over at Akuma, noticing that she seemed just as thrilled as I was that we found our potential victims.

“We are famous for our apples, so you gotta try this pie.” The shady dude chuckled while he spoke to the couple. My eyes found the old laminated nametag that was pinned to his shirt; it ready Scotty. Classic, I thought and then sighed as I felt Akuma grab my arm and tug me across the room and towards an open table. I sat down and leaned back in the chair, my eyes moving from Scotty to the couple, barely noticing as Akuma sat down across from me.

“Oh no, please, we are full.” Muttered the woman sitting with her back to me as she placed her hand on the table and gently touched the man sitting across from her with her free hand. I rolled my eyes at the gesture but couldn’t help but feel a small pang of jealousy. Hunting didn’t really leave room for that kind of affection… not that I wanted it. That kind of stuff was for chick flicks.

“Nope, it’s on the house.” Scotty insisted and I rolled my eyes, tapping my fingers impatiently on the table when he didn’t even notice us. I glanced at Akuma, noticing that her eyes were studying the room. She briefly met my gaze before returning her gaze to somewhere over my shoulder as she pulled at her hair and tossed it back over her shoulder; she looked just as nervous as I felt.

“Hiya Scotty. Can I get two coffees--black?” I cleared my throat, my eyes drifting from the man to the couple, noticing that they had a big slice of pie on their table. “Oh and some of that pie while you’re at it.” I heard Akuma huff as she kicked my leg from under the table and I shot her a quick smirk. We were probably going to be here a while so I wouldn’t mind having a piece of my all-time favourite food. I watched as Scotty glared at me and then left before I turned to the couple and offered a soft smile. “How you doing? Just passing through?”

“Dean.” Akuma hissed, leaning forward on the table a bit, but I brushed her off and turned my attention back to the couple, studying their slightly confused and wary faces. They looked as if they were tired and just wanted to get out of this town. I could relate to that but if I couldn’t stop them then we’d both be stuck here a lot longer.

“Road trip.” The woman explained with a smile after swallowing some of her food. Her eyes drifted from me and back to the pie before shoving another spoonful in her mouth. I couldn’t help but steal another glance at the pie before looking around the room for Scotty, hoping that he’d return with a piece for me. It really did look delicious.

“Yeah, us too.” I glanced over to Akuma with a cheeky grin, placing my hand closer to hers, she rolled her eyes and smiled at the couple, the only sign she was forcing it being the tension in the corners of her eyes, before turned to look for Scotty with our coffee. To my surprise he came back a moment later, but he returned without the coffee or even the pie that I wanted. I grumbled a bit and glared at him in disappointment, ignoring the annoyed look that Akuma gave me.

“I’m sure these people want to eat in peace.” Scotty growled as he picked up the empty plates off of the other table. I rolled my eyes at him in response and pulled my hand off the able to cross my arms over my chest.

“Just a little friendly conversation. Oh and that pie, thanks.” I uttered, my words coming out a little sharper than I had meant them to, but I was determined to get a slice. I deserved it for putting up with this screwed up town and their screwed up ways. These people were all so fucked up and the only good thing to come out of this was the apple pie then I’d be happy.
“So what brings you to town?” Akuma turned to look at the couple and she gave them a gentle smile as she reached across the table and pulled my arms away from my chest, her hands smoothing out one of mine. “I have to apologize for his pestering. My boyfriend has ADHD and he doesn’t have a verbal filter.” She explained with a small giggle. The other woman chuckled and I turned to Akuma, unimpressed with her explanation and unable to challenger her on it. I’d have to remember to bring it up later.

“Don’t all men?” She laughed with Akuma, tossing her hair over her shoulder and looking at me again before returning her gaze to Akuma’s, seeming a bit more relaxed than before. Whatever works I guess “We just stopped for gas, and the guy at the gas station saved our lives.”

“Is that right?” I questioned, lifting my eyebrows at her choice of words. I highly doubted that he directly saved their lives. If anything he was probably going to end them if Akuma and I couldn’t properly do our job.

