Sequel: Asylum
Status: Finished


Save Me

Akuma’s P.O.V.

I wasn’t sure how long I had been out or what had happened but I could already tell that it was bad. I slowly opened my eyes and blinked a couple of times while they adjusted to the bright lights above me. “Fuck.” I growled, trying to turn my head and sucking in a sharp breath when I realized that it was stuck in place. I turned my gaze to the rest of my body and groaned, noticing that I was held down by iron shackles around my wrists and ankles as well as two thick leather straps; one over my chest and the other crossing over my thighs, just under my hips. I pulled against the restraints and turned my gaze, trying to peer out and into the darkness that surrounded the small pool of bright lights around me. My heart had begun to beat hard against my ribcage as I tried to figure out what the hell was going on.

It was impossible to see anything because of the sharp contrast between the light and complete darkness, and the silence was deafening. Other than the table that I seemed to be strapped to, there was nothing around me or rather, nothing that I could see. I closed my eyes and shivered as the thick, damp air settled further into my skin. I was itching to get up and move or do something to stop the cold from seeping so far into my body. It felt as if it was filling my bones with ice that would crack though and shatter my bones as the air dropped closer to freezing temperature. I shivered harder and opened my eyes, staring towards the darkness and hoping someone would come in soon. I realistically knew that it had only been a few minutes since I woke up but it felt like it had been closer to an hour. I gritted my teeth against the dropping temperature and turned my gaze so I was staring at the roof again, my heart rate picking up at the sound of a door creaking open from somewhere in the darkness. I pulled hard against the restraints, feeling the cold shackles scrape against my skin. I strained hard to listen to the very quiet noise that the painfully slow opening door made. I had a hard knot in my chest, the curiosity of who or what was going to come out of that door. My eyes widened and fear pumped through my shivering body as Luke stepped into the light, his eyes dark and a smirk on his face.

“Where the hell am I?!” I growled out at him as he slowly paced around the room, keeping his slick, black eyes on me. Anger rocked through me as he stepped completely into the light and I tugged against the restraints again, the metal of the shackles burning against my skin before I gave up. Luke just laughed, placing his hands on the edge of the table I was strapped to, his fingers barely grazing my skin. His eyes flicking back to the light brown colour that I once knew. They were too soft, too nice, and they didn’t fit his face; they belonged on his old face. His eyes moved from my face, dancing across my body for a moment before he grinned wolfishly, still not answering my question. “Bastard!” I spat at his face, landing a gob of spit on his cheek, causing me to smile in satisfaction as a dark frown crossed his face.

“Bitch.” He wiped his face on his sleeve and backhanded me hard across the face, drawing a sharp and painful chirp from my lips. The sweet, metallic taste that signalled blood spilled over my chin and I turned my gaze back to his face, running my tongue over my bottom lip, something stirring inside of me at the taste.

“What do you want with me?” I snarled the question again. I was the one tied down and aggravating him would just get e hurt but that was already his plan so there was no harm in trying to force him to answer the question. There was no way to tell his plans, but after things went the last time that I saw him, I wouldn’t be surprised if he wanted me dead.

“None of that concerns you. You have other things to be worried about” I watched as he pulled out a tray table on wheels that has a bunch of things on displayed, some looked as if they were to stitch wounds but most happened to be big knives and other metallic instruments that had been used for torture. I suddenly felt an overwhelming panic flow over me, again I tried to pull away but this time more frantically then before, the cuffs burning into my skin when I struggled against them. The knives ranged in size as well as cleanliness and the other instruments looked just as deadly and terrifying.

“What the fuck is going on? What do you want Luke? I thought you’d had enough of me after I broke up with you because you were fucking stalking me for my father.” Luke laughed again, running his hand over a few knives, picking some of them up before pulling out another tray, this one holding iron rods and a prong that seemed to have an intricate cross inscribed on it, and finally a bottle of holy water and a tub of salt.

“Oh I’m still stalking you for your dad sweetheart.” Luke purred before letting out a small giggle. Luke had always been a bit off since he had been possessed. I knew demons were psychopathic but this one was just so much worse, especially after I had realized what was going on. He had completely lost it when I found out who he was and what he had done to the human I had been dating. His act was good for a while but I was heartbroken when I found out the first person I had loved as more than family had been possessed a month into the relationship and that everything from there was a lie. Whether Luke was stalking me for my father or not, he was also stalking me for himself; he was obsessive and terrifying sometimes and he’d wanted me dead for years.

