I'm Not Insane

I'm Not Insane

"Mhm," I giggled. "It tickled."

"It tickled?" he smiled as he leaned down and kissed my neck softly. "That tickle?"

"A little," I giggled as he ran both hands gently up and down my sides, trying to get a rise out of me or a squeal.

“How about this?” He ran his fingers up the side of my breast, causing me to squirm and squeak.

"Thomas," I giggled as he chuckled in satisfaction as he leaned down and kissed the side where his hand was. "Thomas?"


"What are you doing?"

"Unhooking your bra.”

"O-oh okay," I nodded slowly as he unhooked it and pulled it from underneath my sweater again.

"Is it okay with you?" he asked softly as I turned to look into his gorgeous eyes.

"Its fine," I whispered softly as he pulled off my sweater, leaving only my tank top. "What are you going to do now Thomas?"

“Well,” He put his hands on my pants button. “Take off your pants?”

I nodded as he unbuttoned the top button, the one day they let us wear pants and it’s the day he gets to take my pants off, which takes longer. "Now what?"

"I'm going to let you take my shirt off," he explained as he placed my hands on his shirt, where the buttons where, since he wore a button up white shirt and white pants. I quickly unbuttoned him down to the bottom, where I got frustrated and ripped the last off. "Well, I guess that's one way."

"I get easily upset with those kinds of things," I smiled as he grinned and picked me up again. "Now what?"

"I want you to let me kiss you," he whispered kissing my lips once, "And the rest will just happen."

“Oh,” I nodded slowly. “Okay.”

He nodded again as he kissed my lips, pressing me against the wall as he slowly trailed kisses down my neck to my chest, then my shoulders and back. After a little while of exploring he set me down and grabbed my hands, putting them to his belt buckle. I understood the hint and took off the belt and unbuttoned the button and unzipped the zipper, then slid the pants down. He grabbed my hands again and put them behind his neck as he grabbed my hips and picked me up, putting me back around his waist. "Now," he whispered as he kissed my earlobe. "What do you want to do?"

“Uh,” I thought. “Pull down our underwear?”

"Now you're getting it," he whispered, his raspy voice deeper and more huskily than before. Almost to damn sexy, he sat me back down and leaned down, pulling down my underwear, while kissing my leg as he went down to pull them off, then stood back up as I leaned down and pulled his off.

“So,” I blushed furiously. “Now what?”

“We make love.”

I blushed even more as he pulled off my tank top, leaving me as bare as I was when I came into this world, just add on some new parts to the new body, he smiled as he slid his hands down my arms and picked them up at my hands and placed them around his neck, "Will you be gentle? I've never done this before."

“I will be, I promise.”

I nodded slowly as he lifted me up and leaned me against the wall as he kissed my lips while slowly positioning me, and then slowly he entered, I gasped slightly as a pang of pain surged through me, he paused letting me get used to the feeling before he started a rhythm of pleasure. "Thomas," I whimpered as he kissed my lips again.

"I’m sorry for hurting you Constance," he whispered as he rubbed my hip gently while gradually getting faster, it catching his breath from time to time.

"It feels amazing, don't be sorry," I whispered back as I pulled myself closer, pressing every inch of skin against his, he pressed my back against the wall and used it as he gripped my hips and thrust deeper, pain hit a couple times but the feeling of pleasure overpowered it as I closed my eyes and lived in the moment, letting everything surrounding me soak into my memories, the feel of his skin, the touch of his hands, the way he felt inside and the smell of his own mixing with his cologne, all of that could drive a girl mad. The only question was, was he mine or was he just, mine for now?

"You were amazing," Thomas laid his head on my shoulder as his body gave out and he rested against the wall, weak from the loving he gave and received.

"Thank you Thomas," I whispered kissing his neck. "I'll always remember this."

“I will, too,” He nodded slowly. “I… I love you.”
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