“Yeah, one of our brake lines was leaking, we had no idea. He’s fixing it for us.” The man sitting with the woman said, finally speaking after staring between me and Akuma for a while. He looked really concerned and a little curious, clearly not relaxed by Akuma’s explanation for my questions. He could be trouble if we couldn’t get him to relax and listen to us.

“Nice people.” I grumbled, remembering what Emily had said. The man nodded in agreement as he wiped his mouth on a napkin, having finished the last piece of pie. I sighed at the thought as my stomach growled and turned to see if Scotty had returned with a slice of pie yet, a frown crossing my face when I realized he was nowhere in sight. For such ‘nice people’, they had terrible customer service.

“So how long until you’re up and running?” Akuma asked, giving my hand a squeeze, reminding me she still held it, before she let go and leaned forward to continue talking. Her hair was falling over her shoulders again and started to block her face from my view, though her body looked relaxed and slung out over the table as she spoke.

“Sundown.” The man answered, leaning back in his chair as he spoke, his eyes drifting to the woman beside him before returning to Akuma, giving her a wary smile.

“Really? To fix a brake line? I know a thing or two about cars, I could probably have you up and running in about an hour and wouldn’t charge you anything.” I offered, leaning forward and sighing as Akuma turned and frowned at me. I probably wasn’t doing anything to help with this but I wasn’t going to sit around and waste the entire day while Akuma tried to sweet talk them while I could get them out of here in an hour.

“You know thanks a lot. But I think that we’d rather have a mechanic do it.” She replied, shifting uneasily in her seat. I sighed a bit and rested my elbow on my knee, ignoring Akuma and meeting the woman’s gaze, speaking before Akuma could.

“Sure. You know just that these roads, they aren’t real safe at night.” I could feel the eagerness in my own voice but I couldn’t help it. They needed to get out of here and I wanted to make sure that they did, no matter what happened. I felt Akuma tense beside me and could almost feel the urge she had to kick me under the able again, but the way we were both facing prevented that. I looked over at her and offered a small smirk before smoothing my face over and looking over at the man, hoping that he’d see reason.

“Dean, cut it out. You’re being creepy as fuck right now.” Akuma hissed under her breath, leaning back a bit and running her hand over her face before offering the couple a smile. “I think that he means it being dark outside with the woods, you never know with all of the animals that could jump out and stuff.” She backpedaled, sounding worn out, though her voice was as smooth and calm as always. The most emotion I’d heard from her all day was when she had forced that crying episode at the gas station.

“I’m sorry?” The lady demanded, a hand going to the base of her throat as she looked between us, her gaze finally resting on me. Her eyes were dark and she looked pretty scared by now. I ran a hand over my face in frustration and offered what I hoped was a charming smile. It had helped me out in these kinds of situations before and it could do it again, but I wished that Sam was here. He was a lot better in these situations. Akuma seemed to be pretty good but she wasn’t Sammy. She didn’t know how to fix my mistakes and she didn’t know what the hell to do. No matter what I’d trade her for Sam in a heartbeat.

“I know it sounds strange. But, uh, you might be in danger.” I tried again, widening my smile and keeping it plastered on at the terrified look that the couple exchanged. This really wasn’t going well, and I could tell Akuma had given up by the sigh of resignation she let out. I glanced at her and noticed that her face was in one hand and the other had wrapped around a small chunk of hair. She glanced up at me, her blue eyes bright from underneath her dark lashes and I noticed for the first time that she actually wasn’t wearing makeup. Her eyelashes were always so dark and long that I had always just assumed she did something with them, not to mention how pale her skin was compared to the darker colour of her lips. I wasn’t sure why it was so shocking.

“We’re trying to eat. Okay?” The dude snapped, bringing me out of my revelation. I turned to look at him again and bit my lip, trying to figure out a last ditch effort to fix this. I had done nothing but make the situation worse and Akuma looked as if she was done trying. I ran a hand through my hair and looked over at them as I thought for a moment, catching my lip between my teeth. Maybe bringing Sam up would make them realize I’m not totally creepy.