I watched as he grabbed a small knife from the first table and pranced back towards me, twirling it between his fingers playfully before placing the tip just below the first strap, slowly dragging it down to the top of my belly button before pulling away. The blade was cold and sent shivers through my body as it left a long, thin line that bled very little and healed almost as quickly as it was made.

“Don’t call me that. Why the fuck am I here? What does that yellow-eyed asshole want?” I snapped, refusing to squirm. Instead, I concentrated on keeping my body still as he placed the knife under my left collar bone, digging it in enough to draw blood. I narrowed my eyes at the demon above me, not feeling any pain as he pulled the knife up again, a look of anger crossing his face before he plunged it in, drawing out a low hiss of pain. I wanted to shout at the feeling of the cold sharp metal stuck in my muscle but refused to give him the pleasure. I had no doubt that he’d hurt me more to get me worked up but I didn’t care, he was going to have to work harder for a real reaction, put me in enough pain that I couldn’t help but give a bigger response, the asshole didn’t deserve one. He pulled away and moved back to the table unsatisfied. I wasn’t sure why I expected him to remove the knife, but he left it there, making it increasingly difficult to breath. It felt like every time I took a breath, even a shallow one, the knife sunk in further, though I could barely see how that was even possible.

“Don’t get so angry love, your eyes are starting to go black already.” I closed my eyes at his words and forced myself to ignore the pain and take a few deep breaths, in through my nose and out through my mouth, in an attempt to calm down; if he wanted to make my eyes black because of my anger and pain then he would have to wait a lot longer. My number one priority was not giving him what he wanted. I let out another breath and reopened my eyes as the cold seeped further into my body, blinking in slight shock when I saw Luke standing above me again with a knife in each hand. He placed one against the skin just beside my left eye and lightly dragged it down my face, causing a slight sting that made my eye water. “I’m to enjoy spilling blood all over your pretty little body… sadly your father will get to have the most fun.” He continued with another disturbing giggle before lifting the second knife. This one was much larger than the one still in my body and the one he had used to cut my face and looked damp. It could have just been the light but the feeling of holy water dripping onto my shoulder sent a new hiss through my teeth while I stared at it, my breath catching in my throat before coming in short gasps. Luke made quick work of plunging the knife into my forearm, just under my elbow and dragging it down, stopping halfway down, only partly reopening the old wound and pulling a low, painful moan from my chest. The knife may have been removed but the holy water he soaked it in remained in the wound and it burned hard, but it sizzled out soon enough and I could already feel my arm starting to heal when I felt a knife dug into my right arm, going through the same process that my left had just gone through, this wound didn’t get more than a gasp of shock. I could see my blood dripping from the knife and onto the floor while Luke walked around me back to the table and started to speak again. “Your father, Azazel, has decided that you won’t stop loving humans so much so he’s decided to give you a real reason to hate us… though he’s hopeful that we can recondition you.”

“He’s given me plenty of reasons…. and don’t lie through your teeth. My father will never give up on the idea that I’ll stop loving humans. He’s too fucking stubborn.” I could see Luke moving things around before a light started flickering, almost like a fire. I wasn’t sure what he was doing but the fire flickered for a while, throwing shadows onto the darkly decorated wall behind it. After a while the fire went out and he picked up the holy water, pouring it on something which was followed by a loud sizzle before picking up the salt and tilting the container over.

“Just tell me the truth Luke… please.” I begged, my eyes widening when he turned around, holding the prong with the intricate cross on the end. It was glowing but still manages to look wet. The sight sent a hard shiver down my back and I tugged hard at the restraints, my breathing coming harder when he neared me. He wasted no time in tilting the cross so it was upside down and pressing it into my skin, drawing a loud scream from my lips as it burned into my hip and sent pain rippling up my torso as the burn blistered immediately. I cut the scream short by pressing my lips together, my vision going blurry as the pain slowly receded.

“There are those pretty black eyes. Missing the yellow I see. I’m sure we can fix that.” Luke purred in a predatory voice, however also filled with glee. He pulled away after a while, the cold air hitting the blister and drawing a whimper as it slowly took over, replacing the burning sensation with a dull throbbing. I closed my eyes against the light above me and sucked in a shaky breath, the pain from the knife below my collar bone returning as I did so, though not nearly as bad as before. I listened to the clank of metal on metal followed by the scrape of a knife against metal, making a high pitched grating noise that stung my ears. I opened my eyes once I felt him next to me and watched as he reached forward, pulling the smaller knife from my body, setting it beside me and picking up a new knife. “How many knives does it take to make her sing?” He sang, a creepy vibe filling the room as he dug a knife in just under my ribs and dragged it down a bit, leaving it at the bottom of the open wound. I whimpered a bit as he moved his attention to different areas of my body, leaving different sized cuts and punching me hard when I struggled. He favoured my arms and legs, leaving the worst cuts in them and only leaving shallow cuts and light bruises on my torso, though I wasn’t sure why. “There’s the pretty yellow-gold.” He cackled before continuing on.

