I'm Not Insane

I'm Not Insane

"I'm sorry honey," she sighed again as she placed a few cords and wires on my skin. "It'll be okay."

"Thomas said I wasn't crazy," I whispered.

"Sweetie," Another nurse sighed heavily and looked away. "I'm sorry."

"Please," I whispered again as I looked back and forth to the woman. "I'm not crazy, I'm not delusional, I just seen things, but their real."

"Alright, let gets this ready," Richard walked in and slapped his hands together as he walked up behind a desk, where both men were. "Start it up."


“Ready?” He looked to me.

“No…” I whimpered with teary eyes.

"Well," he shrugged his shoulders and suddenly, all I felt was pain. Everywhere was pain and stinging.

"Ah!" I screamed. "Tommy! You said you wouldn't let this happen."

"Higher," Richard demanded. "Two notch."

"But sir—"

"Do it."

“Sir, that’s a-“

“Just do it!”

"No," I cried as the pain radiate throughout my body, all I could do was scream after that.

It went on for longer than thirty minutes, the pain never ending unless the orderly asked Richard if it was enough, he was tired of seeing me in pain. But right as they started it up again, the door opened and someone came charging in, ripping the controls from the orderly. "What are you doing?! She's not medically inclined for this treatment Richard!"

"Thomas," I whispered.

“This isn’t right, Harry!” He screamed.

“Thomas,” Richard cleared his throat. “It had to be done.”

"No it didn't," Thomas growled as he walked away from him, over to me. Pulling the wires and cords off while glaring at nothing in particular. "I'm sorry."

"You didn't," I shivered as another tingly wave rushed through my shocked system. "Do it."

"But I could have stopped it," he grunted as he leaned down and picked me up, bridal style and then walked for the door, but stopped and turned to Richard. "She's my patient Richard; you have no say so when it comes to treatments of mine."

"She's mine on the weekends Thomas."

"Not anymore," he shook his head as he pushed the door open and walked out.

“Thomas,” I clung to him for dear life and shook. “Thank you… So much.”

“You’re welcome,” He nodded, Leana running up to us.

“Oh my god!” She cried. “Are you okay? I’m so sorry I couldn’t stop them!”

"I hate this place," I whispered as Leana grabbed on of my hands and walked with Thomas to my room. "Richard kept turning it up; the nurses didn't want him too."

"He did wrong," Thomas sighed heavily. "I'll make sure my grandfather knows it."

"Who's you're grandfather?" Leana asked as Thomas sat me on the bed, but I couldn't let go of him. My muscles were stiff.

"Carl Cutler, he owns this place," he said removing my hands from his neck; he rubbed the side of my hand and smiled gently. "I'm just glad I came back when I did."

"Weren't you on a date?" I whispered.

"No," he chuckled. "Unless you call taking you're sister out for lunch, a date."

“Oh,” I hid my smile as Leana chuckled. "I just assumed."

"It happens," he smiled as he grabbed my hand and looked at Leana. "Thank you for coming and getting me."

"How did you manage that?" I cleared my throat.

"He was walking through the front door as I complained to James."

“And he let you go?”

“Yes,” She nodded. “I kissed his cheek. He was in such shock he stood there and told me to just leave.”

"Oh," I nodded and shivered again. "How long will I be twitching?"

"For a little," Thomas sighed as he looked over at me. "I'll talk to my grandfather about getting you out too."

"What about Leana?" I whispered.

“There’s not much I can do for her,” He sighed. “I’m so sorry."

"I'll be fine," Leana shrugged with a soft smile. "I've been in here for four years, I've grown used to it, just visit me."

"I can't leave you," I whispered twitching my arm again; I took a deep breath and looked down at my arm before looking back at her. "I'll get you out."

“No, no,” She shook her head and looked over to James. “It’ll be okay.”

"No it won't," I said softly as I followed her gaze. "He may be nice to look at for you but what happens if he quits or he turns into a meanass?"

"I don't know," she said softly. “I kinda like it here. It’s the first time I’ve ever really had friends or an actual family.”

"If you get out with me, you can stay we me and we'll be sisters," I smiled as I grabbed her hand. "My grandfather left all his money to me, and only me."

"Who's you're grandfather?"

"Carmine Tantos, the singer," I smiled, reminding her again, she forgot most days.

“Oh,” She smiled softly. “He had such a beautiful voice. I used to sing them to myself at night, they’d put me to sleep.”

"I was lucky, he sang me to sleep as a child, his daughter was my mother, she died when giving birth to me so he practically raised me, my father was sort of a man whore and found my step-mom, he forgot about me but never did my grandfather," I smiled at Leana then Thomas. "He would have liked you both."

“That’s good to know,” She nodded. “Really good.”

"Yeah," I smiled as Thomas held my hand tightly; I looked over at him and smiled. "He would have liked you because you helped me so much."

"I'm only doing my job."

"Its you're day off," I leaned forward and whispered.
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