The Survival Journal of Marcus Cutter

Ch. 4

I stare at the sea wanting to see something I don't want to I guess but I really want to see that there is nothing and maybe I could go out to sea to a new place otherwise I got to try my hand at flight. I sat on top and then heard a voice yell "Hey crazy guy with the gun I'm a trader slash scavenger that's the only reason I tried to climb I was curious if you wanted to trade" I walked over and sat on my gun and said "sure come up let's see what you got" when he got up and looked at me and said "wow what the fuck is that" "it's my big ass gun I got it in Montana" he nodded and I said "I want a to ask u some stuff and the we canSelliks trade" he looked at me and said "ok what to you want to know." "Ok first question do you know where I can find a workable boat with a reinforced steel hull" he shook his head then I said "ok how about a plane that could be fixed or already workable." He looked at me and said "we'll there may be some workable or fixable in a private airport." I nodded and jumped down and said ok ill show you to my showroom I'm joking" we walked down my tilted hallways and room full of loot I found he looked around and said how the hell did you get this place first." I looked at him and said "we'll the giant motherfucking teeth marks people proudly thought what ever did it was near by. He looked around and said"ok we'll how about a couple guns and I can get you a truck" I looked at him and said "these guns are rare a couple are fully automatic but I do know the appeal of a truck how big exactly" he looked at me and said "it's biggish so your trading a truck for guns" we walked around and I came up with a little plan so I told him "ok what about 4 guns 2 auto and 2 semi for the truck fully gased and a map of the area." He thought for a second and nodded his head and said "deal but I'm going to back with more stuff" I nodded and said "when can expect my truck and map" he just said I'd get it so I also asked him if he knew anyone with tons of scrap.
After another month I learned about my neighbors and realized others are helpful I've met the local trader he is usually is out getting rare shit and trading my gun I also know of a guy who lives in a scrapyard he got me metal to make an entrance a pully system garage on the back of my boat. I found gold fully auto guns but I don't have many left this boat is almost tapped out I need to set up somewhere to get a plane I still want out of here. I walked about a mile then I could see hangers in the distance but then I saw one of the big boars I saw in Montana I took to calling it a Beast in the distance I got down and saw him sniffing around then I noticed the orange main had a bit of a burned bit and in his hooves I noticed metal bits. I saw it sniffing and kept moving closer to me it was the same one from Montana it must have been searching for me but I don't remember passing this airfield but then again I remember being hunted around that time so I traveled at night because for once it was humans that wanted me dead. I looked at the boar noticing it's long tusks had strange small barbs on it and then I noticed it the Maine was the only fur on it the rest was like hairless rough skin. I turned back decided I would hide out in my boat until it leaves or intel I can find a way to kill it but I don't know what to call it I don't think anyone's seen one of these at least not in this area. I got back to my ship and climbed my rope and then saw that someone had been here they left the door open I snuck inside and looked around then I heard a truck and ran outside and saw my trader friend pulling up and then heard thumping looked in the distance and saw the creature coming it smashed the truck into my boat. Then it stuck its tusks into the truck and hurled it away and then ran and stuck it's tusks back into it and threw it into the boat again and them stomped the truck again and again. I ducked down and heard the beast sniffing around the it rammed my ship I ran grabbed my machine gun ran down to my treasure room and grabbed a couple of the guns I had left. Ran down to my truck threw the guns in and then some of my other stuff and opened my hatch and slowly drove out then I could hear cracking and the boat was falling over and the bad news was I was on the backside so I stepped on it and barely cleared the boat but I had to make noise so it knew I was out. I floored it down the beach looked in the review mirror and saw the beast behind me it really wanted me dead but luckily for me I know where a den of Gnarls are maybe they will like the beast. I floored by the building and honked as I past looked in the rear view and saw them coming then watched as the beast just ran its tusks threw the Gnarls they didn't even stand a chance a couple clawed him up but didn't even slow him. As I looked in the rear view mirror I could see him gaining on me he began swinging his head back and forth and then as I looked in the mirror I saw him right behind me he swung his head smashing the back of the truck I screamed as I spun threw the air then as i looked out of the truck all I could see was water then as the truck crashed into the ocean.