Status: In progress!

I'll Paint You Wings.

The Show.

I couldn't believe it. I was holding Jack Barakat's hand, getting ready to watch All Time Low from the front. Under normal circumstances, I would be freaking out. Now, I felt a little numb. I was still kind of startled over the events of that morning. My face hurt. Why is he doing this? He could get any girl here, but instead he is caring for me.
"Kay?" Jack said, pulling me from my thoughts.
"Yeah?" We had arrived at the door to get back stage. He handed my a lanyard. Attached was a yellow card that had MANAGEMENT: M. FLYZIK printed on it.
"This will get you past the barricade. Don't worry about what it says. Flyzik gives it out to a pretty girl every show. Security shouldn't object." He flashed me a grin that made my stomach drop. In a good way, of course.
"Will you be okay by yourself until the show starts or do you want to hang backstage with us?" He asked. His expression showed legitimate concern.
"I should be fine by myself." I said. I couldn't help but grin at him. He pulled me into a hug and I prayed he couldn't feel my heart pounding.
I made my way to the front of the mainstage and around to the side of the crowdI flashed a security guard my pass. He made a sort of grunt, but led me to a locked gate that led to the standing area between the stage and the barricade. Coincidentally, I got a spot right in front of where Jack normally stands. Sweet. I'll get to make faces at him while he performs. I got out my camera and took a few pictures of random stuff to pass the time. About twenty minutes later, several girls began screaming on the other end of the stage. I looked up to see the guys walking out. First Alex, followed by Jack, Zack, and Rian, respectively. Jack was scanning the pit, and he grinned when our eyes locked. My heart fluttered and I waved. The band took their places and Rian began to drum out the first beats to Lost In Stereo.
"She works for the weekend. Mixtape of her favorite band. Tearin' up the radio, lost in the stereo sound. She's trouble in a tank top, pretty little time bomb, blowin' up, take you down." Alex sang. This was my favorite song. Several times, Jack would look down at me and smile, and each time he did I would snap a picture of him. The song ended and Alex began with the opening introductions.
"Hello." Several girls screamed back. "Lemme just say, you guys fucking rock for staying and partying with us all day. Its hotter than Jack's balls out here."
"That's true!" Jack said into his own mic. "They're stuck to my legs." I giggled.
"Anyway, we're All Time Low!" More fangirl screams. "I'm Alex. This sexy mofo to my right is Jack, on guitar." At this, a couple hundred bras and other various pieces of lingerie were flung in Jack's general direction. A few of them hit me, which made Jack laugh. He hung a bunch on his mic stand.
"That really buff guy on the other side of Alex is Zack, on bass." Jack said. "And, in the back, is the one and only Rian Dawson, on drums." At the mention of his name, Rian began to wail on his drums for a solid minute or so, until he dropped one of his sticks. The entire place erupted into screams and cheers. The band then went into Stella. I couldn't help but think how much I was actually enjoying myself without Sean.
Thirteen songs and two encore's later, the show was over. Rian threw one of his drumsticks into the crowd and Jack followed with his extra picks. The guys walked off into the backstage area and I walked over to a stairwell at the end of the gap. I walked up them and ended up in a hallway hidden from the crowd. At the end of the hall, there was a door labelled BACKSTAGE ACCESS. AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY. I looked down at my lanyard. That seemed like authorization enough, so I tried the handle. It was unlocked, so I went in to find Jack.
"Kay!" a voice shouted. Suddenly, I was engulfed by a sweaty Jack hug. "Did you enjoy the show?" he asked.
"Of course I did!" I said. Actually, it was probably one of the best concerts of my life. But I didn't tell him that. "I took a bunch of really great pictures."
"What was your favorite song?" he asked as he let me free from his sweaty embrace.
"Um...probably For Baltimore." I said.
"That's awesome." He said. "Hey, we have all day tomorrow off, so the guys and I were going to grab a few drinks at this bar we know in the city. You wanna join us?" He asked, then added, " are legal, right? How old are you?"
I laughed, "I'm twenty-three. And I would love to go for drinks with you guys."
"Great! Do you know where The Pageant is?"
Of course I know where The Pageant is. I had seen All Time Low and countless other bands perform there since I was in middle school. But I didn't say this.
"Yeah! I'll meet you there. I need to get my car and stuff. What time?"
"Meet us around 7:00?" He asked, hopefully.
That gave me an hour and a half. "Sounds great!" I said with a grin. I turned to walk away.
"Oh, wait! Can I have your number in case things change at all?" He asked with that same hopeful tone.
"Of course." I said. "Trade phones with me. I'll put mine in." I said as I handed him my iPhone. After I put it in and got my phone back, I walked out of the door and headed to the parking lot. I cannot believe what just happened. I just gave Jack Barakat my phone number and I'm about to go drinking with All Time Low at The Pageant. What a night.