I'm Not Insane

I'm Not Insane

I looked around the house full of people in black or red, my grandfather's family here to see him to his final resting place. Carmine Mitchell Tantos the great singer. Also the greatest grandfather in the world, and he was gone. I had no one left to make sure I was safe, to make sure I was never alone again.

"What in the hell are you doing?" My step-sister Cordelia grumbled as she walked down the stairs slowly in her black satin dress.

"Nothing," I stated softly as I looked up at her, her ringlets of dark brown hair fell in her face as she looked down at me. "What are you doing?"

"Having a life," she chuckled. "I went to call my boyfriend, what's wrong with you?"

"My grandfather just died," I grumbled looking away at the casket in the living room of our house. "He was the only one that got me."

"What's to get geek, you're slow, quiet and probably mentally deficient," she laughed sarcastically.

"He would have said don't let her get you down Connie, you're better than that," I glanced up at Cordelia with glossy eyes. "And I would have said I'd rather say at least I have a brain and I'm not like a carousel, every man hasn't taken a spin on me."

"Whatever," she laughed even though it was obvious it hurt a little to her ego. "What was so special about you that he liked better than me."

"Obviously I have a heart," I whispered as I looked back to the living room, "But it was because he believed me when I told him my secrets."

"And that would be?"

"Something you'll never know," I said in a heartbeat.

"Come on Constance, don't you want you and me to ever become close, I need to know you're secrets and you need to know mine."

I looked away from the living room back to her overly worked on face that had to bright rouge and too little concealer on it, and thought it over. "If I tell you, will you believe me?"

"Sure I will sis," she smiled as she crossed her legs and sat on the stairs steps with me. "What's to believe anyhow? Tell big sister."

"Alright," I looked down at my hands that were together in my lap and sighed, hesitant to tell my deepest secret that only one person knew, and they took it to the grave. "I can see things, things that are going to happen."


"Their called visions, premonitions are what grandfather said. He said only a select few people have them and they are to be treasured deeply because I can help people with it, he said Nostrodomas had something similar to it and look what that got him, books and history made on him."

"That's stupid," she chuckled. "I don't believe you."

"I thought you said you would," I whispered as I looked over at her, and froze.

"Constance?" I heard her voice, faded by the images playing before me. Not all my visions were clear, some I couldn't even see, but some. Some I could. But the one playing now was vague and foggy, I could make out a white room, inside the white room was a girl with brown, medium long hair. She was sad it felt, she was screaming in pain with her arms strapped behind her in what looked like a straight jacket. She was screaming Tommy over and over. And then it disappeared and Cordelia was in front of me looking very scared. "What's wrong with you?"

"I had a vision," I whispered. "I don't know what it was about though; it was just a girl in a white room screaming."

"God!" she said wide eyed as she bounced off the steps and ran down them frantically, I watched her silently as she ran into the living room and stood in front of my step-mother Bernice. She talked fast and gestured wildly before her finger pointed directly at me, and both of their heads turned to match, and then they walked away to the kitchen.

"Oh what have I done," I whispered.
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