“Hello Akuma.” A sudden wave of what felt like icy water washed over me, my body trembled as Luke pulled the blade across my arm again. My eyes fluttered open for a moment to lock onto the scumbag emerging from the shadows. He looked human from this distance but as he enclosed the space I could see the horrid creature beneath the meat suit. The disgusting thing that I call father. I had been nervous and freaking out about this whole ex-boyfriend torture thing for the last, I don’t even know, for all I know I could have been here for a few hours or maybe even a day; but now I was panicking, having a very difficult time keeping my demon side from coming out and practically having a massive spaz attack. I shut my eyes tight and winced, swearing to God that this better be a fucking nightmare.

“What the hell do you want with me?” I spoke acidically through my teeth when I opened my eyes again, trying to regain control over my breathing. My eyes followed him as he walked over to the table with the knives, picking up one that I recognized. It’s the same one he used over me when he cut my uterus a long time ago. I struggled again with the restraints, knowing it was useless but I couldn’t lay feeling like there was nothing I could do. I need to move so that I could keep my composure, even though on the inside I was panicking harder than ever while I watched as he played with the knife. My eyes were wide with fear, my pupils blow out until there was only a small sliver of blue as he started pacing up and down beside me, playing with the blade. Uncontrollably I flinched away anytime he passes by my hips, sending massive surges of adrenaline and panic through my body, though I was completely helpless in the fact that I was bound by demonic shackles.

“The same thing as always. To teach you a lesson… Plus I think I’ll be able to use you as leverage against those Winchesters and little Ms. Heatherstone.” He came to a halt by my head, placing the tip of the knife against my collarbone and pushed down hard enough to puncture the skin before pulling away and walking back to the table where he got the knife from. I shook violently under the leather straps, the cold had sunk in and taken control over my nerves, the pain from all the teasing knife play that Luke had done settled into my skin and burned every time I moved. I whimpered slightly as I saw him taking his time to pour holy water over the blade, then added some salt before he muttered something that sounds like a spell. Slowly he started pacing again.

“Leave them alone. You have me. You can kill me or whatever you want. Just leave them all alone.” I was begging now, my voice rising higher and higher in pitch. I could feel the pulling of my skin as some of my wounds had begun to close but not all of them, the others were too deep. I shifted on the table and felt the burn on my hip pulsate and sting, I don’t know what Luke did but whatever it was it hurt like a son of a bitch. My father stopped by my side, I knew what he was going to do. I pressed my lips together, wanting to cry but refusing to.

“I don’t want to kill you… I’m just trying to turn you into someone we could have been proud of… besides, I have some unfinished business with the Winchesters. It seems that we both do. You’ll understand everything soon…” I looked away as he placed the tip of the knife against the old scar that crossed my lower stomach. I could feel my breath stop, my chest constricting as I tried to prepare myself. He dug the knife into my skin and I screamed loud enough that it hurt my own ears. He kept the knife in place until I had stopped screaming. “You should have stayed with me Akuma. We could have worked well together and this never would have happened. And the woman you call your sister would be safe.” He chuckled to himself as he started to pull knife across the old scar. Another scream ripped through my body, this time it felt like he was sawing me in half. My head was thrown back into the table as far as I could, my teeth grinding together at a force that would probably shatter them. Every small shift that I made felt like a new stab wound. I felt my own body go stiff and then freeze as blood flowed over my sides and legs, I was going into shock and suddenly the pain started to recede. I was screaming the entire time but at some point my voice was so raw that I couldn’t can’t make a single noise. I felt the blade rip through my skin as he pulled it out of my body, he tossed it to the table, blood splattering the other instruments. I shook so hard that I lost all feeling in my body for a long time, I was completely numb. I felt the heaviness in my eyelids as they fell over my eyes and everything just faded away into the numbness.
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Hope you enjoyed :) The finale is coming around soon, so you better believe things ae just going to get worse.

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