“You know, my brother could give you his puppy-dog look, and you’d buy right into it.” I offered and immediately regretted my words as the woman shrunk away and the man wrapped his arm around her, glaring at me in response. I opened my mouth to try and backtrack but stopped at a sharp pain in my calf from Akuma kicking me again. I turned to say something to her but stopped when I noticed Scotty standing nearby with someone else who was wearing a cop uniform. This day was just getting worse and worse.

“Thanks for coming sheriff.” Scotty was saying as they both walked over, a glare clear on the old man’s face as they reached us. I looked back at Akuma and noticed that she had dropped her head into her arms, a small groan sounding from her as she shifted, her hair fanning over her shoulders and the table. I turned my head back to Scotty and the sheriff as one of them cleared their throat impatiently. God was everyone in this town an asshole?

“I’d like a word please.” The sheriff growled, shoving his thumb back over his shoulder to signal that he wanted us outside. I crossed my arms over my chest in response and leaned back in the chair, refusing to stand as I met his glare with one of my own. I wasn’t going to let these complete dick holes bully me and not give me pie. I was here to fix things and I was going to do exactly that. I glance over, expecting Akuma to be sitting with me but she had shoved away from the table and was standing up, her hair falling around her face and her eyes going a darker blue than usual as she glared between me, Scotty, and the sheriff.

“Oh come on. I’m already having a really bad day.” I grumbled as I gave up and stood to face the sheriff, standing directly in front of him and easily holding his gaze. The faster this hunt ended, the happier I would be.

“You don’t want to make it worse.” The sheriff growled, shoving his thumb over his shoulder again and I sighed, following Akuma out the door. I glanced over my shoulder as we walked to baby and growled a bit under my breath when I noticed him standing by his car and watching us until we got in. I waited a moment and stared at him, narrowing my eyes as he gestured at me to leave but started Baby’s engine, relaxing a bit as she purred, before I pulled out of the parking lot and back onto the main road, my hands tightening around the steering wheel as the asshole followed us out of town.


Alice’s P.O.V

I sighed and shrunk down in the chair, pulling my knees to my chest and tapping my fingers on the arm rest with a small growl of frustration. This Meg chick had been making small talk with Sam for the better part of two hours, my ass was going numb, and these chairs were unbearable. I looked over at Sam again to see if he showed any signs of stopping and rolled my eyes before standing to stretch when I realized that he wasn’t. The last I heard he was talking about Stanford or something and I didn’t really want to pay attention but there was nothing better to do. Akuma hadn’t texted or called yet either and I wasn’t sure if I was pissed off at her or worried about her, either way I was probably going to need to call her soon. With a sigh I stretched again and turned to see them both as they spoke, zoning back into their conversation in time to hear same finish asking a question about travelling. I rested my hands on my hips and looked over at Meg, waiting for an answer.

“No I haven’t done a lot of travelling… This is the most that I have. But I would like to do more.” Meg replied with a sweet smile and a tilt of her head. She was flirting hard and it made me sick to my stomach. She needed to back off but I had no idea how to intercept without seeing like a total bitch and making Sam more determined to talk to her. Observing Dean and Sam interact helped me understand the best way to go about situations, and the way I wanted to go about this one wasn’t good. “How about you? Have you travelled a lot?” She asked Sam, obviously making an effort to ignore me as she spoke.

“Yeah… The family business requires a lot of travelling.” Sam answered with a small shrug of his shoulders and a glance at me. “It’s not always the greatest though. It can be really stressful.” He continued, turning his gaze back to Meg and returning her smile with one of his own.

“Sam…” I muttered, my voice holding a warning tone. He really shouldn’t be saying things like that, even if it was vague. I didn’t realize my mistake until they both whipped their heads around to stare at me and the voices surged, sounding angry at my choice of words. I let out a small groan and pressed my lips together as meg lifted her eyebrows and looked between me and Sam.

“Sam?” She asked, leaning back crossing her arms over her chest as she stared at me and then at Sam again, a smirk crossing her face. She looked so smug and it took most of my willpower not to punch that stupid smirk off of her face. She just needed to get the hell out of my face before I lost it and took her skinny ass down.

