I'm Not Insane

I'm Not Insane

“Thomas, the nurse said you had to tell me something?”

“Yeah, Leana,” He stood up straight and took a deep breath. “They’re switching your attendee.”

“Oh,” She looked around. “To who?”

“I’m not sure,” He shrugged. “I’ll tell you as soon as I find out, though.”

“Okay,” She nodded, turning to me. “So what’s up?”

“Nothing much,” I sighed. “There’s not much to do here, is there?”

“I read a lot, and listen to music,” Leana explained. “There’s a library down one floor, and my mom had gotten me an iPod. I also keep a journal, not sure if it’s your thing, but it keeps me busy for about an hour.”

"I've never kept a journal," I shrugged as Thomas stood up. "Thank you Thomas."

"You're welcome," he smiled as he waved at us. "I'll be over here if you need anything."

"Okay," I froze, the vision was back again, but it was changed more. The same white room, white straightjacket covering the girl, but besides the girls screams there was a males screaming let her go over and over again. Before fire flew up in the fog and it faded.

"Did you have a vision thing?" Leana asked wide eyed. "You just went all, zombie and then you're eyes turned bright blue, almost white."

“Uh,” I shook my head.

“Are you okay?” Leana asked.

“Oh, yeah,” I nodded. “Just a-“

“Vision? Cool.”

"Not really," I wrapped my arms around my waist and hugged myself, feeling cold all over suddenly. That usually happened when I had visions, but it would go away soon.

"Are you okay?" she asked again, reaching over to grab a hand. "I'll get Thomas."

"No!" I shouted. "They'll think I'm crazy even more and give me the shock treatment," I started to hyperventilate. "I can't do that."

"Thomas is different, he talks us through it," she whispered as she stood up and walked over to the nurse's station, and then walked back with the well built Thomas.

"What's going on Constance?" he questioned quietly as he kneeled in front of me, grabbing my hand.

"You'll think I really am crazy, my sister did," I whispered.

“No, I won’t,” He shook his head, his eyes seemed silver now.


“Yes,” He nodded. “What’s wrong?”

"I was put in here because I can see visions, visions of something that can happen in the future and I don't know how to read them," I sighed, "My grandfather was the only one who knew, he loved that about me. He said I was a special girl to have such a wonderful gift, he died six months ago, I had a vision in front of my step-sister. I had told her I had them but she didn't believe me, but when I had one in front of her the day of my grandfather's funeral, she told my step-mom I was crazy and they sent me here," I turned to Thomas and took a deep breath. "I'm not crazy, I'm just different."

“It’s okay,” He pulled me into a hug. “None of you guys are crazy, just different.”

“Then why are we here?” I asked, tears pooling in my eyes.

“The world just won’t accept us,” Leana chimed in. “But we’re here for each other. That’s all that matters.”

"How often do you have visions?" Thomas asked as Leana skipped over to the coffee table and grabbed a book.

"I've had seven while I've been here," I whispered. "Once a month, but this month twice."

"What are they usually about?" he questioned as he pulled up a chair and sat beside the couch.

"It's usually faded, I can't see it but I can figure out most of it, it's been about a girl in white sitting in a white room screaming," I sighed. "And afterwards I get really cold."

“Weird,” Leana flipped a few pages. “Very weird.”

“Yeah,” I nodded slowly. “I just wish I knew what it meant.”

"We'll figure it out," Thomas patted my hand. "Everyone here is small minded, they don't see a real person like I do, they choose to see their disorders that are written on a paper, their isn't a thing wrong with you Constance."

"How long am I here for?" I whispered looking up at Thomas with emotionless eyes, they were always blank.
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