The Survival Journal of Marcus Cutter


I waited in the darkness all night and listened but I didn't hear anything no animals, no birds, nothing it was strange nothing scares all sorts of animals I don't know any creature that scares everything away. During the night I heard sticks cracking and leaves falling it would seam normal if it wasn't happening in a path straight for me so I watched and waited then it stopped right above me. So I glanced up and saw a tail slipping down the tree I grabbed my machete and grabbed the tail pulled down hard and it looked reptilian I stabbed it in the spine when it hit the ground it was tricky about 7 feet tall standing straight up. It's tail had some sticky stuff on it proudly so it's prey couldn't slip out I had to pry it off my hand I decided to take it with me and I bagged up its head I wanted to ask someone about it. So I turned around and headed back toward that outpost with the head and tail I was hoping the traders were there and have seen it before.
I headed out and walked threw the night if there was one there will most likely be others and they won't be far behind so I was walking and listening for anything I could see the lights off the outpost but then I got closer and started to smell death. I saw that the lights were fire and there were bodies everywhere I walked up to one and saw that his neck had been snapped so I got down and then heard an engine and then walked around still in th
e tree's. I saw the truck and but it wasn't moving the mounted gun was gone and the gunner bent over the back dead I snuck up and looked in the seat and there was the guy he was beaten up but he was alive I asked him what happened he said Selliks attacked I pulled up the head and said "Is this a Selliks he nodded and said "how did you kill it" I said "we'll I grabbed its tail and pulled it out of a tree and stabbed its spine." He nodded then coughed up blood and said "get out of here take what ever you need ill try to get out too." I looked around then jumped in the back and looked around I grabbed a 45. Caliber commander and some bullets and even some hollow points. I decided to use the tail to get me the mounted gun and ammo back to my cave.
I wrapped the tail around the gun it was heavy as all he'll slipped it on and started back to my cave it had been three days since I was safe in my cave it took a day and a half to walk back and then I went in and disarmed my traps I got in reactivated some and then went to set up the at the opening of my area it was a little fucked up mainly had no stand so I had to improvise with some rocks and put it up set up the ammo and just went and checked out the entrance and set up a couple extra things on my traps that make noise so I will be ready on the 50 cal. I never live with others but I do know I have to have people that assist me like those traders that died but never fully trust someone never had since my family got slaughtered.
I've had a few people come by and they never stayed I just helped them a bit then had them on there way never stayed long just quick I don't like other unless they have something I need. So I settled back into my cave and flipped on the generator and my little lighting system kicked on and I poured a fresh batch of river water all over the entrance and set wires on it and put up a sign saying clearly floor electrified death if you try to walk on it. That way I don't kill any fellow humans so then I went in and dug threw what I had an turned on a stereo I found and CDs some entertainment. Then I heard something so I flipped off my radio and listened then heard screaming and turned off the generator and went to the entrance I grabbed my new gun and went out and listened then I saw someone running a girl I yelled and she came toward me and then i saw the leaves so I yelled come in the cave. I ran in and went to the 50 cal. and waited she came running I said go go and then a Sellik came crawling in so I lite him up and said "hey turn in that generator." She flipped it on and I instantly heard something getting fried and then I walked over to her and said "hey so what's your name and what are you doing in these woods."She sat down on a rock and looked tired and said "my name is Emily but just call me M. And I was part of a small caravan and we got to an outpost to see fire and everyone slaughtered then some Selliks jumped us and killed the others I hid and followed you." I told her she could stay a few nights then I'd help her find her way to another outpost I know of and she liked that. I let her sleep in my cot and I watched the entrance and set up all the traps for the night and layer next to my new gun I watched her all night and she really shook around all night. Must have been a really traumatic attack the Selliks were viscous to that outpost I fell asleep not long after and woke up to screaming I jumped and she was flipping around in the cot then she popped up and said "oh oh it's not real" I looked over and said "seeing there faces and death replaying in your mind." She nodded and said "how did you know" "it happened to me I haven't had that nightmares for like 4 months." She nodded and said "so you live here all alone" I nodded and said "ya I do but that's the only way I like it if you live alone you don't get attached so you don't go through loss."
I then walked out to find some meat I wasn't about to try and eat some Sallik tail with that fucked up sticky shit. I grabbed my machete and my 45. and went looking for something I walked proudly about half way to the Missoula when I found some fresh deer carcass I grabbed meat off it cut around where something had eaten it and chopped its antlers off. I looked around for any sign of the creature but found nothing for all I know It could have just been mountain lion there fucking everywhere. I headed back to the cave with the antlers and meat and armed my trap and added the antlers for noise if anything came in went into the back and started a fire to cook with. I glanced over at M and she was sitting writing in her own journal seems like a lot of people do it for me it kinda keeps me sane she must have a lot to work out in that journal of hers. After she stayed for a couple nights I told her I could get her to an outpost and give her some stuff she could trade or use to get on a caravan so I gave her one of my Gnarl claws. We walked all the way to Missoula and I looked back at her and said "hey you gonna be ok when I get you to the outpost." She nodded and said "it won't be the first time I've been on my own." We walked threw the broken down town and then saw the outposts walls and I said "there it is let's see if we can't get you on some caravan" we spent a couple hours intel she told me to go saying she was going to be ok. I left right after and went back to my solitary life of living in a cave I had absolutely no problem with it but got to admit she was great company but I had only one priority living. I settled back into my cave pulled out the Sellik tail and scraped the fucking sticky shit off and I put it in an empty jar I don't know what I'll use it for but it could come in handy but the thing I don't get is how they overran a outpost. I mean a god damn outpost I guess they can climb but that place had freaking big ass fucking guns plus what drove a bunch of reptilian creatures all the way up to cold Montana. I fell asleep that night scared and had the dream again I hadn't had it for 6 months it's so vivid I'm with my dad, two brothers, and sister plus a couple other people we were walking threw a small town called Heber we didn't even hear them but a pack of 7 Gnarls jumped us the first grabbed my father and then they got my sister I cut one up pretty bad she almost made it if there hadn't been so many I only survived because I killed on and got stuck under its body took me an hour to get out from under it by then all I found were bloody corpses they didn't even do it for food just to kill I'll never get that image out of my mind. I jumped up in shock after the dream panting in terror it scares me every time I have to live threw that image in my mind after what happened I lived with another group for awhile kinda fell in love with a girl but they died to a month after I was with them that's when I swore off living with others.