“Ah… yeah. That’s my real name.” Sam said, rubbing the back of his neck as he met Meg’s gaze, offering her a small and shy smile. “Alice is a bit jumpy. She grew up in a big city with a lot of bad people. She doesn’t really trust strangers, especially not those she meets on the side of a highway.” He explained and I rolled my eyes, tossing my hair back over my shoulder and shoving my hands into the pockets of my sweat pants. Her smirk grew bigger as she leaned forward again, her hands rested on her folded knees.

“So who’s Erik then?” She asked, her voice was light and teasing but something about it seemed so much like a predator that it set me on edge and made me shiver. I’d gotten the same feeling from Akuma a few times when she was pissed or too into a hunt. She could speak normally but there was this underlying tone that told you she could slit your throat without a regret if you pushed her too far. I’d never had the tone directed at me and I knew I never would, but I would never, ever, want to be on the receiving end of that feeling from her and it was just as creepy and scary coming from this blonde woman; though I wasn’t sure how or why a human could use that… maybe she was a psychopath or something.

“It’s part of my last name. Erikson.” Sam answered, his voice smooth as he spoke. He showed no signs of noticing the creepy undertone to the woman’s words. I sighed and rolled my shoulders back, crouching down and studying the woman’s face for any signs of something that could explain why there was something off about her. There was nothing but the moment I gave up searching the voices came back with the one that told me to fake names earlier ringing out clear and telling me to be careful and not to trust her. I dropped my head into my hands and let out another groan, wishing that they would go away. I wanted to sleep but I wasn’t leaving Sam alone with this woman for that long and I was terrified I’d have another nightmare like the one where Akuma was strapped down. I grabbed my phone from my pocket again and pressed a button to light up the screen, frowning when I saw there was still no calls or even texts. The longer this went on, the more worried I got.

“So is Sam short for something?” Meg questioned and I looked up again, tilting my head as Sam shook his head in response. I was mildly shocked that he didn’t want to tell her that, even though he was so open about so many other things. This man was one of the most confusing men that I had ever met. “Well do you have any other nicknames then Sam? Like… Sammy?” She continued, and I tensed, feeling a weird amount of rage building in my chest.

“No. He doesn’t.” I snapped, standing up and moving closer, my hands balling into fists at my side. Sam hated his brother calling him that. I doubted he’d like a fucking stranger calling him that. “It’s just Sam. Can you just back off and stop trying to figure out everything about his life while being so closed off about yours? It’s fucking creepy!” I growled, moving so I was standing directly in front of her chair. She leaned back and looked up at me with a smirk on her face. She clearly knew she had hit a nerve and looked like she was about to keep going on with it, and I was ready to fight back. I didn’t give a shit if it got physical, I wanted her gone. If this was the only way to do that then so be it.

“Woah… calm down. It was a joke.” Meg said, holding her hands up in front of her and tilting her head a bit, though the smirk stayed on her face. “No need to get your panties in a twist.” She continued, dropping her hands onto her lap again. I looked at Sam to see if he would back me up and felt my lip pull back from my teeth when I saw him look away from me, looking a bit awkward as he sat there doing nothing. God he was being a dick right now and I felt the anger surge in me with the growing level of voices.

“Alright. You know what? Sam’s right. I don’t do shady strangers so you be as fucking creepy as you want and I’ll be over here doing my own thing and minding my own business since you seem to want to get all up in ours. See ya.” I snarled before I spun around on my heels and stomped away, my fingernails digging into the palms of my hands hard enough to draw blood. I made a B line for the open door, desperately craving fresh air, not to mention that this way I could call Akuma and vent. I heard Sam call after me but I didn’t turn to look back, knowing it would just piss me off more. The crisp, wet air from the rain tingled against my skin as I slouched back against the building and shut my eyes tight, the voices in my head seemed to have started shouting at insane levels just as I had raised my voice to this Meg lady. I could feel my skin burning hot, almost as if I had been lit on fire and I shivered at the contrast between the cold and my skin. I sucked in a few deep breaths to calm myself down, trying to minimize the absurdly loud voices echoing in my head so I could think straight when I called my sister. I knew I had a temper, but Meg had just stoked my inner flame and now it was blazing and I was ready to watch her burn.

