The Survival Journal of Marcus Cutter


Today when I sat up I glanced outside my cave and noticed there were Selliks staking out my cave I could see the leaves falling in more than 8 places now I can sort of see how they took the outpost proudly tried to attack saw the defenses and then sat outside waiting. I sat down and watched the entrance and had a spare bucket for my electric trap I had but they could just use the ceiling I know that they know that but I beleve they also know I got a big gun and small kill zone I watched them then got fed up put a planks over the water and walked over. Took a couple shots and nothing fell out. I them walked around in the woods for hours intel I decided I needed to go look at the outpost I walked and walked I could hear all sorts of noises then I heard the weirdest one as I came out of the clearing. The fires weren't all out then I heard speech it wasn't English but it was speech so I walked up to the gate and peeked in and I couldn't tell what it was but wasn't human the were bulky and a darkish purple and there legs and arms were made of rubble. They were talking near some sort of ship they didn't notice me but I do believe I know what actually attacked as well as why the Selliks are this far from any desert they proudly blew a hole in the defences and then released the Selliks.
I listened to them and couldn't understand a thing then I heared a bigger voice that echoed in my head I peeked and saw another one a little slimmer and its legs were longer and made of nothing they glowed a bit and seemed like pure energy. I listened to him in my head and little by little it became understandable I started to hear him and know what he was saying then I heard him say "gula Tokla human listening" I peeked and he was pointing over at me and started running at me I turned and booked it to the woods sat at a tree and then heard a loud roaring noise I peeked around the tree and there were three of them looking around then saw the ship in the air it dropped down they got on and flew away. Then another Roar I watched and then some big ass motherfucking beast came busting out of the gates looked sort of like a boar it had a mane and began sniffing around then it turned toward me and roared again so I took off. I ran as fast as I could just hearing it all the time sniffing and breaking trees. After 4 hours of that I got into my cave set my traps and waited then listened to it poke around the entrance it could get in but not threw the skinny passage leading to my living area I sat there for two hours it didn't give up just waited the cave does go deeper but I blocked it off a while ago i wasn't sure if anything had been living down there or if there was another way out.
I cleared away to Wooden boards I cover it up with grabbed my guns and food and headed out walking threw the dark with a flashlight in one hand a 45. in the other and a 50 cal. on my back along with a backpack with a case of ammo I was moving slow but I wasn't leaving the gun I may sell it but I'm not leaving it. I walked threw the dark for 15 min then saw light and walked into only a bit of me hoped I was dead and it took this long to find my way to heaven when I stepped into it looked up and saw a hole 9 feet up i took off my pack and gun tied some rope around it and climbed up to it and pulled as hard as I could to get my fucking shit out.
I loaded back up and walked south east.
I have not done anything for months and didn't write for a few months sorry for the gap whoever finds this but it's been two months since I left the cave I am now somewhere near Portland Texas took 33 days to walk down here I was about 24 days in when I passed by Denver Colorado and thought what if I get to the sea and leave America maybe the aliens didn't hit everywhere maybe there is somewhere better but when I got here I realized there aren't really boats or planes. I've been living in a cargo ship and when I found it I realized another reason when I found the boat it was about 30 feet off the shore turned sideways with a giant fucking bite mark in it.
So I'm sleeping in a boat where a shit ton of people died and but so is about every building this is a steel fortress one man fortress but at least I can see anything coming and there isn't any way in here exept for a rope and that's a 30 foot climb. I do wonder if it's would be ok to have others if I didn't get attached but I guess that would happen one way or another so I stay in my boat keep my head down and try not to let anything or anyone know where I live. Stay to my own stay out of the eye of other survivors I haven't seen one person since I got out here well at least outside if the outpost I trade at they keep offering me tons for my 50 cal but I'm not trading it because I'm terrified what could live 50 feet from me. It's pointed at the sea and always loaded I stare at the sea still wondering if anywhere else is doing better I mean I found a colony of like 80 people in Denver they are pretty well off. So I wonder how every else is doing I mean Russia made there metro system a freaking nuke bunker there must be someone better out there but no way to get there there is something giant in the ocean. I've thought of a plane I've never seen anything flying but I guess the aliens have ships so maybe they shoot me down and die in a fiery crash but maybe I make it somewhere. Then I heard something clinking up the side of my ship I ran out and looked over and saw a guy I loaded my gun and yelled "Hey dumbass this ship is taken" he slid right down the rope and ran then I thought shit now people will know I'm here I grabbed my gun and mounted it pointing the other way so I could shoot anything coming from that way seems a lot more likely.