The Survival Journal of Marcus Cutter


The year the ship showed up will always be remembered because they sat there for two years the first year scientists came and studied it and try to make contact the other ships arrived and they landed and released creatures on us they released so many beasts all sorts that just started to kill humans in a couple months the human population had been almost wiped out completely almost two thirds of the population. More and more of us are killed each day and we don't even know why they came here
It's been a year since the creatures were let out and life is day to day survival my name is Marcus and I write this journal so you can survive the horrors if you find this I have left it behind to help out someone my philosophy is being alone is the best you can never lose someone but living alone is lonely but what's worse is losing someone you care about. A month after everything began was the first time it was alone right after a creature known as a Gnarle ripped apart my family I barely lived and the next few months were the toughest so I decided I would survive alone. Once again I'm leaving this journal in hopes it helps whoever finds this will hopefully survive.
My name is Marcus Cutter I'm a survivor I live near Missoula right now but I do move when things get to dangerous I try and stay out of the cities as much as possible they tend to have more Gnarls then out in the wilderness. But I had to because I needed to find some rare essentials I was looking for a trader I needed some alcohol and a knife sharpener. So a sharpener is a very rare commodity but the traders usually got all rarities but not always reliable they move around. As I walked out of the woods and into a field outside of Missoula and I could hear Gnarls near by so I had to be cautious so I got down in the tall grass pulled out my machete that wasn't sharp at all.
I crawled through the grass and then I heard screaming and gun shots and a car engine I popped out of the grass and saw a truck with a mounted fifty cal. cruising threw the grass the pulled up and stooped and the guy on the gun had been killed they guy driving said "Hey you can you shoot." I nodded he motioned and I climbed up and removed the guy and he had a weird ass spike in his arm I put him down and got on the gun and said "hey what's chasing you." He looked back and said just shoot anything thats not human. He then floored it and we were moving and all of a sudden the tall grass began to move and he yelled ok here they come watch out for there spikes they cause paralyses. I watched and these strange almost bird like creatures launched out of the grass and there arms were lined with purple spikes like the one in the old gunners arm. They lobbed them and I just began shooting they went down easy but there were easily hundreds and they wouldn't stop coming I yelled up "why are they after us I've never seen them." "We picked up some stuff in South Dakota and they have been after us ever since"
We drove and dogged them for another 10 min then when we cleared the grass they ran out and stopped chasing us I yelled "Hey why did they stop." "Oh they're smart they know they don't stand a chance in the open they will work there way around and wait." We stopped and I hoped out and he said "hey so you think you cant cover for me tell the next outpost." I nodded and said "so what are they after." He pulled out a chest and it was full of bloody parts and then I recognized what's in there. "Are those Gnarl claws" he nodded and said there really spendy people I guess make weapons out of them but those Pitohui just love the smell of dead gnarls. I needed and said "so he is alive" and motioned to the guy in the back and he said "ya can you help me get him in the passenger seat." We lifted him up and sat him in it I hoped back in the back and got on the gun. We drove for a few hours intel we found the outpost we stopped and he said "Hey I could always use another gunner" I shook my head and said "not my kinda job I prefer being alone I just came to trade" he nodded and said "well hey what were you after" I told him what I was looking for and he said well for saving are asses take these.
I took the pack and said goodbye and walked off back toward my cave it was a long long walk after I left the outpost I opened the pack and found 2 sharpening sticks a half bottle of rubbing alcohol a full bottle of vodka and a gnarl claw. I saw it pulled it out and grabbed some vodka and poured it over it hopefully it would mask the scent of the claw from any Pitohui.
I trecked threw the forest then I hearted the noise I heard in the tall grass and started to run I pulled out my knife ducked down behind a tree and pulled out one of the sharpeners and sharpened the machete as best as I could then I pulled out the rubbing alcohol and covered the claw in it and then found a hallowed tree to squeeze into to. I just sat and listened to the Pitohui squawking and sniffing around the rubbing alcohol must be masking the claw I was hiding for hours I passed out I woke up to squawking and then a loud growl I woke up pulled out my knife and saw a bunch of dead Pitohui's all over I thought Gnarls may have killed them cause they hadn't been eaten just ripped up. I looked around and didn't see any drag from gnarl claws I looked but didn't find anything then I noticed that the creatures were dragged and that there necks had been broken I checked and as I walked I find others the same way neck broken and then clawed up. I made camp for the night and kept my ears open and then listened all night when I got sleepy so I looked for something to sleep under but nothing was around so I guess I wouldn't sleep tonight.