I took another deep breath and pushed my hair back away from my face before I pulled my phone out and dialed my sister’s number, resting my forehead on my knees as I listened to the familiar ringing.


Sam’s P.O.V.
I stood up as Alice stormed out the door, calling out her name again and moving forward when the door slammed, only to be stopped by a hand on my chest. I frowned and looked down at Meg who had a straight face, though she had looked kind of scared a moment before. “Leave her for now. She needs time to cool down.” The woman said and I cast a glance at the door before looking back at her and nodding with a sigh. She was right, Alice had been pretty pissed off for a while and trying to go after her could lead to pissing her off even more, which was the last thing that I wanted to do.

“... Yeah. Alright.” I resigned, sitting down again and running a hand through my hair, taking a moment to try and think of what to say next to get the conversation going and to keep my mind off of Alice. “So why are you going to California? Some kind of vacation or something?” I cleared my throat, turning to look at the blonde woman again. She was looking up at me with a mildly weird look in her eyes but I shrugged it off, chalking it up to Alice’s paranoia rubbing off on me.

“Yeah right. It’s all sipping crystal poolside for me.” Meg laughed at her own sarcasm and I followed with a chuckle to make things less awkward, though I cleared my throat again right after. “No, I had to get away from my family.” She explained, tilting her head a bit and offering a small, sad smile.

“Why is that?” I questioned, taking a sip of the water that Alice had brought me. The liquid felt nice and soothing in my dry throat and I felt myself relax a bit as I took another sip. Even if it was helping, I couldn’t help but wish that it was a bear or some sort of other alcohol. It would help me relax a lot more than this water would.

“Well, I love my parents and they wanted what’s best for me but they just didn’t care if I wanted it. I was supposed to be smart, but not smart enough to scare away a potential husband.” She turned her eyes away from me, tilting her head down so that she was watching her feet, which were tapping on the linoleum. “Well it’s just, because my family said so, I’m supposed to sit there and do what I was told. So I just went on my own way instead.” She glanced back up to me and we shared a sympathetic smile. She didn’t know it but I was in the same boat; first with going to Stanford and now with going to find my dad. “I’m sorry, the things you say to people you hardly know.” She forced out a nervous laugh and I shifted in my seat to face her better, returning her laugh with one of my own.

“No, no it’s okay. I know how you feel. Remember that brother I mentioned before, that I was road tripping with?” I pushed, leaning my elbows on my knees as I spoke. She gave a small nod and raised her eyebrows at me, waiting for an answer. “It’s kinda the same deal.”

“And that’s why you’re not riding with him anymore?” I shook my head in response to her question and took another sip of water, waiting for the next question. “Then what’s the deal with the girl? If you dumped your brother to be on your own, why have her tag along just to weigh you down?” I narrowed my eyes at her before I turned my head back to the door, just now realizing that anything could happen to Alice while she was out there alone. I took a breath and looked back at Meg, suddenly feeling defensive.

“We are old friends, we’re both looking for the same thing…. Besides; two is better than one. I’m still doing what I want, she’s just helping me out.” I shot back, able to keep most of the contempt out of my voice, but not all of it. Meg’s grin dropped for a moment before she nodded and raised her bottled pop, the grin returning to her face. She looked quite smug about the whole situation.

“Well then, here’s to us. The food might be bad and the beds might be hard, but at least we’re living our own lives and nobody else’s, even if we have road blocks along the way.” I grinned and raised my bottle water, tapping the top of her bottle with mine before taking a swig.

“I can’t get a hold of Akuma.” I turned sharply at the frantic voice from behind me, a pit forming in the bottom of my stomach at her words.


Akuma’s P.O.V.

I sighed in frustration and shifted again, pushing up the sleeves on Dean’s jacket for about the millionth time since we had been kicked out of town. We were parked on the side of the highway not too far from where the Sheriff left us. It had only been a few hours but there was still about another hour and a half until night fall and I was ready to go insane. I had finished the journal an hour ago and Dean and I had been sitting in near silence since. “So…. Have you ever been to Canada?” I asked in a half as attempt at conversation, hiding a yawn behind my hand.

