Status: In progress!

I'll Paint You Wings.


"Leave me alone, Sean."
"Damn it Kay, give me my stuff back!"
"I don't have your shit. I gave you back everything of your's that I had."
"Don't fucking lie to me, you bitch."
He slammed me into the wall behind the small pop up stage, hitting my head against the hot metal.
“Ouch. Fuck. Sean, leave me alone or I'm going to call the police. I don't have your shit."
He slapped me. I tried to restrain my yelp, but I whimpered anyway. He smirked.
“This is why I broke up with you, you asshole. Always hitting me when you don't get your way, you childish prick,” I screamed at him. The bastard drew his hand back again, but this time it was curled into a fist. I braced myself for the impact. Suddenly, I heard a man's voice and footsteps coming around the corner. Sean dropped his arm quickly, but kept his hold on my shoulders so I couldn't run.
Hey! What the hell is going on here? Did you just fucking hit her?" The guy yelled to Sean as he approached. I looked up and made eye contact with sleepy brown eyes, and nodded slightly.
That was the first time I saw my accidental knight in shining armor, Jack Barakat.
♠ ♠ ♠
so this is my chapter fic! It is completed, I'm just in the process of editing it and outlining the sequel. comments and constructive criticism are welcome!

xo Sam.