Sequel: Asylum
Status: Finished


Low Key Competitions

Deans POV

I glanced in my rear view mirror as I pulled into the parking lot in front of a small office building, watching Alice wake Akuma before I spoke. “You don’t have to hide what you are,” I said, frowning a bit at the look of shock that crossed Akuma’s face. “Jerry knows that we’re hunters.” I finished and said, shutting off my car.

“Oh, right.” Akuma said, yawning and rubbing her eyes before looking at her sister, seeming to exchange a conversation with just their eyes before sliding out of the car. They were weird; closer than I was with Sam and closer than I’d seen any other siblings really, even if they weren’t actually related. With a small sigh I got out and shut the door on my baby gently before stretching and heading to the door. “You have the sample from the plane crash, right Sam?” I asked as we walked up to the door.

“Yeah I do. It’s still in my pocket.” Sam said as we walked into the office.

With a small nod I offered Jerry a small smile as he stood up from his desk. “Hey, we stopped by the crash site on the way here. We found more residue on the parts, we’re pretty sure it’s sulfur but you should probably check it out just in case.” I said, watching as Sam pulled out the small container and handed it to the older man.

“Alright, I can do that.” He said, his gaze travelling a past Sam and to the girls. “Who are you?” He asked, his gaze seeming to be stuck on Akuma. He was frowning slightly, but it was probably because I forgot to mention we’d be bringing more people. On top of that they did look a bit intimidating… Well Akuma did anyways. She was standing with her hands on her hips, feet shoulder width apart and had a look on her face that could only be described as a resting bitch face.

“We were sent to help with the case.” Akuma said, giving Jerry a soft smile. “I’m Akuma, and this is my sister Alice. I’m assuming you’re Jerry?” She asked, walking up to him, holding out a hand to him and giving him another smile as she shook his hand. The smile actually seemed to reach her eyes, which isn’t something I would have expected.

“Yeah that’s me.” He said, tilting his head a bit and looking between both Alice and Akuma and looking between both Alice and Akuma. “You don’t look like sisters…” He muttered under his breath and I chuckled, Jerry had relaxed since the original smile but he still looked a bit wary, meaning I wasn’t the only one who didn’t fully trust them, though we were probably wary for different reasons.

“So what are the details on the crash?” I asked, cutting Akuma off before she could say anything else.

“Well... The crash happened forty minutes into the flight… and I’m pretty sure that’s what happened in the first crash.” Jerry said, taking the bottle to the other side of the room to test the substance inside. We all stayed quiet for a while before he pulled back. “Yeah… it’s sulfur.”

“So it’s the same thing again. The demon.” Sam said with a small frown as he thought. “Maybe it was looking just for Chuck… you know, but maybe… do you think it had anything to do with the recording?” He asked looking over at me and lifting his eyebrows as he waited for an answer. I glanced at the girls for a moment and inwardly groaned at the matching looks they gave me.

“What are you talking about? You never said anything about a recording when you were supposed to be filling us in on everything.” Alice said, moving past Akuma and glaring between me and Sammy, her green eyes flashing with anger. For a woman that was 5 foot nothing and kind of looked like she should be a fairy, she was intimidating, especially when she was mad.

“… It slipped my mind.” I said, looking down at her with a calm expression and shrugging. It wasn’t totally a lie, though it was more like Sam forgot to bring it up and I didn’t think they’d need to know and had kind of hoped that they would have left before it became important. I was starting to realize that the more I wanted them gone, the more likely it was they were going to stay.

“Well what did it say?” Akuma asked, drawing my attention back to her. Her face and posture were surprisingly calm but I was starting to get the feeling that’s how she showed any emotion she was feeling. She was like a closed book with no description, it was disturbing and probably the main reason that I didn’t trust her. When I didn’t say anything she raised her eyebrows at me before turning to Jerry and walking towards him. “Would you tell us?”

“It said no survivors. But that doesn’t make sense, especially if he just wanted Chuck.” Jerry said, holding eye contact with her as he spoke, another frown crossing his forehead as he thought.

“Well the recording was probably made before the plane went down, though I’d have to listen to it to know for sure.” Akuma said, turning away from Jerry and walking towards Alice again, twisting her finger in a chunk of her hair. “But if it said no survivors; that would mean everyone on the plane was supposed to die. This wasn’t supposed to happen. The survivors are all the next target… though I’m not sure why the planes would go down 40 minutes into the flight, is it significant to this specific demon?”

“The number 40 is biblical. Like in the story of Noah’s Ark, it rained for forty days. It usually means punishment or death.” I said, smirking at the shocked look that Sam gave me. “So if this thing is going after all of the survivors… We’re going to need a list of the survivors and a way to contact them.” I said, turning to face Jerry. “We need to find out if any of them plan on flying and then we need to stop them.” Jerry nodded and dug through his bag for a moment before pulling out papers and handing them to me, his face holding a slightly panicked look as I took the papers. “We’ll get a-hold of you after we’ve figured this all out.”

Akuma’s POV (Back at the hotel)

“I called everyone on the list.” I said, standing up and stretching. I’d been sitting a lot lately and I hated it. This was always my least favourite part of the job. I hated the research, I preferred to go out and actually hunt, I’d rather dig my blade into something or shoot something in the face, it was more my style. “No one is going on a flight any time soon except for the flight attendant named Amanda. It’s her first flight since the accident and her sister said the flight was going to be leaving at eight.”

“Have you tried to call her?” Dean asked, looking up at me from where he sat on the couch, flipping through an old journal. I thought I heard him say it was his dads at some point but I wasn’t really paying attention.

“Yeah. Her phone is off, probably because she’s getting ready to get on a flight that seems to be doomed.” I said, hearing the ice slipping into my voice as I spoke. If he thought I was going to forget to do something so simple he was idiotic. “Which means we should probably get going. We may have to get tickets and make it past security.”

Dean was silent for a moment before standing. “Maybe if we get there in time we can stop her before we ever have to get on the plane.” He said, sliding on his jacket and grabbing his keys from the table, leaving the journal in its place.

“It’s a five hour drive to the airport her sister mentioned.” I said, lifting my eyebrows. He seemed pretty determined to get there before she got on. “We’d have to drive pretty fast and I doubt that we’ll catch her in time.”

“I’m sure we can do it, it shouldn’t be too hard.” Dean said, glancing between us all. “Come on guys, we’re wasting time. Are you two coming with us again or are you capable of driving yourself?”

“I’m fully capable of driving myself.” I said, my voice going cold again as I pulled on my jacket and pulled my keys out of its pocket. “Maybe we could race.” I said with a smirk as I looked at my sister, lifting my eyebrows a bit. “Let’s go Alice.” I growled playfully, heading to the door.
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I found the rest of the chapters!! For now I'll mostly be rewriting unless new chapters need to be added. After this I'll be writing more for Asylum and so on.

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