“No… We’ve been by the border but never over. Dad said there’s a lot more to hunt here and we don’t really have to bother with Canada.” Dean replied with a shrug and I snorted. Typical Americans always thought Canada was peaceful but we had tons of monsters. Mostly shifters, wendigo’s, and vampires though. I rarely let Alice hunt the wendigo’s with me because in Canada they tended to gather in a weird form of packs and I’d almost lost my life on more than one occasion because of it. The fuckers were fast and scary. We’d lost plenty of good hunters to them. “I hear that it’s cold in the winter though.” He continued and I rolled my eyes.

“Remind me to make you go hunt wendigo’s in Canada. You’ll want about five people with you those fuckers gather in packs up there because they’re so common; though they’d probably kill each other off with all the fights they get into over prey. If only they didn’t have to be burned down. Secondly, yes it gets cold in the winter, but only people who live in like Florida year round can’t handle our winters. Thirty below isn’t THAT bad. It can get to forty or fifty below with wind if we’re having a bad day. Still liveable.” I ranted, smirking at the shocked look on his face when I mentioned wendigoes. So many hunters down here thought Canada would be easy to hunt in but I proved them wrong... especially when I got up there in the winter.

“That sounds terrifying and that’s still freezing. Thirty below zero?” He asked, shaking his head and I realize he was thinking in Fahrenheit. American’s seemed to be on a one track mind, especially this Winchester. If he was anything like his father I was probably going to hate his father as well. I sighed and ran a hand through my hair, rolling my eyes at him and giving him a smirk.

“In Celsius. Not Fahrenheit.” I elaborated before lapsing into silence. We stayed like that for a bit longer and I felt myself drifting off to sleep. I sighed and relaxed a bit more as Dean started the car again to let the vehicle warm up. I rested my head on the window as the heat washed over me and the purr of Baby’s engine filled my ears, the mixture lulling me into sleep.


When I opened my eyes I was standing in a dark room. I glanced down at the floor, noticing how small my hands were. Uncertain of what was going on, I grabbed myself as if I was hugging myself, feeling just how small I was, how young. I tilted my head in attempt to see the room, the familiar sight made my heart sink as I was forced to move forward at the sound of a high pitched scream. I tried my best to stop myself but I couldn’t. I shoved a door open and burst into a master bedroom, holding back a sob at the sight of a man about my father’s age standing over my mother’s body with his back to me. She was laying on the floor, blood seeping through her white nightgown from her stomach. I stepped back and ran outside, standing in the shadows, trying to see through the tears that streamed down my face. I bit my lip as the man came bursting out of the house and ran to a car that sat idling. Through the back door I could see a young boy peeking out and staring directly at me, his hazel eyes wide and confused.

The next moment everything started spinning and I landed hard on my feet. I looked down to see a flowing white summer dress that fell to my bare feet, the paleness of my skin and the dress standing out hard against the bright green grass. I lifted my head and looked around to see that I was standing in a meadow with colours brighter than they should have been. I walked to the middle of the meadow and stared around at the trees, shivering slightly and turning in a slow circle trying to figure out where I was and why I was here. My dreams tended to consist of the same things, my mother’s death and the death of Alice’s father. I had never been here before and it scared me more than reliving the two worst days of my life. I spun again and froze when I came face to face with a mirror. My hair was as long as always, falling nearly to my hips in waves, while my eyes were a blue that stood out against my face before melting into black. “Get OUT of my MIND.” I yelled as realization dawned on me. I reached out at the mirror, watching as it shattered in its frame, the glass falling to the grass and revealing my father on the other side of the frame.

A surge of warm air blew through the meadow and rustled through the grass and the leaves of the trees as my father smirked at me, moving forward as I moved back. “We need to talk Akuma.” He replied, his voice low and rough. It sent a shiver down my spine and I froze in place, glaring at him. I couldn’t move and I knew it was his fault. He’d never done this before in my dreams but he had visited me while awake once before and done the same thing. I felt a surge of anger rise in my chest but it was replaced with fear as he stepped towards me, his irises changing colour.

