I'm Not Insane

I'm Not Insane

"I'm sorry," I whispered as I looked away. "I didn't mean—I'm very sorry," I walked away and sat down beside another patient who was watching the TV, fascinated by the news. "What's you're name?"

"Leana Silver," she looked over at me with droopy eyes. "You don't seem crazy, why are you on fifth floor?"

“According to, well, everyone,” I began. “I am crazy.”

“Don’t worry,” Leana smiled. “We all are. I black out a lot, and I’m supposedly delusional. So if I begin to act strange, sorry.”

“It’s okay,” I nodded slowly and looked at her up and down. She wasn’t the girl in the white jacket, why do I feel like I’ve seen her before.

"Why do you keep looking at me like that?" she chuckled slightly.

"I feel like I know you," I sighed. "Oh right, I'm Constance Tantos, I'm in here because I see things."

"Delusions?" she questioned turning in the couch to look at me.

"No," I shook my head slowly, "Visions, premonitions of what happens in the future."

"Cool, I’ve never meet someone like you before.”

“Why do you talk like that? Like we’re animals?”

“Well,” She pursed her lips. “It’s how I was raised. Like we were some reject species.”

"I know what you mean," I sighed as I looked around the room, watching all the real mental people make noises, point at the air and scream. "I hate this place."

"I hate that they keep us drugged up, I could be better if they would let me breathe every now and then," Leana sighed heavily. "Who put you in here?"

"My step-sister told my step-mom I was crazy and they threw me in here," I rolled my eyes. "I knew I shouldn't have told her."

“I attempted to keep it to myself,” She shrugged. “But when I pass out in the middle of a hallway and begin babbling on about the holocaust, there’s something obviously wrong.”

“You did that?”

“In the middle of Wal-mart!” Leana grinned.

“You seem a little… Happy,” I said slowly. “Too happy to be here.”

"It's the medicine," she sighed sadly. "I used to be really laid back and then they put me on Prozac and what happens? I'm Miss Ray of sunshine."

"I'm glad they didn't give me that," I groaned as I leaned back. "Who is you're attendee?"

"Thomas, he's a nice guy. I think he's kind of cute don't you?" she grinned. "Not that he'd ever date a crazy like me."

"Don't cut yourself short," I shook my head.

"I think you'd have a chance, he was very nice to you," she smiled. "I'm also an eavesdropper."

“Good to know,” I smiled softly.

“Leana,” Thomas turned off the TV and stood in front of her.

“Time for meds?” Leana tilted her head to the side and sighed heavily.

“Sadly,” He nodded as she stood up and looked to me.

“See you later?”

“Sure,” I said as she waved goodbye.

"That's very nice of you to befriend Leana," Thomas kneeled in front of the couch I sat on and gazed over at Leana who was skipping to the medicine counter. "She doesn't have many friends."

"She's nicer than most people down on first floor," I stated. "I tend to go for nicer than less crazy."

"I can see why, they make you feel better," he smiled. "If you want, I'll point you out to some people you can make friends with."

"If you want too," I felt a smile reach my eyes, for the first time in over six months.

"Its my pleasure," he smiled as he patted my hand and pointed to the left. "Davis Daniels, he's psychotic, hears voices but he's one of the nicest people here."

"I believe voices aren’t the worst you can have," I murmured.

"It's not," he laughed as he pointed a few feet away from Davis. "Alexandria Perdue, she's schizophrenic, but she's kind."

“They all seem nice,” I nodded slowly, Leana walking back over and smiling.
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