“About what?” I snapped, forcing my voice to stay smooth, though even I could hear the panic. I couldn’t figure out why I was wearing this stupid dress, which was a bigger version of a dress that I had worn when I was younger, or why he had chosen this meadow. It was similar to the one behind my uncle’s house and the more I looked around, the more I thought he was constructing this to freak me out.

“I’ve been trying to reach you for a while.” He murmured, standing and staring at me with only a few inches of space between us, his rank and acidic breath rolling over my face, making my stomach churn.

“What the HELL do you want?!” I demanded, feeling another surge of rage build in my gut and make its way up to my throat. I felt as if I would throw it up if any more pressure built in my chest. I wanted to scream at him until he left, but I knew it wouldn’t work. He needed to say what he needed to say before he’d leave, though it didn’t really look like he’d be doing that any time soon.

“Straight to the point, eh?” He asked chuckling, never breaking eye contact as he took a few steps back and started pacing in front of me. “See that’s one of the few things you get from me; the anger management issues and your stubbornness. You get those looks from your mother… if it wasn’t or the way your eyes look when you’re demon side takes over I’d think you belonged to someone else. Especially with those blue eyes. They don’t come from either one of us.” He continued with a dark laugh that sent another shiver through my body.

“Just tell me what you want or let me leave.” I growled, trying to keep my voice strong, though it came out more like I was begging. I cleared my throat and closed my eyes, trying to take another deep breath.

“I’ll keep you here as long as I want to.” He hissed and I shivered at his acidic voice snaking around in my head. “I may keep you here until you die.” He laughed, a low growl underlying his dark humour.

“Alice would find a way to get me out.” I growled right back at him, folding my bare arms over my chest. I shifted my weight and let my head fall to the side slightly, relaxing a bit now that I realized I had some room to move.

“Yes… the redhead. She’s a real pain in my ass. She seems to be hiding you from me. It’s a gift that she ran off with the younger Winchester rather than staying with you. I’ve been waiting for this chance for a while.” He started to move, circling around me. His body shifting like a snake weaving through grass.

“Just tell me what you fucking want already you fucking asshole.” I followed his trail with my eyes, glaring and hissing under my own breath, anger twisting in my chest and making it increasingly difficult to breathe.

“I don’t have to do anything you tell me Akuma. And please, call me father… it is my proper title after all.” He froze and craned his neck to glance over his shoulder at me. “Things will go a lot faster if you just cooperate my dear daughter.”

“Since you asked so nicely father.” The sarcasm was heavy on my tongue as the words left my mouth, the taste of anger filling my mouth. It tasted metallic and it was only then that I realized I had bitten down on my cheek hard enough to draw a great deal of blood. I felt a bit of it drip down my chin and swallowed what was left in my mouth, my body tensing with anger.

“How is it working with the Winchester boys?” He questioned, ignoring my comment as he turned to face me properly, his eyes filled with laughter. He was enjoying this way more than he should have been, though I wasn’t surprised. He’d hurt me a lot more than verbally before I ran away.

“It’s wonderful. It’s like living with a couple of kittens that can kill worthless monsters like you.” My arms fell from my chest to hang loosely at my sides as I smoothed my face over, trying not to show any emotion.

“Now now, that’s no tone to use with your father, Akuma.” He growled, seeming like he was getting fed up with me as he started circling me again. It was kind of dizzying and my body tensed when he went where I couldn’t see him. We both stayed silent for a while before I finally spoke again.

“Just tell me why the fuck you’re here.” I demanded, sucking in a deep breath as he stopped directly behind me. I couldn’t see him so I tensed hard when he rested his hand on my shoulder, stomach acid rising in my throat at the feeling of his skin on mine. I wanted nothing more than to turn around and rip out his throat.

“And I would love to tell you why I’m here, but I’m afraid we’ve ran out of time. Now tell me, doesn’t he remind you of his father?” He flicked his tongue as he spoke, sending a violent tingle down my spine that was almost painful.

“Who the hell are you talking about?” My hands balled into fists at my sides, I was already over the edge with this whole situation and his vagueness was annoying the fuck out of me. The faster I could get out of here the better I would feel, but I would feel best if I could see him dead.

“Oh you’ll see soon enough sweetheart. Enjoy the hunt. I’ll keep in touch.” His voice echoed and swirled around me as if it was bouncing off every surface possible just to mock me. I stood frozen in place for a bit longer before someone called my name, cutting off the echo of my father’s words and pulling me out of the meadow and back to reality.


I shot up and sucked in a deep breath, feeling a small trail of blood on my face and a pain in my chest as I spun to face Dean. He had a worried expression on his face but both hands were on the wheel and he turned to look at the road again. I took another breath and rubbed my eyes before looking out the window, jolting a bit when I realized that the sun was setting. I rubbed the blood off of my chin and leaned back in my seat, taking more breaths and waiting for my heart rate to slow down.

“Are you okay?” Dean asked and I looked over at him again, answering his question with a nod. I cleared my throat but stayed silent, waiting for him to explain. “... Alright. Well we’re going to town to try to intercept the couple again, though they might be leaving already. We’re still a good ten minutes away and the sun is finished setting.” He muttered, moving a hand from the wheel to rub it over his face, he was probably tired. I nodded again and ran a hand through my hair before speaking.

“Sorry for passing out… I’m sure we’ll make it on time.” I muttered, taking another breath as panic washed over me again. “Why didn’t you wake me up earlier?” I demanded, the words coming out a bit harsher than I intended, though I didn’t really care. I felt panicked being in this car. I wanted out and I wanted to help the couple. I mostly wanted Alice back. I didn’t know what my father meant when he said the she was hiding me from him, but I wanted her so I could talk to her and calm down. Dean glared at me instead of replying and I sighed, looking out the window and swearing when I saw a vehicle parked on the side of the road. “Dean I think we’re too late to stop them.” I muttered. I braced myself as he slammed on the brakes and pulled over.

I was out of the car the moment he had stopped and ran into the woods, the adrenalin from the dream and the hunt pulsing through my veins as I moved. I turned my head back at the sound of Alice’s ringtone blasting from the car but I was too far away. A few more steps had me out of hearing range and my mind was completely on the hunt.


Alice’s P.O.V
“Sam, I’m really worried. What if something happened?” I worried, feeling my hands slowly start rubbing at my cheek to try to console myself. I had called two times and Akuma hadn’t picked up yet. After she was kidnapped I didn’t want to be out of contact with her, especially when the voices were like this. I wanted to protect Sam and make sure that he was safe but the longer we were away from my sister the more I regretted being gone and it hadn’t even been a full day yet.

“Uh, Meg, could you give us a minute.” Sam stood up and faced me, now completely ignoring Meg. He looked worried as he looked down at me and his hands were out of his pockets, looking as if he wanted to try to comfort me though he wasn’t sure how.

“Yeah, I’ll see ya later.” Meg replied before she stood and walked away with a groan, looking like she wasn’t impressed that I just stole her spotlight. I dropped my gaze to the ground again, feeling another wave of panic wash over me before I looked up again, noticing as Sam inched closer to me, probably noticing my discomfort. I really wished that Meg would leave us alone but she showed no signs of totally disappearing.

“Okay, what exactly happened?” He reached out and lightly gripped my arms, his hands hot on my skin. It was soothing and I could already feel my muscles relaxing. I sighed and let the hand at my face drop to my side and looked up at him, taking a moment to bite down on my lip and breathe before trying to explain.

“I went to call Akuma but they was no answer, Sam, she always answer, especially if I call twice! And I did! What if something bad happened and she’s hurt?” I could feel my body start to tremble as I spoke, my voice shaking with it. I squeezed my eyes shut and ducked my head again so that my mess of red hair fell to cover my face, hiding it from Sam. I didn’t feel like crying but I knew how my face got when I was stressed and it wasn’t pretty.

“Hey, hey, Alice. It’s okay, I’ll call Dean.” He soothed, his hands gripping my shoulders hard. It almost seemed as if he was trying to squeeze me into a hug. “Calm down, what if her phone died or something. Alice, it’s going to be alright.” He continued and I gave a small nod, lifting my head and watching as he pulled out his phone and dialed Dean’s number.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry this took so long. This one was 7699 words. Hope you enjoyed.